Shi Wen Gong was sad when he saw it, and he and Su Ding both hugged their fists and retreated ......

When he came to the courtyard, he exhaled a sigh

of relief, his expression was a little sad, Su Ding thought that Shi Wengong was distressed about Zeng Sheng's death, so he opened his mouth to comfort

: "Teacher Shi, Su also knows that you have a deep relationship between master and apprentice

, and now that Zeng Wulang has suffered this poisonous hand, you don't have to be sad,

we just need to avenge him......

Shi Wengong shook his head and said in response to the question:

" The virtuous brother didn't know

that he was only because he was from a humble background; his parents died of illness when he was young, and he suffered misfortune

; fortunately, he was rescued and raised by the master, and passed on his art for nearly ten years; however, because he was competitive and competitive, he went astray, and has always been obsessed with becoming the first

in the world of martial arts; he often competed with his senior brother Lu Junyi and was jealous, thinking that he could suppress him;

and later the master saw that I couldn't practice martial arts in a down-to-earth manner, so he scolded a few words;

In a fit of rage, I left my master and drifted alone in the rivers and lakes

; I was fortunate to be appreciated by Dong Weng and became a teacher in Zengtou City

; I was bent on getting ahead, and in terms of achievements, I was able to overpower my fellow brothers

; the ridiculous thing is that the senior brother became a border general, and the junior brother became the head of the forbidden army;

I was just a caretaker...... and a nursing home

After all these years, my brother's competitive spirit has been eliminated a lot, and I have been thinking about going back

to my teacher to ask for guilt, but I have never had the opportunity; I

thought that when I defeated Dulonggang Sanzhuang this time and became famous, I was not ......too late to ask my teacher for guilt

Unexpectedly, the Zeng family has lived in the Great Song Dynasty for decades, and there are still Han

people and gold people; if it is for the sake of fame again, and tens of thousands of innocent people in Zengtou City are involved, then there will be no shame to see the master.


listening to Shi Wengong's words, his face changed greatly, and he asked hesitantly,

"What does Teacher Shi mean

......?" Do you want to give up

Zengtou City?" Shi Wengong sighed again and said:

"This is the dilemma for my brother;

it stands to reason that Dong Weng is not thin on me, and now that Zengtou City is about to come in a storm, how can my brother leave?

Can ...... But they still look down on the people of the Great Song Dynasty!

If I make the Song people kill each other for their sake again, wouldn't it be even more difficult?"

Just as the two of them sighed for a long time, a voice sounded coldly:

"Two teachers, the horses have been fed, I wonder if you two still have to go on an inspection?"

Following the sound, I saw a man more than a foot tall, bowing down to the two of them and clenching his fists

; this man turned out to be a bandit on the boundary of Qingzhou, whose name was Yu

Baosi; he was later surrounded and suppressed by the government, and he took refuge in Zengtou City in desperation

; he was sent by Zeng Taigong to a horse farm and became a steward;

looking at Yu Baosi, Shi Wengong and Su Ding glanced at each other, and both of them had murder......ous intent

in their eyesThat Yu Baosi didn't seem to feel the murderous intent of the two, and clasped his fists again and said:

"Two teachers, the villain has also sold horses in the north before, and knows how the Liao and Jin people in the north treat the Han people.

The villain once secretly thought that if he could have the opportunity to slash the alien race, the villain would never let it go......

" Shi Wengong's hand was on the saber at his waist, and he asked coldly

: "You don't look good at the horse farm, why did you run here and talk nonsense?"

Now that the great enemy of Zengtou City is now, if you dare to neglect your duties, this teacher will kill you on the spot!"

Yu Baosi hugged his fists again and smiled:

" Teacher Shi also asked to calm his anger, although the villain is a horse breeder, but he also has a bit of clumsy strength;

if the teacher does not give up, the villain is willing to follow the teacher to kill the enemy and protect Zengtou City......

" Listening to this person's upside down words, Shi Wengong's eyes narrowed, staring at Yu Baosi tightly,

his hand clenched the hilt of the sword, and still asked in a cold voice:

"What are you going to do?

Yu Baosi still bowed his body

, and said word by word: "The villain is a Han person, and he is willing to protect the women, children, old and young ...... in Zengtou City"

The words have all been said about this, and it seems that Yu Baosi is also dissatisfied with the Zeng father and son......

Shi Wengong let go of the hilt of the sword, put his hands behind his back, and the murderous intent on his body slowly dissipated, but he still said coldly

: "Shi Mou sees that you are a man, you can follow me! Wait for Zengtou City to pass this catastrophe, and it will not be too late to reuse you......

" Yu Baosi hugged his fists and said:

"The villain thanked the teacher, and he must have saddled the horse for the teacher, and he has ...... after death"

Shi Wengong and Su Ding did not continue to talk because of Yu Baosi's sudden arrival;

The two hugged each other's fists, and then went down to rest, and

Yu Baosi naturally followed Shi Wengong to ......


Zhu Biao and Lin Chong led people back to the garrison of the vanguard army

; this time in the encounter, they killed more than 300 Zhuang Ding in Zengtou City, and Zeng Sheng, one of the Five Tigers

; and Zhujiazhuang's side lost about 100 people;

the two sides mainly fought for a short time, and if the time was longer, Lin Chong alone could also kill those people in Zengtou City......

Luan Tingyu couldn't help frowning a little when he heard the achievements of the two

, and he said with some concern:

"San Lang, you killed Zeng Sheng this time, will Shi Wengong be angry and bring people to encircle and suppress us?"

Zhu Biao nodded and said

, "Teacher Luan is very worried, in order to prevent Zeng Tou's counterattack, we have ordered Zhuang Ding to be vigilant tonight


; Lin Chong and Luan Tingyu nodded at the same time, and went down to order

; Zhu Biao and the others waited for two days without danger, and did not wait for the retaliation of Zengtou City; two days

later, the Chinese army of Li Zhu and the others arrived; Zhu Biao and the others welcomed Li Zhu and them to the camp tent and said that they had killed Zeng Sheng

; Zhu Hu, who followed the Chinese army, listened to it, not to mention how happy he was;

he said with a smile:

" It's a pity that I didn't become a pioneer

, otherwise, none of the five hundred thieves will be left behind

, and all of them will be slaughtered......" Zhu Biao said with a smile:

"Second brother don't be in a hurry, although Zeng Sheng was killed by the younger brother, there are other four tigers, and when the time comes, the second brother can also be angry."

Everyone laughed for a while, and Zhu Biao asked Li

Zhu: "Military advisor, now that our army is all here, what should we do next, and ask the military advisor to ......make it clear

" Li Zhu stroked his beard slightly and said:

"Now that our army is pressing, a vicious battle is inevitable;

Today can make the army rest for a day, wait until tomorrow morning, firmly surround Zengtou City, and attack ...... at the same time

As for tonight, it is necessary to strengthen vigilance, so as not to be stolen by the other party at the end of the joint because of paralysis and carelessness; as for

the transfer of personnel, I also ask Zhu Gongzi to arrange ......


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