The Dao Follows My Words: I Am Identified As The Son Of Heavenly Dao

Chapter 14 The Empress's Chance, Li Changsheng And The Taoism Of Longevity

Luo Qingyao, who had just finished the assessment and officially became a member of Dao Shenzong, was considering which peak to go to.

And at this moment, the light of the Great Dao above the sky suddenly appeared!

Luo Qingyao's complexion suddenly changed, and she looked at the vision in the sky in shock!

The avenue is invisible, illusory and cannot be seen directly.

Only those who become the Quasi Emperor can initially peek into the avenue!

The Great Saint is out of reach!

Sensing Dao rhyme, this is also an inevitable condition for Quasi Emperor breakthrough to become Great Emperor!

But now that the light of the Great Dao has actually appeared, those Great Saints probably thought it was an unusual phenomenon, and they thought of it as Heavenly Dao.

But Luo Qingyao is the reincarnation of Jiang Nannan, the ancient empress of the world of mortals!

She is very familiar with Dao!

She once arrived at the Great Emperor Apex Realm and initially mastered the rules of Tao, but in the end she failed because she was not in the mood of Returned to Origin.

She had no choice but to reincarnate. In this era, her emperor soul had just recovered, and she was successfully reincarnated into the current Luo Qingyao.

"How could Dao be? But this is also my chance!" A look of surprise floated on his face.

Luo Qingyao immediately put aside all current affairs, sat in Lotus Position and looked directly at the light of the avenue!

When Dao was not manifested, she could not touch it with her tiny Cultivation Base, but now that she has manifested, with her complete emperor soul, she can use this to comprehend Dao, which is beyond everything for her. Get big medicine! You can forge the supreme foundation!

This is what Luo Qingyao can do. Even for Quasi Emperor, the level of Daoguang is really too high for him. Unless the heaven-defying savvy Tianjiao, even the Great Emperor can't reach it. They simply cannot Insight.

Having learned the lesson from Yan Zu last time, Luo Qingyao carefully controlled her aura without showing anything.

The eyes looking directly at the light of the Dao were a little hollow, and the temperament of the whole person was a little ethereal.

The Cultivation Technique "Tanfan Nine Cycles" inside her is activated!

Fading Fan Nine Cycles is an imperial scripture created by her peerless and amazing talent after she became an emperor!

This Cultivation Technique has a total of Nine Cycles. Every time it is completed, it will break through a layer of the current limit shackles of the human body, and the strength of the foundation (including the body and soul) will double.

After Nine Cycles Great Completion, you can break from the Human Realm to the Immortal Realm! With every breakthrough turn, life will be sublimated! Really improve the level of life!

When Luo Qingyao created this Cultivation Technique, she had already become an emperor, her foundation had already taken shape, and she had reached the limit of her own Human Realm, and being limited by her past foundation made her unable to continue to improve herself.

Later, she passed on this Cultivation Technique to her Sect, the Yaochi Sacred Land.

However, due to the huge amount of resources consumed, it was necessary for Sacred Land to hurt its muscles and bones, but it was not unbearable. The real daunting thing was the difficulty of cultivation.

Originally, the limits and shackles of the human body are broken through layer by layer according to its own Cultivation Base, but this Cultivation Technique is too heaven-defying, first breakthrough the limits of the human body, expand its own potential and evolve the level of life, and then improve the Cultivation Base, in this case From the source, it will crush the Tianjiao of the same rank.

Ordinary Tianjiao can step up and fight, but once you have completed this Cultivation Technique, even one turn, you will fight with Tianjiao and the unit leapfrog! Far greater than the effect of one plus one equals two!

Before she was reincarnated, no one had succeeded in cultivation. It is hard to say whether anyone has been able to cultivate until now.

This Cultivation Technique has stumped countless geniuses and evildoers, and the Red Dust Empress who created it at the beginning is still expected to succeed.

It's a pity that the empress has already become an emperor, so she can't practice.

But for Luo Qingyao, now that she is reincarnated and her origin is still growing, the best choice is this Nine Cycles!

This Cultivation Technique was created by her, just like you built a maze, only you know where the exit is, so you can practice smoothly as a matter of course.

At this time, for Fafan Nine Cycles, there is no resource as real as Dao!

How much Dao Rhyme can take advantage of this opportunity depends on her Good Fortune! Don't miss this opportunity!

Luo Qingyao's emperor soul is trying to move the Dao Rhyme on the sky and draw it into herself, and the faded Nine Cycles in her body are spinning wildly!


After a stick of incense, a voice that only Luo Qingyao could hear sounded, and the shackles of the first Daoist body were broken through!

Luo Qingyao felt her body relaxed! This feeling is unprecedented!

It was like the weight that had been pressing on the body was suddenly lifted, and the whole person was refreshed!

But she doesn't dare to feel the current state too much, time is running out, she must seize the time to absorb Dao Rhyme!

After a stick of incense, the vision in the sky gradually dissipated, and the light of the Great Dao disappeared from the body and dissipated in the vast world.

Luo Qingyao also stopped, let out a mouthful of turbid air, her expression relaxed and joyful.

"I didn't expect to have such an opportunity. The second round of Fafan Nine Cycles is at least half completed!"

"Luo Qingyao! The vision has also dissipated, and you can choose the mountain, one of the three major peaks." Elder, who was in charge of the initiation disciple's selection of the mountain, looked a little impatient.

If Luo Qingyao hadn't been the person Peak Master Liu liked, and he seemed to have gained something just now, he wouldn't be so patient.

Just kidding, he didn't even get a glimpse of Celestial Realm Power, what can a little girl who just initiated Initiation understand?

But what he didn't know was that Luo Qingyao had absorbed the Dao Rhyme that he couldn't even hope for!

"Thank you Elder, Qingyao has decided, let's choose Tianfeng." Luo Qingyao was not annoyed, she was just a little Deva, how could she get a glimpse of the path she was going to take.

"En." Deva Elder nodded, then used Divine Sense to draw a mark on the jade tablet, and threw it to Luo Qingyao.


Li Changsheng comprehended the scripture in his mind, which is the Taoist scripture of "No Time to Ultimately Evolve, the Ultimate Version and the Strongest".

The mind moved slightly, and the [Tao Sutra] immediately started to work.

The voice of the avenue roared in Li Changsheng's body.

The moment the sound of the Supreme Dao sounded, combined with Li Changsheng's comprehension of the vast world, he entered the state of Sensing Dao in an instant.

Sensing Dao, also known as Wuding.

It is a Realm that cultivators can meet but cannot seek. This Realm is not the other Realm, which means a state.

Li Changsheng's understanding of Taoism continued to deepen, and the Spirit Power in his body surged, constantly enhancing his body.

Xiuxian's first Realm!

Body Forging Realm!

Others temper their bodies and then use Spiritual Qi Body Tempering, and some people with abundant resources even use Heavenly and Mortal Treasures to temper their bodies.

However, Li Changsheng's "Tao Sutra" will automatically emerge the sound of the Great Dao, and each sound contains different subtle frequencies, which cooperate with the Spiritual Qi resonance to temper the body and hone every cell in the body.

At this time, above the sky, the invisible Dao Rhyme sprinkled down!

[Tao Jing] will automatically hook Dao Rhyme on Nine Heavens, and exercise Li Changsheng's body even stronger!

This method of cultivation will eventually make the body a Taoist body that is unique in heaven and earth!

The potential of such a body is unlimited, and it is also called the body of the Dao!

Unlike other sacred bodies that fit or are close to the Dao, it is the manifested body of the Dao itself!

In this way, Li Changsheng didn't know the passage of time in Sensing Dao's situation, and Li Changsheng came back to his senses only at night.

Slowly exhaled a mouthful of turbid air, and stopped the practice of [Tao Jing].

Feeling the abundant power in his body, Li Changsheng was very excited.

"Is this the Body Forging Realm world? It feels like I can kill a cow with one punch now!"

"And this [Tao Jing] is too powerful! The level is even higher than Tongtian! This can no longer be called Tao Jing! You have to think of a name worthy of it." Li Changsheng gently Rubbing his chin, he pondered.

After a while, Li Changsheng's eyes lit up and he clapped his hands.


"Let's call it the 'Longevity Dao Jing'!"

"Hey, after all, it is because of me that this scripture came into existence, and I can be regarded as the creator! It is right to name it after me!" Li Changsheng is very satisfied with his wise decision.

Since then, I, Li Changsheng, have been the ancestor of the Taoism of Longevity!

"However, this kind of movement is really a bit big. I originally wanted to embody other Cultivation Techniques in this way. Now it seems that I should put it later."

Although Li Changsheng was shocked by the power of "Longevity Taoism", he did not dare to easily give other Cultivation Techniques to such a degree.

One time may be a coincidence, but if there are too many times, it is inevitable that some people will become suspicious, and he is now in a low Realm and many things are beyond his control. Once it is leaked, it will be unimaginable.


ps: There are still two updates

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