After buying novels and manga, Kanseiichi was ready to go home with Tsuchima.

The big screen in the distance is shining, and it is the UTX High School College idol performance video next door.

Just like the last time Qian Shengyi watched, didn’t they have any other songs?

“Those people look so young.” Tsuchima first contact with the college idol. Many things have refreshed her cognition today.

“That’s School-Idol, the idol team of the students, similar in nature to the club.” Qian Shengyi explained simply.

“Qian knows a lot!”

“It’s okay.”

He didn’t know much about these academy idols, but he did his homework because of some troublesome guy.

Speaking of which, this morning, Takasaka Honogo seemed to have told him on the Line that he was coming to Akihabara to play.

It shouldn’t be so back-to-back, right?

“Xiao Qian!”

Qian Shengyi: “…”

From “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure”, Kan Shengyi learns one thing.

Some things will happen even if you don’t want them to happen in the end, in order to… Neglect!

“Qian-san, it seems that someone is calling you.” The earth was buried and stopped.

I can’t ignore it now!

As soon as Kansei turned around, he saw Takasaka Honogo with her two little friends.

They are all very cute girls, gentle girls with light gray hair, and handsome girls with long hair like the sea.

What kind of strange combination is that?

“Sure enough, it’s Xiao Qian! Just now when I looked at the back, I thought it was you! “Takasaka Hono came to Kanshoichi.

They only met once to remember his back? Qian Shengyi didn’t know if he should praise her for having a good memory.

“Xiao Qian, why don’t you talk?” Takasaka Honoko said.

“…… Not sure what to say. ”

Qian Shengichi didn’t know what attitude to use to face Takasaka Honogo.

It shouldn’t be considered a friendship, right? After all, I have only seen it once before.

But it’s not right to say it’s a stranger, and next week he could be tied up on a thief’s boat by this guy.

When Seiichi Kan was struggling with how to get along with Takasaka Honogo, the guy on the other side had already come over.

“Did Xiao Qian hear that I was coming to Akihabara today, so he deliberately created an encounter here?” Takasaka Honogo fell into a fantasy.

Qian Sheng’s face was expressionless, “Do you want to eat peaches?” ”

Takasaka Hono was stunned, “Think, I still want to eat apples and bananas!” ”

Well, the island people can’t hear this meme.

The girl with long sea blue hair on Takasaka Honogo grabbed her and apologized to Seiichi.

“Sorry, this guy caused you trouble, we heard her say about you, I guess you are very troubled.”

Qian Shengyi sighed, it turned out that there were still people who could communicate normally.

“You don’t need to use honorifics, you should be in the second grade, just use ordinary titles.”

The blue-haired girl nodded and said, “My name is Sonoda Kaiwei, this is Minami Kotori, we are friends of Honogo, and I apologize to you again for her affairs.” ”

The blue-haired girl Sonoda Kaiwei, what to say, serious or rigid?

Takasaka Hono is really ‘lucky’ to have such friends.


The gentle girl Nan Xiaoniao also said hello to Qian Shengyi.

Nan Xiaotori’s voice is gentle, and his personality is definitely very gentle, which is Qian Shengyi’s experience.

“Why apologize, I didn’t do anything wrong!” Takasaka Hono pouted.

“It’s wrong to just disturb someone!” Sonoda Kai did not educate like an old mother.

“Nope! Xiao Qian said that he would support me! ”

Several pairs of eyes looked at Qian Shengyi.

Qian Sheng rolled his eyes, “Don’t misinterpret me casually, when did I say I supported you!” ”

“Eh, isn’t it?” Takasaka Hono blinked.

“Of course not!”

Sonoda Kaiyu sighed and said, “Honogo, I understand your desire to do something for the school, and I and Kotori are the same. But we are students and have limited abilities, so forget about that unrealistic dream. ”

Takasaka Honogo’s eyes are bleak, and although she is an optimist, her dreams will also be hit by the denial of her friends.

…… Obviously they have persevered to this point.


If you want to describe the feeling of Takasaka Honogo this time, it is probably a ray of light in the dark night.

Although it can’t cut through the entire night sky, it allows her to find a way forward!

Qian Shengyi spoke: “Although I didn’t support her, dreaming of this kind of thing is not something that can be denied at will!” ”

Qian Shengyi was shocked in his heart, such a bloody line would actually come out of his mouth, it must be that the spirit after awakening the substitute also became abnormal!

“What do you mean?” Sonoda Kai was not stunned.

Qian Shengyi shrugged his shoulders and said, “It means that although I am not optimistic about her, a dream is a dream.” ”

No matter what kind of dream, it should not be taken lightly!

Gee, it’s really shameful!

“I also think what Xiaohai said just now is a bit excessive.” Minami said.

“It is!” Takasaka Honogo focuses on the head.

“Even the birds!”

The isolated person suddenly became Kaiwei Sonoda, obviously she just didn’t want Honogo to be defeated by the cruel truth after working hard!

“Xiao Qian said it so well just now! I have decided to appoint you as our manager! Takasaka Hono patted Seiichi Kanichi’s shoulder.

“I haven’t joined yet, and even if I did, I wouldn’t listen to you.” Qian Shengyi said lightly, “Also, you just said ‘you’?” ”

He looked at Minami Kotori and Sonoda Kaiwei.


PS: There should be two changes today, slowly resume the update!

In other words, are the two chapters of the 100 monthly pass closed?

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