“I don’t know where you got the illusion from.” Qian Sheng shrugged.

However, he and Kasumigaoka under the snow are also half acquaintances, and it is nothing to accompany Yubihama to take a look.

Coming to the literary club, Kasumigaoka and Yukinoshita collect their things in the ministry room.

“Ya Haro, Xiaoxue, Shiwa-senpai!” Yubihama greeted the two.

“Good afternoon, Yuhihama-san.” Yukinoshita nodded.

“I even came here specially to come over, it’s hard.” Kasumigaoka Shiwa said.

“Because it’s the last day of the semester, I want to come over and say goodbye.” Yubihama touched the head of the ball embarrassedly.

Yukishita thought for a while and said, “Do you want to have a cup of tea before leaving?” ”

Yubihama looked at Seiichi Kan and asked for his opinion.

Qian Shengyi nodded to her.

“Thanks, hehe.” Yubihama smiled at Yukinoshita.

Yukinoshita nodded and went to boil water to make tea.

She has studied the tea ceremony specifically, and she is very elegant in both movement and technique.

She soaked four cups, even preparing a portion of Qian Shengyi.

“Please use.”

Since there are no extra teacups in the club, Yukinoshita uses paper cups instead.

“Thank you.” Qian Sheng nodded and took the paper cup handed over by the snow.

He took a sip of piping hot tea.

Gee, it’s so hot, I can’t drink it!

“Do we have club activities during the holidays?” Yubihama asked curiously.

Yukinoshita shook his head and said, “Unfortunately, our minister does not look like a person who will carry out holiday projects. ”

Kasumi Hills raised his eyebrows and said, “Under the snow, do you know what it’s always like to hit your face in an instant?” ”

Yubihama said in surprise, “Is there really a holiday event?” ”

When it comes to the holiday activities of the club, it is easiest to think of the co-lodging activities under the guise of improving exercise, which is actually a shared activity for travel.

Yui Hihama is looking forward to it.

Kasumigaoka put down the novel he had been reading in his hand and said, “Originally, I wanted to inform you later… The troublesome teacher seemed to have arranged trouble for us during the holidays. ”

“Trouble teachers … Could it be Hiratsuka-sensei? Yubihama said his name stupidly, and if he was heard, he would definitely wear small shoes.

Kasumi Zhiqiu nodded and said, “I don’t know exactly what it is, but since you are involved with that teacher, it must be very troublesome!” ”

“…… I can’t argue with that. Yukinoshita agreed.

“But you can also meet Shiyu’s senior Xiaoxue during the summer vacation, maybe it’s not bad!” Yubihama said with a smile.

Isn’t it bad too…

People who have friends before Yukinoshita and Kasumigaoka have never had the option of going out with friends except for necessary activities during their holiday life.

“yes, maybe it’s not bad…” Kasumigaoka picked up the book again.

Under the snow, I also refilled the teacup after drinking.

After chatting with Kasumigaoka under the snow, Yuhihama and Seiichi Kanshi left the literary club and went home.

Step out of the school gate and walk the familiar way home.


The roar of the engines is noticeable.

Watch like a bad teenage girl driving a motorcycle through the laneway.

Their images reminded Qian Shengyi of the ghost fire boy in his previous life.

But unlike the ghost fire boys, who deliberately make loud noises, their locomotives are very loud and deliberately do not disturb others.

The island country attaches great importance to the quality of its people, and this is a good embodiment.


The blonde girl on the locomotive screamed and enjoyed the thrill.

“It’s terrible…” Yubihama leaned closer to Seiichi.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this group of people is bad and it is normal to be afraid.

“There I am.” Qian Shengyi smiled, giving Yubihama a full sense of security.

The blonde girl’s maiden drove the locomotive to the front, gradually increasing her speed.

“Hey, watch out Misa!”

It was too late to remind the companion behind, and at the corner of the street, a large truck appeared.


The blonde girl was startled and hurriedly pressed the brakes.

But this distance is already too late, no matter how much it is reduced, it will be hit.


A car accident happened.


The loud noise startled Yubihama and hid behind Kanseiichi.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s good that there was no explosion.” Qian Shengyi comforted.

“Misa! Misa! You okay! ”

The blonde girl’s companion ran up like a madman, and the other classmates called the ambulance.

The scene was somewhat chaotic.

The side of the car accident happened to be in the direction of Kanseiichi and Yuhihama’s home.

When the police come over, the accident site will be blocked, and then it will take a big circle to go home.

Qian Shengyi was ready to go over first.

“Let’s go.” Kanseiichi took the initiative to grab Yubihama’s hand and told her not to be afraid.


Yubihama obediently followed behind Qian Shengyi, trying not to see the scene of the car accident.

“Who comes, who will save Misa!”

The blonde girl’s companion howled and fell into self-blame.

If he had been in front, maybe this wouldn’t have happened.

Qian Shengyi approached the site of the car accident and noticed that the blonde girl still had slight vital signs.

He is not the Virgin of Sorrow, but if he could save a life with just the touch of a finger, most people would do it.


The power of the stand-in is launched, and in the world that ordinary people cannot see, the platinum star touches the girl who is in a state of frequent death.

Mad Diamonds have great abilities, and the means to repair everything are the most tender abilities in the world.

The ability to repair was activated, and the girl who died quickly replied and slowly opened her eyes.

This event may later be defined as a medical miracle, but this has nothing to do with Qian Shengyi.

The girl named Kuroba Misa slowly opened her red eyes, and in her line of sight she saw a tall presence full of muscle lines!

She can see the Platinum Star!


PS: Ask for the first order to customize, ask for flowers to evaluate the monthly pass reward!!

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