Mobile phones are an indispensable presence in modern society.

Many young people wake up and the first thing they do is check the mobile phone they have at hand.

Miyamizu Mitsuba also has this habit.

Last time, Qian Shengyi left a message on her mobile phone and told her a lot, and said that if the exchange happened again, he would tell her what she could and could not do.

Miyamizu Mitsuba knew that Seiichi Kan was a first-year high school student and she was a third-year.

Now it seems that she has completely returned, and as a senior she has been taught by someone two years younger.

“Any comments?” Miyazhui Mitsuba opened his phone curiously.

It was great that neither she nor Qian Shengyi’s mobile phones had a password.

Miyazhui Mitsuba turned on the recording function of the mobile phone, and the top message was updated last night.

“There really is!”

There was no exchange on Miya Sanya’s side for 15 consecutive days, and in her opinion, Qian Shengyi had left a recording every night for so long.

This character is also too cautious!

“Miss Miyasui, if you hear this recording, please don’t turn on the hands-free, just put the phone to your ear. My sister should still be sleeping, and I don’t want to wake her up. ”

Gongshui Sanye’s expression was strange, and he specially reminded this kind of thing, I am afraid that it is not a sister control!

Although he was complaining in his heart, Miya Shui Sanye still did as Qian Shengyi said and put the mobile phone to his ear.

Qian Shengyi continued: “The one who slept messily on Chuang was my sister, named Bai. You don’t have to take the initiative to tell her about our exchange, anyway, if there is contact, with Miss Miyasui’s situation, it should be easy to see through in vain. ”

Qian Shengyi is full of confidence in Bai, because she is a sister, and her IQ is higher than him.

“What, do you want to say I’m stupid!” Miyamai Sanba pouted.

Miyamizu Mitsuba is indeed not very smart, referring to the aspect of learning.

Qian Shengyi had seen her homework and was at a medium level.

“After the exchange occurs, it doesn’t matter if you stay at home honestly or go out to play, provided you can find your way back.”

“Don’t you have to go to school?” Miyami Mitsuba felt strange.

“You don’t have to go to school, it’s enough for you to know that.” Qian Shengyi continued.

“Schools in Tokyo are dangerous, there is a school that can easily make you carry hundreds of millions of gambling debts, so in order to avoid your curiosity to die, I will not say the name of that school.”

People have a stage called the rebellious period, which usually occurs in adolescent boys and girls, and the more they are asked not to do something, the more they want to do it.

Fortunately, Gongshui Sanye was not such a personality, and she was frightened when Qian Shengyi said hundreds of millions of gambling debts.

“Are schools in Tokyo so scary?”

Qian Shengyi’s message has not ended, and the last content of the message is: “Please help Bai prepare a breakfast, in return, you can use the family’s money casually, and it doesn’t matter if you spend it.” ”


Miyamai Mitsuba was frightened again.

She has seen the family background of the Qian Sheng family, let alone a few millions, can she really use it casually?

Is a breakfast worth so much money?

Tokyoites are really amazing!

“Brother, I’m hungry.”

At this moment, Shiro woke up.

Since Qian Shengyi forced her to go to bed at 11 o’clock every day, Bai’s life routine has become more and more regular.

I will also wake up automatically in the morning because I am hungry.

Miya Shui Mitsuba snorted, and the image of Bai in her eyes was comparable to that of a god.

“Lord Bai, please wait!”

“Lord Bai?” Shiro was confused and felt strange.

“Oh no, Shiro?” Miya Shui Sanba exclaimed tentatively.

“Hmm.” Shiro nodded.

Miyamai Sanba breathed a sigh of relief.

“I’m going to prepare breakfast, what does Bai want to eat?” Miyamizu Mitsuba asked.

Even though he was not very sober, Bai still noticed the unusual of ‘Qian Shengyi’.

It’s like changing people.

Just like there is a system that automatically matches identities, from Bai’s perspective, comparing the current Qian Shengyi with the impression Qian Shengyi, the acquaintance is only 50%.

Half of the similarity is because it looks exactly the same.

Shiro pressed his doubts in his heart and pretended not to know anything.

Miyamiya Mitsuba was obedient and did not go to school.

Being said by Qian Shengyi so terrible, she didn’t even plan to go out shopping alone.

Just stay at home and play games with Bai.

In the afternoon, White Eye, who had played games all day, left the computer.

She said to Miyasui Mitsuba: “Miyasui Mitsuba, I’m hungry.” ”

Gong Shui Sanye was stunned, nodded, and said, “I’ll go cook…”

The air was suddenly quiet.

Gongshui Sanye finally reacted, it seems that what Bai just called was not ‘Qian Shengyi’!

“Why would Shiro know?!” Miyamai Mitsuba shouted in panic.

It was a secret she thought only she and Qian Shengyi knew.

This secret exposure will happen even she knows, maybe it will be grabbed by scientists for slice study!

“Know what?” Shiro asked strangely.

“Why do you know that I am Miyamizu Mitsuba!” Miyamai asked nervously.

“Because I thought it was strange, I looked at my brother’s mobile phone.” There was no change on the white face.

“Wait, that’s weird! This is a soul exchange, which usually doesn’t happen at all! Miyazizu Mitsuba said loudly.

She was curious why Bai was so calm after knowing about this, and could play games with people who were not brothers for a day!

Even if there is a message from Qian Shengyi, the normal situation will be afraid!

Bai said without hesitation: “If it’s brother, no problem.” ”


“Because it’s brother.”

Just as Qian Shengyi believed in Shiro, the girl believed in him unconditionally.

Gongshui Sanye was speechless, inexplicably envious of such a brother-sister relationship.


PS: Ask for the first order to customize, ask for flowers to evaluate the monthly pass reward!!

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