"Let’s put it this way, even if your real ancestors are still there and are angry, it’s nothing. There are some powerful characters in the three profound gates of the Yunzhou original family, but the two ancestors of the dessert shop, if I accidentally annoyed them, and 10,000 deaths are not enough to apologize."

After the complicated language was finished, he let out a long sigh.

She is not very self-motivated, and she is very satisfied to be a minister here in the Xinan branch. Within the scope of your ability, try your best to deal with what happened here, and if you encounter any major issues that cannot be solved, you will report it in time, and there will naturally be big bosses to help you fix it.

It is the so-called: when the sky falls, there is a tall one against it.

But this kind of good day is gone forever after the change that happened not long ago.

Feng Chu: "..."

Although he knows very well that Fanyu and the other people in the management office are definitely not exaggerating, but seeking truth from facts, but he understands the truth, but he still can't be like them.

This is probably because he was the person who first came into contact with Yuheng. At first, he only regarded her as an ordinary little girl. Later, after learning that she was very good, his impression of her changed to a very good little girl. It may also be because he is not a member of the Profound Clan and has no idea of ​​practice, so the ignorant are fearless.

He raised his hand to look at his watch, shook his head, and said to Fang Yu, “It’s too late now. Scarlet is a bit more homely. Maybe he’s still playing games. Don't bother them, wait for the news from the police. I really can't talk about it."

Fanyu patted him on the shoulder with relief, and exclaimed, "Satisfying!" After finishing speaking, he paused for a while, and added, "Keep it up in the future!"


The police responded to Feng Chu that night.

"Team Feng...no, consultant Feng, according to the clues you provided, we checked from the household registration system, and finally got a few sets of goals, and then docked with the education system. At present, the target is basically locked. The message has been sent to you. See if it is the person you are looking for."

"Thanks, let's rest early!"

Feng Chu hung up the phone, sat down at his desk, and landed on the Penguin to check the messages sent by the other party.

He only knew Xu Mengmeng's name before and how to read it, but he didn't know exactly which word was written. Zhou Ming was easier to guess, so it took the police some time to find someone.

In the message sent by the other party, there was a photo of Xu Mengmeng. It was indeed the little girl he saw by the river. However, the photo should be a little better and quieter, or that the photo is just like an ordinary person. As Feng Chu saw, his face was pale and lifeless, and he didn't look like a living person at first sight... well, it was indeed not a living person.

Feng Chu quickly browsed through the information.

"How is it?" Fanyu asked.

Feng Chu frowned slightly, "The situation is a bit strange. The child named Zhou Yiming should have happened on June 16th, as Xu Mengmeng said, but not this year, but last year. At that time, the parents went to the police station to report their disappearance. The police and the school searched for it, and there was no more information. Xu Mengmeng, the year after that was also fine, but around the evening of September 12 this year, she talked to her family He said he was going to go out, but he disappeared after that and never returned home. The parents also went to the police station to report the case, but the nearby surveillance was adjusted, but there was no result."

Fanyu squinted his eyes slightly, "In the afternoon of September 12..."

All kinds of information in her mind quickly passed through, and she was reminded of what happened at this time-the two ancestors of the dessert shop went to the next city to play, but accidentally went to a nursing home and encountered a'death bet'. thing.

Because of that, the headquarters issued an emergency document to strengthen patrols across the country, and then civilians like Feng Chu were arrested and followed by patrols, and then encountered this incident.

In a sense, it seems to have complied with that sentence-in the dark, there is a certain number of its own.

Of course, it may also be that she has too much association.

"Early tomorrow morning, let the police contact the parents of both parties, and we will follow to see what's going on." She said.

Feng Chu nodded, "Okay."


In the middle of the night, it rained suddenly, and the big raindrops crackled and hit the glass, and it was a little smaller until the morning.

Accompanied by police officers, Feng Chu and the others first went to Xu Mengmeng's home in the Jinxiujiayuan community.

Today is Sunday, and Xu Mengmeng's parents are at home.

Feng Chu and his party arrived at the door and rang the doorbell. After a while, the back door opened a gap. A haggard woman's face appeared in the door. Seeing Feng Chu and Fanyu, he was taken aback for a while, and then he saw the police officers accompanying him. , Then opened the door and invited them in.

Entering the house, sitting down on the sofa in the living room, Xu Mengmeng's mother went to make tea, and his father was sitting on the sofa and talking to Feng Chu and the others, his face was equally haggard.

"Officer Li, it's Mengmeng from our family... Has she got any news?" Dad Xu asked, unconsciously showing a cautious tone.

It looks really worried.

In Feng Chu's view, it was even more sad because he knew that their daughter was probably dead.

The accompanying Police Officer Li said sorry to Father Xu, and then explained his intentions for this visit.

It happened that Xu's mother made tea and came over. At that moment, Feng Chu couldn't bear to look at the expressions of the husband and wife.

After that, he and Fanyu took a closer look at the Xu family, especially Xu Mengmeng's room. He didn't know anything, and Fang Yu's expression couldn't see anything. When he left Xu's house and entered the elevator, Fang Yu simply said, "So far, there is no problem."

In other words, either it is really okay, or she is not capable enough to see it.

Later, they contacted Zhou Yiming's parents, and they met at a coffee shop, not at home.

Zhou Yiming's parents and Xu Mengmeng's parents are completely two extremes. Although they are also parents who worry about being haggard and having trouble sleeping and eating because of the child's disappearance, they have the kind of superior and even aggressive attitude.

This is not Feng Chu's prejudice against Zhou's parents after hearing Xu Mengmeng's story in advance, but an objective feeling.

After they asked about Zhou Ming's situation, the Zhou family's parents became a little impatient. Between the lines, they ridiculed and said that the police are all waste and those who take taxpayers are not working.

The police officer Li who was with him was an ordinary policeman. This kind of thing happened a lot, and he lowered his eyes as if nothing happened.

Feng Chu also subconsciously endures because of the professional habits he has cultivated over the years.

Fanyu was different. With a cold snort, the temperature in the room seemed to drop instantly, and the Zhou family's parents shuddered subconsciously.

At this moment, Feng Chu's phone rang, and someone from the management office called and told him that they had found a dead body on the mountain near Xu Mengmeng and Zhou Yiming's school.

Feng Chu was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Zhou's parents across the table.

Fanyu is a cultivator, and her five senses are much sharper than ordinary people. Even if Feng Chu did not use the speakerphone, she could still hear the content on the phone, and her eyes fell on Zhou's parents. "Our people have discovered something. Clues, please check with us."


The tenth middle school where Xu Mengmeng and Zhou Yiming are studying is located in the outskirts of Xinan City, not far from where Feng Chu met Xu Mengmeng. When the little girl was telling the story last night, the details mentioned that she asked Yuan Guo to take Zhou Yiming to the back of the school. Feng Chu did not provide this clue to the police, but the management office found it by himself.

Logically speaking, the back mountain is a very small area, but the problem is that Xinan City is mountainous, and the entire Tenth Middle School is located among the mountains. The area suddenly becomes larger, which leads to the management office’s People, from working overtime last night to today, only found a clue.

What they told Feng Chu on the phone was that they had found the corpse. In fact, it was more accurate. It should be a set of bones. After all, it has been more than a year since the incident happened, and there are non-human creatures involved. To be honest, Feng Chu was surprised to find a pair of bones. He originally thought that the evidence would be called by that person. All the ghosts of Yuanguo were destroyed, and there was no corpse.

In addition to the skeleton, there are also some small objects at the scene. This is also the reason why Fanyu has to bring Zhou's parents over, the final confirmation.

When the staff of the management office handed a piece of jade Guanyin and a watch to Zhou's parents, the husband and wife froze for an instant, and their expressions became impatient from the beginning, and a little bit changed to no. I can't believe it, it's contaminated with painful emotions.

Zhou Yiming has been missing for more than a year and is nowhere to be seen. The Zhou family's parents must have thought about the worst result in their hearts, but because they have not found anyone or a corpse, they still hold the last glimmer of hope.

At this moment, all hopes were dashed.

Mother Zhou's eyes were red, and her voice trembling denied, "No... this is not... Hang Hang He... You lie to me... This is not my Hang Hang!"

As she was talking, she suddenly screamed, slapped off the jade Guanyin and watch in the hands of the staff member, and then bent her knees and fell limp to the ground and began to cry.

Feng Chu was slightly stunned when he heard the words, because he noticed one point in the other party's words——

Hang Hang?

Is it a nickname, or what?

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