On the boats headed by Liangshan, stood the four heroes of Taihu, Li Jun

, and the Tong brothers, and on the ships behind stood Wang Jin, Du Bai, Ji Ji, and Cao Zheng

, as well as the three heroes of Baoqi Mountain, and the three heroes of Yinmachuan, ......

These 17 heroes are riding the wind and waves, leading the freshly trained naval army

, as well as part of the escort team of Zengtou City, to march towards Liangshanbo ......

They saw Liangshan standing in the water pool from a distance, and the fourth elder of the four heroes of Taihu Lake

, Bu Qing, said with a smile: "Several leaders, now we are getting closer and closer

to Liangshan; in order to avoid the other party from discovering us, we will take the first step in the next wish to pull out the ears and eyes on Liangshan......

"Tong Wei and Tong Meng brothers smiled

: "My two brothers are willing to go with Fourth Brother Bu......

" Wang Jin glanced at each other, nodded and said:

" Then it's bothering the three brothers, everything must be careful......"

Bu Qing and the three of them hugged their fists, and a fierce man plunged into the water and disappeared ......without a trace

Wang Jin couldn't help but admire

: "A few brothers are really good skills, if there are no brothers on these waterways, Liang Shanbo may not be able to advance half a step......

" Red Whisker Dragon Fei Bao and Mixed River Dragon Li Jun hurriedly said:

"Wang Jiaotou is really false, the real fight will depend on all of you ......"

After Bu Qing and the Tong brothers entered the water, the three of them could also keep their eyes open in the water;

As they swam forward, they closely observed the movement of the water......

After swimming in the water for less than half an hour, Bu Qing suddenly pointed

forward, and the Tong brothers immediately understood, and their bodies dived down again, like a sharp arrow, swimming forward to ......

There were several boats parked on the water in front of them, and one of them was rocking back and forth

, and it was the Liangshan minions who gambled on it, shouting when they won and beating their chests when they lost,

which made the boats shake from side to side ......

The three men came to the bottom of the boat, drew two daggers from their gaiters, looked

at each other again, and quietly climbed onto the side ......of the boat, leaping into the water at the same time

Where are the opponents of the three Jiaolong who suddenly came to kill the three dragons in this

boat, and the three of them were like swimming fish, interspersed among these people a few times, and there were few people standing on ......the boat

Of course, there were also a few Liangshan minions who were on the side, and when they saw that the opportunity was wrong, they turned over and jumped

into the water; no matter how good their water quality was, they could still be better than Bu Qing and the others?

Those minions who escaped into the water did not swim far before they braved blood and sank to the bottom ......of the water

In less than a quarter of an hour, there were still three or five Liangshan minions standing on the ship;

" said...... How many patrol teams are there here?Which thief

leader is in charge of this?" Bu Qing asked coldly

, and the remaining minions hurriedly kowtowed:

"Grandpa spare my life, there is only this patrol here, and it is Ruan Xiaoqi, the leader of Ruan Xiaoqi, who is in charge of this place."

The dagger in Bu Qing's hand turned left and right in his hand, and he asked without raising his head

: "What about Ruan Xiaoqi, why haven't you been with you?" A minion kowtowed and said

: "It's just because Ruan Xiaoqi's leader is in a bad mood and doesn't know where to hide to eat and drink......" Bu Qing stretched out his face to a few people, and asked softly:

"You really don't know where Ruan Xiaoqi is?"


people hurriedly shook their heads... ...

Bu Qing sighed with some regret, and the two daggers in his hands quickly slashed across the ......

The minions didn't even scream, and fell down ...... clutching their throats

Bu Qing Zhengse said:

"Two brothers, we have to find a way to find Ruan Xiaoqi, lest he leak the news and make Liang Shanbo prepared...... Tong

Wei and the two brothers couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard that it was Ruan Xiaoqi here;

Now this person is Ruan Xiaoqi, and he is still worried about a bird

, don't say anything, fuck the fucking ......

The three of them ignored these small boats, plunged into the water again, and went to find Ruan Xiaoqi separately......

Ruan Xiaoqi had several big black fish swooping towards him

in his sleep, and when he saw that there was no way to avoid it, he couldn't help but scream and woke up ......

He sat up and pounded his head vigorously, it turned out to be a dream?

Ruan Xiaoqi staggered and straightened up, just about to call someone, wanting someone to bring some water to ......

He suddenly became alert, and his hairs stood on ......end for no reason

He didn't want to plunge headlong into the water, it was like his instinct ......

Ruan Xiaoqi, who entered the water, not only did not have a trace of drunkenness, but became more sober ......

He only kicked his feet twice, and his body jumped dozens of meters away in the water.

At this time, a trace of blood floated in front of Ruan Xiaoqi

, his face suddenly changed greatly, and he was about to jump out of the water to see the situation, when a dagger stabbed at him......

Ruan Xiaoqi's body twisted violently, and while avoiding the opponent's dagger, he also pulled out his Dragon King ......

Ruan Xiaoqi didn't know the man in front of him, but the other party looked like he was going to put himself to death, but he couldn't hide ......

The person who met

Ruan Xiaoqi was Tong Wei who acted separately; Tong Wei found Ruan Xiaoqi first, so he quietly leaned over;

but he didn't expect Ruan Xiaoqi to be so clever, even if he attacked secretly, he couldn't hurt the other party's ......

He couldn't help but cheer up and fight with Ruan Xiaoqi in the water......

The two of them couldn't speak in the water, but they just relied on their water nature to fight ...... fiercely

Ruan Xiaoqi was originally able to be stronger than Tong Wei;

but he didn't know what

the other party was opening the way for? How many people came? Still less did he know the other party's intention?

Ruan Xiaoqi's greatest hope now was not to kill the other party quickly, but to go back to Liangshanbo to report the news ......

The two are like two water snakes, and they can't tell the winner for a while.

The violent shaking of the water here also alarmed Bu Qing and Tong Meng, and the

two hurried to ...... here

The dragon king thorn in Ruan Xiaoqi's hand slashed fiercely, forcing Tong Wei back;

before Tong Wei could pounce, Ruan Xiaoqi kicked the water violently, turned around and walked ......

Tong Wei was already one step slower than Ruan Xiaoqi, and he wanted to catch up, but Tong Wei, who was one step behind, faced Ruan

Xiaoqi's backward water, and the resistance to advance was much ......greater

By the time Bu Qing and Tong Meng arrived, Ruan Xiaoqi had already disappeared ......

Bu Qing jumped on the water again, looked left and right, and found no trace of Ruan Xiaoqi

; because of the pursuit for a while, this place was already very close

to Liangshan; the three of them did not dare to stay too long, so they had to hurry back to the fleet;

informed the brigade to move forward quickly, trying not to give Liangshan time to prepare ......

On Liangshan, Chao Gai gathered the rest of the leaders together

; everyone had just set up the wine and meat in the Juyi Hall and was about to drink

; Ruan Xiaoqi ran in in a panic;

"Brother Tianwang...... Brother Tianwang's big thing is not good!

A thief killed Liangshanbo......

" Chao Gai was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked

: "What is the origin of the other party? How many people are there?"

Ruan Xiaoqi clenched his fists in shame and said:

"The younger brother doesn't know, but he just met a thief under

the water, and that person's kung fu in the water is also very good;

plus the patrol team led by the younger brother is nowhere to be found."

So the younger brother decided that someone killed me Liangshan ......".

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