Qian Shengyi became the center of the conversation in the class, because he dared to do what no one dared to try.

After class, there was a lively discussion in the class.

“It’s worthy of it, and it’s easy to do what we can’t do!”

“It’s so handsome, it makes me get hot.”

“Saint Yijun, we support you!”

This is the reaction of good people.

If Qian Shengyi is a cold character, it is estimated that it is cynicism at this time.

For example, ‘deliberately attracting attention’, ‘not measuring one’.

Although other people’s opinions do not affect him much, good words are always better than bad words.

The pair of classmates smiled and followed Hiratsuka to the office.

In the office, Hiratsuka Shizuka lit a cigarette.

“Isn’t it a little more restrained in front of my own students, I don’t want to smoke secondhand smoke.” Qian Shengyi complained.

Hiratsuka rarely puts on the teacher’s shelf, and is highly popular among students, and is rated as one of the most popular teachers in Sotakegao.

It is also worth mentioning that Zongwu High School has the ranking of three beautiful female teachers.

English teacher Yona Tachibana, music teacher Akane Mikawa, World History Copper Beard Mafuyu.

Obviously the most popular teacher but did not rate the beautiful teacher, Hiratsuka Shizumi was depressed for a long time about this matter.

“You are different from ordinary students, and it is okay to be treated a little differently.”

“But the difference I want to be treated differently is the good one. ”

“Don’t care, don’t care.” Hiratsuka extinguished his cigarette butt and began to get down to business.

“Let’s talk about the exchange student.”

“Not surprisingly, this year’s exchange student is probably only you.”

Qian Shengyi was surprised, “So miserable? I thought there would be at least two or three people. ”

Hiratsuka shook his head, “Exchange students don’t want to do it. ”

“Although there are very few applicants, they will still go through a rigorous selection.”

“The people who go to those three schools can’t be too bad, otherwise where will the face of our school fall?”

Although the face of this kind of thing, almost all of them are lost.

“I see.” Qian Sheng nodded.

“As an exchange student, you will go to one of the schools for a month, and you can apply to other schools after returning to Zongwu High School.”

“Although basically no one wants to go a second time.”

Because I was hit by the genius of those schools.

Qian Sheng nodded.

“Which school do you want to go to, I recommend Shuchi-in.”

The private Shuchiin Academy has successors in various areas of the country’s future, and going there can at least accumulate contacts in the future.

This is Shizuki Hiratsuka’s suggestion

Qian Shengyi has his own plans.

“I want to go to Hundred Flower King Academy.”

Hiratsuka’s expression froze for half a second.


“Do you know what kind of school it is?” Hiratsuka Shizuki’s voice is amplified.

Qian Shengyi said lightly: “I know!” ”

“Know you’re still going!” Hiratsuka Shizune had an ugly expression and patiently advised.

“That school is completely gambling supreme, and there is no powerful gambling skill that does not even have the qualifications to become a ‘person’!”

The original Hundred Flower King Academy has not been so exaggerated, and since it was transferred to a student last year, it has changed greatly and become a gluttonous feast for crazy gamblers!

The abyss of wild gambling!

From the teacher’s point of view, Hiratsuka did not want Qianseiichi to go to such a dangerous school.

“Hiratsuka-sensei, I have my own ideas.” Qian Shengyi’s expression was calm.

“That school is too dangerous, I don’t agree!” As a teacher, Shizuki Hiratsuka must be responsible for the safety of her students.

There has been bloodshed in the Hundred Flower King Academy, and although it did not cause death, it is also very dangerous!

Qian Shengyi is an exchange student, who is already easy to target, and he doesn’t know what will happen after going to that school.

“I’m sorry Hiratsuka-sensei, I’ve already decided.”

Qian Shengichi’s attitude was resolute, and Hiratsuka was a little embarrassed.

Respect for the wishes of the student is a basic quality of the teacher, but if his idea is wrong, the teacher is also obliged to point him in the right direction.

“In this way, you prove your gambling skills to me.” Hiratsuka made concessions.

She took out a deck of playing cards and spread them out in front of Qian Shengyi.

“If you can take out two ghost cards from it, I won’t object to this matter.”

In Hiratsuka Shizumi’s opinion, this is almost impossible to do.

With 54 identical cards on the back, the probability of taking out a specific two cards from it is 1 in 54 × 1 in 53, which is close to the probability of 1 in 3000!

If you can do it, it’s almost like winning the lottery!

Kanseiichi was silent for a moment, and Hiratsuka thought he had given up.

“You know it’s hard. Next, let’s talk about going to Shuchi-in. Hiratsuka said.

“No…” Qian Shengyi spoke slowly, “I just thought of something. ”

It turns out that there is something more boring than stopping to move people when hanging the master, that is, stopping to look at playing cards!

“Actually, it’s really not difficult to draw ghost cards.”

Under Hiratsuka’s quiet gaze, Qian Shengichi drew two cards from the out-of-order playing cards, big ghost and little ghost!

“How is it possible!” Hiratsuka exclaimed.

“Maybe I’m lucky.” Qian Sheng shrugged.

This is a lie!

What kind of luck, it’s not time to stop looking at the cards.

With the top precision of the Platinum Heart, the position can be restored 100% after reading the cards.

“…,” Hiratsuka took a deep look at Qiansheng, “I didn’t expect you to hide deeply, and you are even proficient in gambling.” ”

“It’s not a matter of mastery, it’s a little understanding.” Qian Shengyi said ‘modestly’.


PS: Ask for collection evaluation flowers to tip monthly passes, adhere to stability two changes a day!

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