Coupled with the fact that they had plundered Jeju City last time and saved Song Jiang from the Dharma Field, they

had already made the people of Liangshanbo arrogant and unstop......pable

Chao Gai nodded vigorously and said:

"Okay, since the Gongming brothers have a heart, and the brothers have a heart

, then ask the Gongming brothers to point up my Liangshan heroes and kill Dulonggang

, and at the same time regain a little interest for my Liangshanbo, but also let the world see the majesty of my Liangshan...... "

Song Jiang doesn't know if it's because he drank wine,

or because Chao Gai gave him the right to order troops and generals."

His dark face turned red, and he stood up and said,


." Zhu Biao of Zengtou City deceived Liangshan too much, and his teacher Shi Wengong even injured his brother


's armAre you willing to go with me to avenge your brother?" Liu

Tang and the Ruan brothers heard this, immediately stood up, hugged their fists and said:

"Brother please give an order, brothers will kill down the mountain and slaughter Zhujiazhuang


" Seeing this, Song Jiang's body trembled with excitement;

He pretended to be calm and nodded, and continued:

"Let the Ruan brothers prepare a boat to take

the brothers down the mountain, and let Liu Tang, Hua Rong, Qin Ming, Li Kui, Wang Daoren, Qiu Xiaoyi, Deng Long, Xue Yong, Shi Yong and other brothers go down the mountain with me...... Everyone

listened and was about to get up to listen to the order

, Wu Yong took the first step and said,

"Brother, slow ......down."

When Song Jiang heard this, his face was immediately displeased, and he frowned and said

, "What do you command?" Wu Yong walked to Song Jiang's side, patted Song Jiang's back with great meaning

, and then smiled lightly:


Brother Gongming, it's just an attack on the small Dulonggang, why do you need to work so many brothers?

From the younger brother's point of view, the navy only needs Zhang Heng and Zhang Shun brothers to go;

even Liu Tang, Wang Daoren, Qiu Xiaoyi doesn't have to go

, wouldn't it be better to leave them with their living combat power to deal with Zengtou City in the future?"

Hearing Wu Yong's words, Gongsun Sheng, who had been silent, suddenly raised his head, and an inexplicable ......light flashed in his eyes

Wang Lun, who was sitting a few people in the back, also secretly sneered a few times:

Hmph...... This Wu can only teach those rural naughty boys.

Song Jiang originally thought that Wu Yong was a little unhappy to interrupt him, but

after hearing this, he was stunned for a moment, and then gently patted his head, and said with a smile:

"Oops...... Fortunately, there was

a reminder from the military advisor; how could they have forgotten that there was a big enemy in Zengtou City?

In other words, they would do as the military advisor said

; when they dealt with this small Dulonggang

, they would not make a big move; and when they dealt with Zengtou City, it would not be too late to let the brothers show their strength......"

When Liu Tang and the Ruan brothers heard this, they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, sat back sullenly, and poured a few glasses of wine ...... fiercely

Wang Daoren and Qiu Xiaoyi have an indifferent attitude.

Chao Gai was still full of excitement, and he couldn't stop nodding at Song Jiang and Wu's words......

In the end, everyone discussed, led by Song Jiang, Wu Yong as the military advisor, and

other generals including Qin Ming, Huang Xin, Hua Rong, Li Kui, Li Li, Deng Fei, Zhang Heng, Zhang Shun, Wang Ying, Yan Shun, Zheng Tianshou, Shi Yong, Xue Yong and others went down the mountain to ......

With 3,000 minions, five days later, they attacked Dulonggang ...... with all their might

Then the people ate and drank for a while, and each went down to prepare for ......

Wang Lun and Zhu Gui walked out of the Juyi Hall, and the two walked slowly to the location of the golden beach ......

Zhu Gui got on the boat, turned around and hugged Wang

Lun and said: "Brother go back, take care of everything......

Wang Lun nodded slightly and said:

"Brother should also take care, now Liangshan is not comparable to the past and the present, the fish and dragons are mixed, you and my brother should keep their eyes open, don't be a vain ghost ......

." As for how to listen to the news and pass on the news, the brother should know more than the elder brother!" Zhu

Gui glanced at Wang Lun deeply, nodded heavily, and then hugged his fists again, and ordered someone to rock the boat towards the Li family crossing......


In Zengtou City, Zhu Biao and Li Zhu sat opposite each other in the study

; Zhu Biao pressed a note with his hand and slowly pushed it forward on the table;

he said with a cold expression

: "Military advisor, please see, is this true or false?"

Li Zhu picked up the note, frowned and looked at the words on the note, and solemnly clenched his fists and said:

"I'd rather believe it than believe it!

." Besides, the messenger did not dare to stab him twice

; now all walks of life are developing

rapidly; now Fang La has occupied most of Zhejiang, and the rebel army under his command is about to reach 100,000;

Wang Qing of Huaixi also controls several military prefectures, and the momentum is ...... rapidly

There is also Tian Hu in Hebei, who has captured four or five state cities and rewarded everyone.

It seems that Liang Shan can't sit still and wants to do something ......

" Zhu Biao smiled coldly and said murderously:

"But the people on Liang Shan are blind and want to cut me

......?" I, Zhu Biao, are still too benevolent and righteous! It seems that there are too few people to kill!"

Li Zhu looked up and was startled

; he had never seen Zhu Biao's expression so fierce; looking at Zhu Biao's expression

at this time, even if he slaughtered a few cities, some people would believe ......

Zhu Biao said slowly:

"Strategist, please bother you to arrange it!

This time I want to make Zengtou City famous all over the world......"

Li Zhu heard this, quickly hugged his fists, and hurriedly walked down to ......

Zhu Biao himself stood up slowly, he looked at the map behind

him with his hand, and the look on his face, where did he still look like Corporal Lixian?

Now all of them were decisive and ......cold

He raised his hand again and slowly traced the ...... along the map

When he rowed to the northwest direction, he said a little harder

: "Jumping beam clown...... his

hand continued to slide upward, pointing to the position due north, and snorted coldly:

"Lingering for breath...... He

finally rowed to the top of the map, that is, the place beyond the scope


the map; Western Xia, Great Liao, and the newly rising Jin State ......

Yes, Zhu Biao's ambition

is very big now, although he is very small now, so small that he is like an ant, thinking about how to swallow a piece of fat ......

No one knew about his current thoughts

, just like he was a time-traveler, and he hid it deep in ......his heart

Zhu Biao sat back slowly, his eyes tightly closed:

"I'm going to see blood......

It's time for the sword of Zengtou City to draw out ......


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