Zhang Zhuo, who was originally in a happy mood, just felt that his whole body was smooth after showing off in front of Li Changsheng.

But the next moment, he felt a strong force around his neck.

It was pushed to the back uncontrollably!

Li Changsheng's vein-covered right hand gripped Zhang Zhuo's neck from behind, his entire palm covered his Adam's apple, blood was even drawn out of his five fingers!

Then he held the junction of Zhang Zhuo's back and neck with his left hand, and all the accumulated anger was released at this moment!


Zhang Zhuo's neck was directly broken! His head fell back weakly and shook.

Zhang Zhuo is dead!

His body fell to the ground limply, blood gushing out.

"Ah!!!" Lin Xuexin was so frightened that she sat down on the ground.

She really knew that Zhang Zhuo was too much, a man couldn't bear it.

But it never occurred to Li Changsheng that he would kill Zhang Zhuo! !

Li Changsheng had no expression on his face, his eyes were empty and scary.

"You...you kill...kill..." Lin Xuexin looked at Li Changsheng in fear, she had never seen Li Changsheng get angry, and she even once made her think that Li Changsheng was very mean.

Now she finds out she was wrong!

Li Changsheng has a good temper, but he is not without anger.

Blood spattered five steps in anger!

Li Changsheng's hands were covered with blood, and he instantly relaxed when he saw the body lying powerlessly on the ground.

He knew exactly what he had done, originally he just wanted to beat up Zhang Zhuo, but Zhang Zhuo was too irritating.

He was not angry with Zhang Zhuo for slapping Lin Xuexin, but Zhang Zhuo's insulting words made him furious.

Body trembling! Countless blood boils in the body!

I also thought that I had done nothing in my life, had no worries, and was bullied to such an extent.

It's better to obey your own heart!

Fuck the rules!

The people around are scared silly!

Watching Li Changsheng's operation in shock!

This tm kills!

Li Changsheng looked at Lin Xuexin who was sitting on the ground trembling, with complicated eyes, he could not afford to lose, he had seen through it a long time ago, even breaking up with Lin Xuexin would have nothing to do with him anymore.

This is also her choice.

To be honest, after what happened just now, he already looked down on Lin Xuexin in his heart.

Just like what Zhang Zhuo said, like a dog, without any dignity and backbone.

"Could it be...is money really that important..." Li Changsheng's tone was full of sadness, and the beautiful picture he had decided to bury deep in his heart was shattered.

Lin Xuexin's trembling body froze.


Looking at the woman he once loved, Li Changsheng shook his head with contempt in his eyes, then turned around and walked back.

Looking at Li Changsheng's back, Lin Xuexin felt heartbroken.

"Li Changsheng!" For some reason, she suddenly mustered up the courage to shout at Li Changsheng's back.

Li Changsheng's body paused for a moment, but instead of turning around, he raised his arms and shook his palms.

"Let's have a good life in the future... goodbye."

No one stopped Li Changsheng, and even made way for him.

Li Changsheng sighed, thinking what happened to this society? Even if he killed people in public, no one stopped him, and some people even held up their mobile phones to record all this...

After Li Changsheng killed Zhang Zhuo, it was already dark.

Walking and walking came to the beach.

Looking at the stars in the sky, I know that own time is running out.

A police siren sounded faintly behind him.

After being arrested, he is dead, and where can he escape?

Killing for life! There is no second way.

"Don't move!"

A policeman had already arrived behind him, aiming at Li Changsheng with a pistol.

But Li Changsheng ignored it.

Instead, he stepped on the guardrail by the sea, and the sea breeze gently blew his skirt.

He enjoyed the moment.

"It's death anyway, so it's better to return to the embrace of nature, if there is an afterlife..."

Li Changsheng didn't finish speaking, but chuckled lightly, and jumped into the sea.


Li Changsheng in the water only hears the sound of the surging ocean currents, and recalls his own life like a slow motion playback in his mind.

Then the consciousness gradually dissipated.


When he wakes up again, he will time travel.

Came to this world that is very different from the previous life.

The world of cultivators!

"Hey, maybe God took pity on me, gave me a chance to be reborn, and let me hug Dao Shenzong's thigh."

Li Changsheng said it on his lips, but there was a faint desire to work hard in his heart.

In any case, what he is facing now is a brand new road, a road leading to the supreme cultivation of immortals!

I don't know if he will return to that world in the future, the past life is the past life after all, the past Li Changsheng has committed suicide by jumping into the river, and now he is the new Li Changsheng!

After he figured it out, Li Changsheng felt that his thoughts became clear for a while, the Longevity Dao Scripture in his body was slowly vibrating, and even the Cultivation Base was faintly improved.

This is a slight breakthrough in mood.

Li Changsheng also couldn't help smiling: "Is this a blessing in disguise for me? It's a pity that the words are not powerful enough. Obviously, even the Cultivation Technique beyond the Great Emperor level can be manifested, but it doesn't help my Realm at all. "

Nothing to say all night.

The next day, early morning.

The peach Lin Mu is bathed in the morning light, a little bit of rain and dew sticks to the leaves, and the pale white Spiritual Qi is misted, which adds a bit of Immortal Qi to Li Changsheng.

I don't know why, maybe it's because of his practice, Li Changsheng got up early and full of energy.

Standing on the balcony on the second floor of his home, looking at the rising sun outside the mountain, Li Changsheng took a deep breath.

"From now on, let me try hard and see how far I can go in this life!"

Li Changsheng's eyes shone brightly.

He doesn't want mediocrity either!

He also wants to be the enviable existence in the eyes of others!

And now his starting point has already walked in front of countless people!

"It is valued by Dao Shenzong, and there is also a trick to speak the law."

"The foundation of everything has been laid very well. I want to prove that I, Li Changsheng... am no worse than others!"

Li Changsheng is full of confidence!

If anyone knew, they would say: f*ck, how can you prove yourself like this? You are clearly hanging on the wall! Can a cheating life be worse than others?

After Li Changsheng sighed that life is really fair, he just sat cross-legged on the balcony and practiced.

The Taoism of Longevity is running, and the rich Spiritual Qi is constantly pouring into his body.


Shen Tianyu also got up at this time, sitting outside in Lotus Position practicing.

Suddenly he felt that the richness of Spiritual Qi seems to have dropped?

"Strange? Isn't the world revived? Why do you feel that Spiritual Qi is less concentrated than yesterday?"

Shen Tianyu, who couldn't figure it out, was puzzled. Although Spiritual Qi was not so strong, it had little effect on him, so he simply didn't think about it.

And Yan Zan, who was sitting in the Hidden Immortal Hall, also felt that the Spiritual Qi seemed to be slowly drifting somewhere after a whole night.

Then a golden light flashed in his eyes, and he looked towards the peach forest on the mountainside through layers of obstacles.

"Why are Spiritual Qi gathered there? Huh? That person is... Changsheng?!"


ps: Is this speedy revenge enjoyable? Changsheng got angry, blood spattered five steps! (●n?n●)

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