Trick Miyamizu Mitsuba away… To be precise, it is not a fraud.

Qian Shengyi did tell her the current optimal solution.

There are 15 minutes left before the comet debris falls.

Qian Sheng had nothing to do but patiently wait for that moment to come.

To say that you are not nervous in your heart is a lie.

Even if he has a maturity in his heart that is far beyond ordinary people, it is a comet, a foreign object that ordinary people will not touch in their lifetime.

After gravitational acceleration and atmospheric friction, half-sized comet fragments can easily reach the destructive power of missiles!

Mankind is powerless in the face of such natural disasters.

Qian Shengyi is not a savior, and there is no need to sacrifice himself to save others.

His behavior now is based on ensuring his own safety.

Once the gaffe exceeds his expectations, he will run away without hesitation!

In this life, he gained great power, and his wealth and status also stood on a high place.

Such a person must not die easily!

Very selfish ideas, but also very real.

Unlike hypocrites, at least he never considered himself a good person.

“Here it comes!”

The silvery-white arc was conspicuous outside the dark night space, and the outline of the comet could already be clearly seen from Qian Shengyi.

A dozen seconds later, the comet left debris on Earth.


The powerful Supreme Platinum appeared behind Qian Shengyi, looking at the comet getting closer and closer, and the stand-in ability within Qiansheng One surged wildly.

This was by no means a normal reaction, and Qian Shengyi realized this for the first time!

He remembered the origin of the stand-in.

Thousands of years ago, people used meteorite fragments to create arrows that can stimulate the special abilities of the human body, and there is a high probability that they will die if they are shot by this arrow, but there is a small probability that they will awaken a power beyond human beings – Stand!

This is the origin of the stand-in, from the setting in JOJO.

However, the world in which Qian Shengyi is not JOJO is, and the origin of his stand-in is not even clear to him.

Why the stand-in energy in his body reacted in the face of the comet of the foreign object, this kind of thing is not even clear to him.

If I have to explain, it is probably the result of the tightening of the world line.

The ability of the epitaph was launched, and Qian Shengyi saw the future after more than ten seconds.

Comet fragments fell towards his position.

“Is it still time to run?” Qian Shengyi laughed at himself.

The comet fragments are 3000 meters above the ground. By then people had already realized the seriousness, but unfortunately it was too late.

At the speed of comet fragments, it can hit the ground in five seconds!


Qian Shengyi stopped time, in front of the comet did not hit the ground!

However, at this time the comet is too far from the ground, outside the range of the Platinum Star.

“Time returns to flow.”


Stop the time again.

There is no way, Qian Shengyi can only use this method to ensure that he is close enough to the comet.

The Platinum Star is indeed very precise, and may be able to capture the speed of a comet, but Qian Shengyi does not dare to gamble.

In case you can’t keep up with the speed of the comet, you won’t have time to stop time, and Qian Shengyi’s final end will be miserable!

Therefore, such continuous stopping is the most prudent and prudent method.

After repeated time stops, Qian Shengyi finally stopped time at a distance of 50 meters from him.

Stopping comet fragments that speed faster than the speed of sound 50 meters away is something only a platinum star can do!

“It’s still a little reluctant, but I can finally get it!”

Platinum Star took off with him behind Qian Shengyi.

He also couldn’t understand why the stand-in could take people flying, anyway, Hang Ye and JO Taro played like this, and Kan Shengichi also followed suit.

There are limits to the Platinum Star taking people into the air. This can only be done during time stops, and how much distance can be moved during stop times are all limitations.

50 meters is the limit, and no matter how much you do it, even the time stop will be lifted.

Close to the comet fragments, although fragmented, it is the size of half a football field.

From a distance of several meters, Qian Shengyi could feel the strong aura wave coming from this meteorite.

This is the temperature generated by intense friction with air!

“Anyway, try the Platinum Star first.”

Qian Shengyi drove the platinum star, and the sandbag-sized fist kept smashing towards the comet fragments.

“Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler !!!Euler T

So fast that only the punches of the afterimage could be seen, and the fists of the platinum star kept falling on the comet fragments.

The hardness of this comet fragment is comparable to that of a diamond, and although the destructive power of the platinum star can leave a fist mark on it, it is difficult to completely crush because the target is too large.

Instead, Qian Shengyi was burned by the temperature of the surface of the fragment.

“Sure enough, bombs are still used.”

Qian Shengyi uses the ability of the pink big cat.


“First bomb!”

It’s called Killer Queen First Bomb, and it can turn objects it touches into bombs!

Because it is a stand-in ability, ordinary people cannot detect it.

So this ability is a silent bomb from the perspective of ordinary people!

This comet fragment is very large, and the ability of the killer queen cannot cover the entire fragment, only to turn the bottom of the comet fragment into a bomb as much as possible!

At that time, the impact force generated by Qian Shengyi when he launched the bomb will cancel out the force of some of the falling fragments.

That’s the limit of what he can do.

While it can’t completely eliminate the casualties caused by comets, at least better than nothing.


PS: Ask for the first order to customize, ask for flowers to evaluate the monthly pass reward!!

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