
Airplanes…… Buzz….

When he saw that the name of the contact on the caller ID on the mobile phone screen was Machida Yuanko, Shinomiyatsuki’s face also changed subtly, silently pretending not to hear it, and letting the vibrating mobile phone and desktop make a sound.

“Don’t answer the phone?”

Mai Sakurajima looked at the strange-looking Shinomiya Moon and kindly reminded Shinomiya Tsuki.

Thinking of the identity of the person on the other side of the phone, Shigongyue was also slightly hesitant.

The other party is his responsible editor, a very terrifying creature.

Machida Yuanko, deputy editor-in-chief of the Immortal River Bunkori, a woman with mature charm all over her body, age is a secret and taboo, single so far, in love and marriage grudge party, is also the current responsible editor of Shinomiya Moon.

In fact, due to the many serious delays in the serialization of the first volume of Shinomiya Moon, that is, “I Can’t Be a False Devil”, it also made this mature and elegant woman often “affectionately” pay attention to the writing status of Shinomiyaki on the phone.

Even every weekend I personally come to the door at 7 a.m. to check the progress of Shinomiyatsuki’s writing, which is like a walking demon.

And the responsible editor of Shinomiya Tsuki, Miss Machida Enko, is a character from the light novel work “How to Cultivate a Passerby Heroine”, and is also the responsible editor of the long-known love light novel master “Kasumi Shiko”.

“It shouldn’t be something important, so I won’t take it.”

Originally said this, but the vibration of the mobile phone has been continuing, there is a tendency for you to hit me if you don’t answer me, plus the rabbit miss Mai Sakurajima in front of her “Oh, is that so” gaze, the tormented Shinomiyatsuki still chose to pick up the mobile phone.

There was no way, Shinomiyazuki had to bite the bullet, walked to the stairs of the library, and picked up the phone.

“Sorry sorry, I thought it was muted before, but I didn’t hear my phone ringing at all.”

Shigong Yue, who instantly changed his face, was also red in the face and told a lie without beating.

“Mute? Then there is no way, then, Bai Yue-sensei, when are you going to hand in your manuscript this month? ”

On the phone, came the “kind” voice unique to mature women.

“Eh! It’s too polite to call the teacher, since it’s Sister Yuanzi, just call my name. ”

Bai Yue is the pseudonym of the world of Shinomiyatsu, and to some extent, it is also his remembrance of the previous world.

“Compared to the title of Sister Yuanzi, I prefer that you can deliver the manuscript on time, thank God if you don’t delay the draft, but Teacher Xia Shizi delivered the manuscript a week ago?”

Shinomiya Yue also smiled a little, and then replied with a commercial smile.

“Haha, yes, Senior Xia Shizi is really powerful, but rest assured, I haven’t dragged the manuscript a few times in total, and this time I will definitely submit the manuscript on time before the deadline.”

No way, life is not easy, if not for life, who wants to be so “humble”?

“Last time, you seem to have said the same, right?”

“Well, but you seem to have more to explain than me, in the return evaluation of the twelve serialized works last month, readers gave your works the highest quality rating, even above the ‘Kasumi Shizi’ teacher, but the same your updated evaluation also created the lowest score in the history of the Immortal River Bunko, and there are some letters of ‘concern’ for the physical condition of Shirayuki Sensei, do you need me to read it to you?”

Machida Atom still said without hurry.

When the last volume of the novel was serialized, Shinomiyazuki dragged on a total of five times, of which it was delayed four times on the grounds of physical discomfort, and one time without reason.

However, due to Shinomiyatsuki’s unique sand sculpture funny style novel, the current attitude of readers in the entire neon light novel industry towards him can be described as love and hate, the novel is written at the first level, but the drag is also a level one.

The grumpy old brother on the Internet also “cordially” greeted Shigongyue, caring for his health, asking him if he was terminally ill, and a volume of the novel was dragged five times? Such a harmonious scene between readers and authors also made Shinomiyatsuki’s heart feel warm and want to curse.

There are also good deeds looking for the law of the four palaces and moon dragging more, and named it [The physiological period of the old thief of the white moon].

This is not a ruthless person, but even more excessive, directly ran to Shinomiyatsuki’s own blog and threatened to tie him back to some kind of unbearable place, torture him in this way, forcing him to write all the novels at once A criminal manifesto, the terrible thing is that the number of likes exceeded one million, directly to the homepage of the Shinomiyaki blog, even more than the number of his fans.

Such a caring scene from readers and fans also made Shinomiya Yue can’t help but become cautious, since winning the first place in the newcomer tip, as of today, he has not officially appeared once as a light novelist [Hakugetsu] in any public place.

“No need, I can probably think of the content inside, so I won’t bother Sister Yuanzi.”

“Well, before the next deadline, I hope you have completely handed over the novel manuscript to me, otherwise I will have to continue to visit…”

Sure enough, it was a mature woman, obviously a very gentle tone, but hearing Shigongyue’s ears couldn’t help but make him feel the winter chill.

“Really, it seems like I’m the kind of person who procrastinates.”

Shaking his head, Shinomiya Yue, who hung up the phone, returned to his position in the study room in the library.


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