Kanseiichi and Minami Kotori walk the streets of Akihabara.

It seems to be the first time to be alone with Minami Kotori, and usually this bird always stays by Takasaka Honogo’s side.

Nan Xiaoniao counted when he spoke, and asked Qian Shengyi to eat ice cream and also bought one for himself.

“Good ice!”

The girl squinted one eye and stuck out her tongue.

“It’s that you’re in too much of a hurry.” Qian Shengyi said.

He and Minami Kotori talk as they walk, and the girl tells the reason why she went to the maid coffee shop to work as a maid.

“Actually, I started doing it when I first became an idol. I don’t have the power to bring everyone together like Xiaoguo, nor can I help with lyrics and dance like Haiwei-chan. So even a little, I want to grow! ”

Qian Shengyi was stunned when he heard this, and Nan Xiaoniao really didn’t feel at all.

“How, what?” Qian Shengyi’s expression made Nan Xiaoniao strange, and asked weakly.

“No, I just think the birds are cute.”

Especially refers to silly cuteness.

Minami Xiaoniao blinked, it should be regarded as a compliment, right?

“Thank you.”

Qian Shengyi said: “In fact, you don’t need to doubt your importance in the team, Nan Xiaoniao is a unique existence. No, it should be said that everyone in Muse is indispensable. ”

In fact, Qian Shengyi does not need to say this, during the period of becoming a maid, Nan Xiaoniao gradually developed the qualities that he did not have before, and will no longer have the idea of ‘he is useless’.

“Well, I see.” Minami Xiaoniao smiled and suddenly felt relaxed.

She hadn’t talked to anyone about being a maid, and suddenly sharing it with a good friend made a stone fall in her heart.

Although when he is called the master of Qian Shengyi, he will still feel ashamed!

“By the way, Seiichi-kun…” Minami Kotori clasped his hands together and made a pleading motion.

“About my part-time job at the maid coffee shop… Can you keep it secret for me? ”

Qian Shengyi thought about it and said, “It’s okay, but I think it will be worn sooner or later.” ”

“I’ll try not to let that day come so soon!” Minami said firmly.

In fact, it is not a difficult thing to say in the maid coffee shop, but Nan Xiaoniao is not ready for a showdown.

“Thank you so much, Seiichi-kun.” Nan Xiaoniao smiled at Qian Shengyi.

This smile feels healing no matter how many times I look at it.

“No thanks, I’ve already received my payment.” Qian Shengyi smiled.

“Reward?” Minami Bird wondered.

“This is it.” Qian Shengyi took out his mobile phone and flipped out the photos of the panic bird that he secretly photographed.

Minami Bird’s overwhelmed look is so cute!

“Aaaa Nan Xiaoniao instantly blushed and was photographed in a panic.

“Of course that’s when you make that expression.” Qian Shengyi said of course.

“I, I’m not asking this!” Nan Xiaoniao blushed and said, “Maid Coffee Shop is not allowed to take pictures!” ”

“I know, so I took it secretly.”

“Please don’t talk about such a thing as secretly filming so righteously!”

“Sorry, I’ll pay attention next time.”

“So there is a next time!”

Even a gentle girl like Nan Xiaoniao couldn’t sit still, and wanted to snatch Qian Shengyi’s mobile phone to delete the photo.

“I will invite Seiichi-kun to eat ice cream again, so please delete this photo!”

“I invited the bird to eat ice cream, so let me keep this picture.”

Minami Bird is 159 tall, while Kansei is 180.

The gap between the most cute height difference, as long as Qian Sheng raised her hand, she could not reach it.

Nan Xiaoniao padded one foot, and his whole body turned upside down to Qian Shengyi, who reached out and grabbed the girl’s weak yao limbs.

Nan Xiaoniao realized that she and Qian Shengyi were not in the right position, and her face became even redder.

Qian Shengyi let go of Nan Xiaoniao and said with a smile: “I’m joking, if Xiaoniao doesn’t agree, I’ll delete the photo.” ”

Qian Shengyi respects the girl’s ideas very much, and there is a limit to joking.

“No, no thanks.”

Nan Xiaoniao blushed and fluttered, not knowing why he changed his mind.

Qian Shengyi raised his eyebrows, “Then I will accept it unceremoniously, thank you for the hospitality!” ”

Qian Shengyi’s words made Nan Xiaoniao even more embarrassed.

Influenced by his personality in his previous life, Qian Shengyi likes to flirt with girls.

Before the appearance of lovers who are not really sure of the relationship, it is not bad to flirt with the girl you prefer.

Qian Shengyi just now had this idea about Nan Xiaoniao.

But as mentioned above, everything has a limit, and Qian Shengyi knows where this degree is.

In dealing with people, his soul with mature thinking has the advantage.

Qian Shengichi and Minami Xiao Tori separated, but will see each other tomorrow.

Tomorrow is Sunday, and Takasaka Honogo is preparing to hold a battle meeting of the muses at the burger restaurant, which will also be attended by Seiichi Kan.



At ten o’clock on Sunday morning, Kanseiichi arrived at the burger shop where Hono Gogo was located.

Most of the Muses have arrived, except for the lack of… Honogo himself.

“Xiao Qian, this side and this side!”

What called him was the starry sky Rin with a lively personality.

Qian Shengyi walked over, looked at the people present, and asked, “What about Suinaiguo?” ”

Sonoda Hai replied helplessly: “It seems to have overslept.” ”

“It’s really the most unreliable guy.” Qian Sheng pinched his eyebrows with a headache.

As the initiator, but late, it is worthy of her!

“But it’s okay, I’ve already called Xiaoguo, it should be almost there.”

As the world’s number one fruit chef, Minami Kotori helps Honogo speak.


PS: Ask for the first order to customize, ask for flowers to evaluate the monthly pass reward!!

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