Analyzing the information that has been made public, it turns out that too little information is known.

The fact that the Black Feather sisters can see the stand-in shows what makes them different from ordinary people.

So how many people have this ‘anomaly’?

Obviously, the use of avatars has not been seen before, and it suddenly makes trouble.

Assuming that the Black Feather sisters are not substitute messengers, and they can see the substitute for other reasons, then there is a high probability that there are other supernatural systems in this world… Although he understood this when he was guarding the town.

There is no basis, but Qian Shengyi believes that it is not only the Kuroba sisters who have this ‘special talent’.

Until now, these capable people are still hidden in human society, and it is likely that there are people who rule in secret.

Qian Shengyi considered a lot of situations, and he should be steady in everything.

Fate is like a cockroach, and when you find the first cockroach in your home, other cockroaches will appear one after another.

Although this metaphor is a bit of a meal, when you get involved in something, you will find more and more related events approaching you.

Like now.

Qian Shengyi, who was about to go home, walked through the alley and saw a silver-haired girl wearing a white hospital gown, and behind her there were men in black chasing her.

“Is it popular to rob people on the street all these years?” Qian Shengyi complained.

This is a remote alley, and the girl does not know where to escape, probably thinking that she can run to the street and be saved.

The silver-haired girl was getting closer and closer to her, but Qian Shengyi had no intention of helping.

He is not a good old man, there is no need to step on this muddy water.

And maybe there are reasons he doesn’t know, blindly helping is not necessarily a good thing.

The girl passed by him, her azure eyes staring at him for a second.

This is also a very cute girl.

The man in black behind him stopped in front of Qian Shengyi, his expressionless face frowning.

“Is it her companion?”

“I don’t know, anyway, control it first!”

“Got it!”

The four men in black divided into two ways, leaving two people ready to capture Qian Shengyi.

Qian Shengyi shrugged helplessly, when he didn’t want to find trouble, there was always trouble to find the door.

“Are you going to kidnap me?” Qian Shengyi asked.

The four men in black looked at each other, and one of them said, “It’s not a kidnapping, but I want to ask you to cooperate with us in doing research.” ”

The result is just a different rhetoric.

“Obviously, as long as you ignore it, maybe you can catch up with that girl.” Qian Shengyi said helplessly.

Two men in black surrounded them, and the other two were ready to continue chasing people.



The two men in black who surrounded Qian Shengyi flew out upside down, and their bodies smashed into the hard wall, revealing cracks.

The remaining two men in black were unbelievable, and although Qian Shengyi looked tall, he didn’t expect to make their companions lose their combat effectiveness in an instant!

“Sure enough, this guy of yours is also a special ability!”

The man in black took out the electric baton from his arms.


Qian Shengyi noticed the word, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Sure enough, as he guessed, there are superpowered organizations in this world!

“That means that the girl just now is a special ability?”

The two men in black seized the opportunity for him to think and rushed forward.

“Euler Euler Euler Euler Euler!”

It was so fast that only the punches of the afterimage could be seen, and the two men in black were almost broken up by the platinum star.

“Don’t interrupt when others are thinking, it’s rude.” Qian Shengyi kicked towards one of them in disbelief.

Four men in black solved in less than half a minute, they came from a super-powered organization but did not have superpowers themselves.

These four people had information that Qian Shengyi did not know, and they should have kept at least one for questioning, but as a result, all four of them completely fainted.

“Hey, young lady over there, how long are you going to watch it?” Qian Shengyi turned his head to look behind him.

The silver-haired girl who had just escaped stood there straight, not hiding.

“Can you see me?” The silver-haired girl was surprised.

“I’m not blind, why can’t I see?” Qian Sheng rolled his eyes.

“Why would my abilities … Because of this thing? The silver-haired girl looked at the platinum star standing behind Qian Shengyi with the word invincible written in large letters.

“You can see it too.” Qian Sheng’s gaze was deep.

“Why save me?” The silver-haired girl hesitated to speak.

She was betrayed by her mother, deceived by her classmates, and her most trusted brother was tortured into a madman.

The girl, who should no longer trust anyone, meets the teenager who saved her.

“Save you? No, no, you misunderstood. Qian Sheng shrugged and said, “If they hadn’t found me, I would have watched you get caught back.” ”

Qian Shengyi couldn’t understand why these four men in black would find him now, and he didn’t show any special ability!

“Huh? Do you have compassion in this person! The silver-haired girl gritted her teeth, but her heart relaxed a lot.

It also seems good to deal with such a person who can say his purpose bluntly.

“Since I saved you, shouldn’t I get paid?” Qian Shengyi raised his eyebrows.

The silver-haired girl frowned and took a step back.

“What do you want to do?”

Without giving the girl time to misunderstand, Qian Shengyi said, “Tell me what you know about ability.” ”

The girl was stunned, “That’s it?” ”

“That’s it.” Qian Sheng nodded.

He looked around and said, “Talking here affects your mood, and I know there’s a nice coffee shop nearby.” ”

“What does that mean? New pick-up methods? The silver-haired girl tugged at the corner of her eye.

“There is no doubt that in my opinion, the intelligence you know is more important than you.” Qian Shengyi smiled.

The silver-haired girl gritted her teeth and felt so hot!


PS: Ask for the first order to customize, ask for flowers to evaluate the monthly pass reward!!

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