Snake Yumeko?

The surname Snake is quite rare.

At least in the life of the island nation in the more than ten years of Qian Sheng, I have not seen a second person named Serpent.

The name… It’s the same as Momo, and Luoli is all with Kaoru.

The word 喰 is rarely used in modern languages.

It roughly means ‘to eat’, and it is much more convenient to use it in modern language.

Qian Shengyi remembered that he had seen this word in his previous life.

Snake Kaoru and Momo… It seems not without connection.

“Hello, my name is Qian Shengyi.”

Qian Shengichi and the snake Yumeko held their outstretched hands.

He noticed the ring on Yumeko’s thumb… This is the way gamblers like to wear, representing power and self-confidence.

Sure enough, it will not be ordinary people who can transfer to this school.

“Is Qian-san also a second-year student?” Snake Yumeko asked.

“No, I’m in first grade.” Qian Shengyi replied.

“Maybe Qian-san looks too mature, I thought you were a second-year student, if only you could take classes together.”

Being said less by a super mei, most of the boys will satisfy themselves, and then fantasize about starting a singing love story with the mysterious transfer student.

However, Qian Shengyi didn’t feel anything.

“That’s a shame.” Qian Shengyi said, “Sorry, I still have business, I lost company first.” ”

“Then I won’t bother Qian, and I wish you all the best.” Ah, also, if you have the opportunity, I hope that Qian-san can gamble with me! Yumeko clapped her hands together in a gesture of pleading.

From this perspective, she really is… Too big!

Qian Shengyi thought for a moment and said, “Although I only know a little about gambling… But if Kaoru Snake invited me, I would probably say yes. ”

Qian Sheng will win when he has a bet, and so far he has not refused the gambling contract of others.

“Say it’s okay!” Snake Yumeko showed an innocent smile, which was very infectious.

If Qian Shengyi was an ordinary boy, he might be fascinated by her.

Yumeko is a transfer student, and Qian Shengyi has a hunch that this academy will become more chaotic because of her appearance.

If you have to ask why… Aren’t all mysterious transfer students these kinds of plots?

Coming out of the Hundred Flower King Academy, Qian Shengyi went directly to the subway station.

On the way, he took out his phone to search.

Guard the town!

This was originally an inconspicuous town, but the search engine showed a large area of content.

All related to the comet debris disaster three months ago, with more than 100 casualties!

Looking at the contents of the phone, Qian Sheng took the test.

The place where I exchanged the past was indeed called Jingshou Town, but I only stayed there for one day, and I am not sure if it is a town with the same name.

So he needs to go on a field trip!

Located in Gifu Prefecture, not very far from Tokyo, the town of Thermomori can be reached in just over an hour by shinkansen.

Because of the disaster three months ago, it was easy to find a location in this otherwise unknown town.

Qian Shengyi spent three hours, and more than one hour was spent looking for a road in the countryside.

Near noon, Qian Shengyi finally found the town of Ji Shou.

The debris of a comet three months ago turned the town into a devastating disaster.

A month after the disaster, it became a place of concern for tourists, carrying remembrance of the dead.

It’s now three months after the disaster, and tranquility has returned to the town.

It’s a pity that popularity is missing.

As soon as Qian Shengyi came to the playground of the Jieshou Middle School, he looked at the huge crater below, and could imagine how serious that disaster was!

“Can’t be wrong, this is it!”

Looking at the place where he had only come to school yesterday, Qian Shengyi was shocked in his heart.

This department guard town is indeed the department guard town he was in yesterday!

He not only exchanged bodies with Miyamai Mitsuba, but also crossed time!

If I didn’t guess correctly, Miyami Mitsuba may have died in that disaster.

“This joke is big!” Qian Shengyi grabbed his hair and had a complicated mood.

So why let him exchange bodies with the girl before the disaster!

What is the purpose?

“Who can do such a thing? Cami? ”

Qian Shengyi gritted his teeth and did less such self-righteous things!

Do you want him to save the town that is about to be destroyed?!

He is not the savior who saves the world!

Even if he gets great power, he doesn’t have the idea that the more power there is, the greater the responsibility.

This thought may be a little selfish, he just wants to use this strength to make himself live a better life!

Although it is a selfish idea, it is very true.

Qian Sheng was angry with the gods who put themselves in the position of savior, if it was the gods who led all this.

After venting, Qian Shengyi calmed down.

If things really turned out to be the same as he guessed, then the way he wanted to crack the exchange principle was determined.

Saving humanity – although it is a very middle rhetoric, it seems that this is what he will do.

In order to confirm his guess, Qian Shengyi went to the library in Gifu Prefecture and found the roster of those who were killed in the town three months ago.

He found the name of Miyamizu Mitsuba in it.


Qian Shengyi closed the roster and pinched his eyebrows.

“Save the town of Shou Town? This is called a side quest? ”

Honestly, it’s troublesome.

According to his guess, the exchange between him and Miyamizu Mitsuba must be more than yesterday, and this phenomenon may continue until the comet reaches Earth.

“Is there really a god in this world?”

Qian Shengyi, an atheist, fell into confusion.

There is no doubt that there are supernatural powers in this world, and the stand-in mastered by Qian Shengyi is one of them.

However, if there were gods in the world, would the so-called gods be as omnipotent as the myths?


PS: Ask for the first order to customize, ask for flowers to evaluate the monthly pass reward!!

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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