The Daily Life of the Zombie

Chapter 75: black sheep

Xiao Xiao didn't stay at the police station for a long time. He chatted with Chen Wei for a while, explaining that her current situation was safe so that she didn't need to worry. Finally, he exchanged residential addresses and communication numbers with her and left.

What Xiao Xiao didn't tell Chen Wei was that after feeling that there was something wrong with Aunt Chen just now, she had secretly put a mental mark on Aunt Chen, and was going to follow him to see what tricks she was playing.

After walking out of the police station, Xiao Xiao identified the direction slightly, and then followed the signs all the way. After about half an hour, he came to a dilapidated building on the outskirts of K City.

"that's it?"

"Son, I have been to the nearby police station and police station. There are too few people willing to borrow it. This was mentioned by the aunt from the same town last time, so I took the risk and went to the second time... Listen to my mother. , this kind of business really can't last, and I still go to the factory with my mother, there's still some shortages..."

"Don't worry about it!" A sudden roar startled Aunt Chen.

"Okay, okay, I won't say it, just don't say it, don't get angry? It's just... Can you keep some of these medicines? Your brother is still sick. It's not the way to delay it like this..."

"In the past, it was not a big problem to catch a cold, just drink more water and rest. His symptoms are so mild, giving him medicine is a complete waste!"

"But it's been more than a month, and the last time I took the medicine, it became a lot more stable. You should save a little bit. He is your brother after all..."

"Here! Leave a pack for him, and he'll be ready when he's done eating. I'll go deliver it first!"

"Son...hey, be careful, don't suffer..."

"Touch!" Aunt Chen replied, but there was a slam on the door.

After a while, a sad voice came from the room.

" are you doing these days..."

Hearing this, Xiao Xiao already fully understood that Aunt Chen and his eldest son took advantage of the reason for his brother's illness, and asked Aunt Chen to bring the diagnosis certificate to various police stations and police stations to get some medicine. Give credit points, and more of it is like what Xiao Xiao did, giving Aunt Chen the medicines that were left over before they were eaten and bought more. After all, the medicines for colds in this situation are universal, and only if the condition worsens. will find a doctor.

Xiao Xiao is now interested in the so-called "delivery", so he hangs far behind Aunt Chen's eldest son.

After he turned left and right, Xiao Xiao came to another old apartment not far away.

"Yo, boy, are you looking good? Let me see... Well, the ones you brought today are all new, so I can give you two more days."

"It's only two days?" Lin Xiaozhi complained dissatisfied after hearing the news. "Two days is not enough! Give it back to me, I won't change it!"


The man who was in contact with him narrowed his eyes, looked Lin Xiaozhi up and down, and then sneered: "You are shameless, right? I tell you, I will give you two days to treat you preferentially. It's ok if you don't. , I won't serve you anymore, so don't come here to change it in the future!"

"Why only one pack?" Lin Xiaozhi looked at the medicine that Liu Fuzhong brought back, and noticed that the amount was not right, and stared at the other person with vigilance.

"What? Do you think this is a guest house? Come and leave if you want? These..." Liu Fuzhong put a few packets of medicine on his hand and said, "These are my lost wages, any opinions?"

Seeing that the other party's eyes were not good, Lin Xiaozhi realized that he was not talking to a good man and a woman, but a gangster, so in the end, he could only knock down his teeth and swallow blood and eat this boring peep and leave.

After Xiao Xiao found the culprit, he put down a mental mark again, intending to uproot this group of parasites.

Two days later in the evening, Gu Chen helplessly looked at the data and video provided by Xiao Xiao, and said, "Are you really full and idle?"

Since Xiao Xiao went out to let the wind out, Gu Chen found that she went out earlier than him and returned later, and every time she went in and out, she was mysterious, and she didn't know what she was busy with.

Originally, he wanted to take care of it, but he was so busy that he couldn't squeeze in time. He didn't know until Xiao Xiao explained what she had done. It turned out that she was doing something again.

"If you don't eradicate these parasites, what's the use of pushing out the defense line?"

Xiao Xiao is very dissatisfied, what does it mean to make trouble? She is doing a good job!

"...Seriously, this is really not my responsibility."

Gu Chen frowned after looking down at the meeting materials, but he didn't expect the matter to be more serious than he imagined.

"Well, I have to say, you helped me again... I will arrange for someone to go down and deal with it."

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news, or I'll do it myself." Xiao Xiao sneered.

At first Xiao Xiao thought it was just an ordinary underworld gang, but after two days of fumbling around, she found that things were not that simple.

Remember those red crystals that Yan Wei and Sun Jun got in the lab?

'Genes that can promote ordinary people's awakening abilities, but the concentration is too low and the effect is limited. ’—That’s what the system explained at the beginning.

After Yan Wei brought these things back, scientists naturally came to this information, which made these things tasteless and worthless.

Because really speaking, the probability of directly eating mutant beast meat can trigger the awakening of human beings is much higher than these things!

After tossing and turning, these crystals were secretly obtained by a corner head, and an ingredient with addictive and psychedelic effects was developed from them, which was turned into a "drug" and began to flow in D City.

Now that the end of the world is coming, many people are living in misery. If they accidentally come into contact with this stuff, they can't do without it. And the corners are profitable. Disaster wealth.

It was originally in City D, but gradually it became wider and wider, including City B, City T, and even City K, which was far inside the Jiazi line of defense.

Xiao Xiao's investigation found that the involvement was very extensive. With the mentality of acting in a low-key manner and being a new person, he first handed this matter to Gu Chen to deal with, if there was no way she would take action.

After all, if she was the one to take action, things might get very big.

Xiao Xiao's method is very simple - to her, these beasts have no value in living in this world, so naturally it is best to remove them all, and if so many people die in one breath, it will definitely become a major case.

After reading the information, Gu Chen did not delay much, and immediately called an emergency meeting to let the troops stationed in various places join forces, and asked to send in ability personnel to ensure that no fish slipped through the net.

With the intelligence support that Xiao Xiao spent more than two days collecting, several strongholds developed by Najiatou in K City were quickly taken down in less than half an hour, and all the money was captured. All of them were wiped out by the people sent by Gu Chen.

One hour after the operation started, good news came from City B and City T, and the storm was silently resolved without affecting the nearby residents.

The only surprise was City D.

City D is the base camp of Jiaotou, and Jiaotou can receive news immediately after a little trouble, so before the encircling net is formed, all the suspects fled directly outside the Jiazi defense line in the form of birds and beasts.

Since Gu Chen's order was to kill, whether it be life or death, as long as he did not cooperate with the inspection, the followers of the army's abilities would attack the target directly and ruthlessly.

Jiaotou was very alert and escaped from the defense line. After all, the three-meter-high wall was really not too difficult for the ability user. Unfortunately, he was recorded by the surveillance device when he climbed the wall, so the follow-up troops also came out immediately. The line of defense followed.

Jiaotou is a wind-type ability user, but unfortunately it didn't take long for him to advance to the fourth level, so there was no way to really go to the end of the world. He could only flee in one direction, trying to escape the chasing troops.

After three hours of desperate flight, Jiaotou was finally surrounded by the forces of the supernatural beings next to the Linjiang River. He knew that there was no way to survive, and Jiaotou drank a bullet and committed suicide without saying a word, which also announced the 'red little pill' incident. a paragraph.

At this time, Gu Chen received the news, and was going to tell Xiao Xiao the good news and thank her, but unfortunately it was already halfway through the night, so she had already gone to Meng Zhou Gong.

Seeing this, Gu Chen just smiled and shook his head, intending to inform her of the good news when he met Xiao Xiao tomorrow, and then returned to his room, using the communicator to comfort the next few troops who joined forces, and said that all Those who participate in the action will be credited with a credit, and the reward will be distributed within two days, so that they can go to rest first.

Before going to bed, Gu Chen sorted out his thoughts a little, and then went to sleep after confirming the content of tomorrow's meeting.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Gu Chen successfully intercepted Xiao Xiao, who was suspected of going out again, at the dining table.

"Thanks to your intelligence, all the cities have been resolved last night, including the research laboratory, the researchers, and the people who were bribed all have been arrested and brought to justice, and the first evil has been removed, now you can rest assured."

"Huh?" Xiao Xiao bit the toast and said in surprise, "So efficient?"

"You said so, naturally I'll move faster." Gu Chen smiled bitterly: "This time there will be such a big mistake, the main reason is that the person in charge of public security is related to the first evil person, and he went to a baker's shelter. This matter has not been exposed until now, and has been dismissed for questioning."

"Officials protect each other?" Xiao Xiao recalled the previous black inspectors, and said with some disgust: "Why are so many people able to stand on top of the corpse? Didn't you die fast enough?"

After hearing Xiao Xiao's rebuke, Gu Chen could only explain embarrassingly: "Cough...because the time is tight, many important positions are directly used by the previous people...I will arrange the discipline department to go down this time, as long as there is a problem The verification is true, all of them will be severely punished, and will never be forgiven lightly."

Gu Chen also understands the importance of the matter. Strictly speaking, this 'red little pill' is not over, and the follow-up treatment for those who have become addicted is also very important. And how to manage it is to come up with a charter to deal with this issue after discussion with them.

"Don't just pay attention to the progress of the defense line." After Xiao Xiao finished eating the toast, he said very seriously: "The situation has stabilized a lot now, and entertainment is also what you should pay attention to now. After the end of the world, people will be carrying The pain is going forward, the string is too tight, and it will break sooner or later!"

"Understood, this incident is also a reminder, I will pay attention to it later." Gu Chen nodded, saying that he would bring entertainment to the table to discuss later.

The two chatted for a while, and finally when Gu Chen finished his breakfast, Xiao Xiao proposed a blockbuster.

"Right!" Because Xiao Xiao decided to submit his resignation to Gu Chen after careful consideration.

"In the past two days, I looked at the situation in K City and found that the lives of the residents have recovered to a certain level, so I plan to go back to take care of my farmhouse amusement park, and wait for my friends by the way... I will probably still have to Please come down."

At this time, Gu Chen suddenly heard that Xiao Xiao was leaving, and he felt a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't leave his post without permission now, and he had no reason to stop Xiao Xiao, so in the end, he could only comfort himself, this time she didn't. If you want to run far away, you can still visit her when you have time... right?

"Okay, do you need me to take you?"

"No, I'll just leave by myself. Thank you for your hospitality these days."

Xiao Xiao is still quite satisfied with Gu Chen's environment, some food and some accommodation, and there is only one guide left to play with... Cough, no, Gu Chen is so busy, he can't be a guide no matter what!

"Okay, if you want to come to K City, you can come to my place to rest, and I'll leave the room for you." Seeing that Xiao Xiao had decided to leave, Gu Chen could only be polite in the end.

"If there is a need, I will not be polite!" Xiao Xiao responded with a smile, and then left Gu Chen's residence.

Gu Chen also went out shortly after Xiao Xiao left, rushing to the office building. Today, he has arranged several more meetings. There is no American time to be sad here.

Xiao Xiao actually lied again.

She said goodbye this time, not with the intention of going directly back to the Farmhouse Paradise, but with the intention of being a heroic warrior who would be brave and help in the face of injustice.

After two days of observation, Xiao Xiao found that scum is really everywhere, both inside and outside the defense line. She doesn't understand the law, and she's not a police officer. For her, violence is the best choice.

After Xiao Xiao planned the route a little, she began to leave legends that belonged to her in various cities in the defense line.

But anyone who takes advantage of the fire, kills them.

Domineering, kill.

The deceiver, kill.

Adulterer and captor, kill.

In short, Xiao Xiao relies on his invincible force to find those bad people who have escaped legal punishment wherever he goes, and kill them all one by one——Under Xiao Xiao's mental power screening, all the hidden sins are nowhere to be found Escape.

Although these headless koan cases have troubled the police everywhere, they are actually happy to see it happen in private.

In less than two weeks, a legend called the "Executioner" began to appear in the defense line. Many petty thieves all ran to the police station to surrender themselves, so as not to be touched at the door in the middle of the night to solve the problem.

And when the wicked knew about this, they all ran away with their money and money, and they all ran away from the line of defense, fearing that they would lose their lives if they were one step too late—the worse people were, the more afraid of death they would be. Only the ability to bully the good and fear the evil is left.

Under Xiao Xiao's crazy clearing, the security in the defense line quickly improved, and the entire environment became much more stable.

I have to say that under this indiscriminate death penalty, anyone who wants to commit a crime will hesitate. God knows if their bad deeds will lead to death? After simply thinking about whether it is worth it, in the end, most of them did not take action because of fear, so the crime rate plummeted.

Xiao Xiao would be so crazy, mainly because she was stimulated... She saw a lot of lunatics in K City for 'medicine', and did a lot of crazy actions, but because there was Gu Chen in K City, she resisted and didn't make a move, But the killing intent has not disappeared, and this is the legend of the 'Executioner'.

Half a month later, Xiao Xiaocai, who had no one to kill, returned to K City, ready to organize her farmhouse.

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