When Qian Shengyi came to school, he had already finished his first class.

He was stopped by security guards at the school gate and forbidden to enter.

“I’m really a freshman, is it necessary to impersonate?” Qian Sheng rolled his eyes.

“What about your student ID?” The security guard asked.

“…… Forgot to bring. Qian Shengyi was speechless, he forgot to take out his student ID card when he changed his clothes just now, and now he can’t even enter the school gate.

“Just wait for me to make a call.” Once again, he called Hiratsuka Shizune’s phone.

“Is it Hiratsuka-sensei?”

“It’s me, what’s wrong?”

“I forgot my student ID card and was stopped at the school gate, can you trouble me to pick me up?” Qian Shengyi said helplessly.

“Haha, you make this mistake too.” Hiratsuka gave a hearty smile.

“It just so happens that I don’t have class now, otherwise you are ready to wait at the school gate for half an hour.”

Shizuki Hiratsuka is a responsible homeroom teacher who is very attentive to the affairs of students.

In less than ten minutes, she arrived at the school gate from the school building.

“Sorry, this is my student, because the situation at home has only arrived now, and I have been informed beforehand.” Shizuki Hiratsuka explained to the security guard.

“Since you are a student of Mr. Hiratsuka, you can no problem, but remember to bring your student ID next time.” The security uncle showed a cheeky smile.

Qian Sheng nodded, it was difficult to complain about such an honest person.

Kanseiichi and Shizuki Heizuka entered the school, this was not the first time he had come to Somu High School, and he had come once before when he went through the admission procedures.

“Are your legs okay?” Hiratsuka Shizuki asked.

“It’s no big deal.”

Qian Shengyi will not be sloppy in the affairs of his body, and in his previous life, he did not pay attention to conditioning, and he was young and had various bad conditions, which left him a lot of shadows.

At this moment, Supreme Platinum is still helping him carry his feet.

I don’t know if it was because of the awakening of the stand-in, Qian Shengyi felt that his recovery ability had increased a lot.

Although it may just be his illusion.

“Haha, that’s like words. Compared to those guys who are injured by nail clippers and take leave, you are very good! Hiratsuka Shizumi patted Seiichi Kanichi’s back hard.

Qian Shengyi almost fell, and this woman didn’t know how to start lightly.

Hiratsuka thought thoughtfully, she also had the idea of testing whether Qian Shengyi was stubborn just now, but she didn’t expect this kid to be so strong.

But just now… I always feel that there is no real feeling.

“You’re in class B in the first year, I’ll take you over.” Hiratsuka said with some pity, “Actually, you should go to J class, but for some reason… Forget it, no matter what, I will spend the most energy to cultivate you. ”

Class J is known as the International Education Class and is the best class in its grade.

Of course, there is no problem in entering this class with the grades of Qian Shengyi.

However, because he declined the invitation of the other three schools, there will always be some people who feel that he has swept the face of those schools, so they put pressure on Zong Wugao.

This kind of thing would not happen in any of those three schools, but the total martial arts was still a little worse.

It is also part of education for students to realize the sinister nature of society in school.

The final result was that Qian Shengyi was wrong and had the best class in Zongwu Gao, and could only go to an ordinary class.

Qian Shengyi didn’t think of this meaning, because he really couldn’t imagine that those so-called high-level people would do such a boring thing.

It doesn’t matter to him which class he goes to, anyway, the final result is similar.

Shizuki Hiratsuka led Seiichi to the door of the classroom, where there was a balding math teacher in his fifties.

“You go to the office with me first.” Hiratsuka said.

The island country pays great attention to etiquette, and it is rude for others to interrupt rashly during class, not to mention the respected old teacher.

“So you missed another class?” The corners of Qian Shengyi’s mouth tugged.

“Don’t worry, I believe in your level, even if you don’t take this class, you are better than them.” Hiratsuka Shizune seemed to have extremely high expectations for Seiichi.

Kanseiichi shook his head and followed Hiratsuka Shizuki to the office.

There were no other teachers in the office, and Hiratsuka quietly lit a cigarette.

“Is it really good to smoke in front of your own students?” Qian Shengyi complained.

“Oh, almost forgot you, do whatever you want.” Hiratsuka said casually.

She and Qian Shengyi experienced different teachers, and this move brought the relationship between teachers and students a lot closer.

Hiratsuka said: “Anyway, if you go out of society, sooner or later, you will smoke, so it is better for you to get used to it early.” ”

Qian Shengyi: “…”

Hiratsuka Shizuki’s temperament was a little overwhelming.

“You didn’t come to class in the morning and missed the self-introduction of your classmates.” Shizuki Hiratsuka threw over a roster with a corresponding photo behind each name.

“Let you make up for it and remember their names.”

There is information about the student’s home address after the roster, and although there is no clear rule, no teacher will give a student so easily.

“Is it really good to be so nervous.”

“This is my trust in my students!” Hiratsuka took a puff of his cigarette and emphasized, “If even the teacher doesn’t trust the students, three years of high school life will definitely be boring.” ”

“I have to admit, you are the most special teacher I have ever met.” Qian Shengyi said.

“You’re also the most special student I’ve ever met.” Hiratsuka let out a hearty laugh.

Qian Shengyi set his eyes on the roster of Class B in the first year and saw the surprising name.

“Megumi Kato?”


PS: New books ask for collections, ask for tips, ask for flowers~

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