What kind of poem should I compose this time?

It must be elegant and classy!

Xiao Dabang pondered, and suddenly recalled that he once asked his father, what is love? At that time, Xiao Daniu’s vicissitudes and fond memories said that love belonged to Sacred, for example, the relationship between him and his mother was love.

Xiao Dabang asked again, do you mean close people?

At that time Xiao Daniu smiled and nodded...


"This time daddy will make a poem about love!" Xiao Dabang looked confident, only such poems are worthy of his knowledgeable status!

"Love? This... Dage, what is love?" Xiao Erbang looked at Dabang suspiciously.

"Dage! I don't understand either!"

"Hahaha! Little Brothers, Dage tells you that love refers to the relationship between close people!"

Li Changsheng looked at Xiao Dabang with a look of surprise, this idiot still understands such things as love? !

Seeing Li Changsheng's surprised look, Xiao Dabang felt that the choice of the theme of love is really wonderful!

"It's like the relationship between our three brothers, that's tm's Sacred love!"


Li Changsheng was so scared that he almost bit his tongue!

Everyone in the audience: Σ(っ°Д°;) っ? ? ?

What are you saying about tigers and wolves on this center stage? !

Is this something that can be said here?

Xiao Erbang and Xiao Sanbang looked suddenly enlightened.

"That's how it is! The relationship between our three brothers is love!"


"Second brother is right!"

Everyone also looked at the three people on the stage in amazement, no wonder the three of them are always inseparable, so...

"Pfft! Wow hahahaha!" Sun Tian couldn't bear it any longer, and laughed wildly while clutching his stomach, and Yuan Mo and Luo Qingyao also trembled from laughter.

The amazing smile of the second daughter made many audience around them show demented expressions.

"You said the three of you are in love?!???" Li Changsheng pointed at Xiao Dabang while suppressing a smile, almost bursting into tears.

"What? Do you envy the three of us brothers?"

"Ah yes yes yes! You are right!"

Xiao Dabang had a smug expression on his face.

Liu Yu was ashamed. He thought they were a brotherhood that was so good that he could wear a pair of pants, but he didn't expect... The brotherhood had already deteriorated, and he was already thinking about reporting this matter to the city lord.

"Then daddy is about to start!"

Li Changsheng suppressed a smile and nodded.

Xiao Dabang said confidently:

"Hantian World, at the feet of Dao God!"

"Fudao City is good, bustling and prosperous."

"The third son of the city owner, Brother Bang Bang."

"Love is stronger than gold! Love is like tide!"

After Xiao Dabang finished speaking, he unfolded the fan in his hand and fanned it, with a look of satisfaction overflowing his face.

"Okay! Dage said it so well! As expected of Dage!"

"Second brother is right!"

Everyone in the audience didn't know what to say, some were laughing, some were sluggish...

This is so devilish that someone can recite it confidently (⊙﹏⊙)...

The corner of Li Changsheng's mouth twitched, he was still bustling, what kind of bad poetry is this f*ck writing, it's like shit!

The real tm is Xiao Dabang, a poetic genius.

"How is it? Boy!"

"Now, do you still have the confidence to confront daddy?" Xiao Dabang smiled ヽ(*??????‵*)?, in Li Changsheng's eyes, he was so embarrassed...

"Hehe." Shaking his head, Li Changsheng had already brewed poems about love in his previous life in his mind.

"Then it's my turn."

"Come on, show your ugliness." Xiao Dabang nodded.

Li Changsheng: ………

There is such a brazen person (*Φ炸Φ*)!

'Master, I must give this stupid stick a good shot this time, I will scare you to death at will! '

At the next moment, Li Changsheng's eyes flashed with golden light, and he took a step forward.

"Slender clouds make tricks, flying stars spread hatred, and silver men are far away from darkness."

All the Confucian scholars below the stage fell silent after hearing this first sentence.

"This first sentence is so wonderful!" Sun Tian looked at Li Changsheng and exclaimed.

Yuanmo Luo Qingyao also looked at Li Changsheng with beautiful eyes.

Li Changsheng didn't say the next sentence right away this time, but was waiting for something.

After half a sound, the sound of Taoism filled the air, like admonishment from the great avenue.

Golden lotus springs up from the ground, and blossoming Rosy clouds appear out of thin air in the hall on the first floor of Fengxiao Garden.

A vision appeared behind Li Changsheng!

A picture unfolds.

"What the hell?!" Xiao Dabang stared at this scene with wide eyes, extremely shocked.

"Again?!" Sun Tian stared at Li Changsheng in shock.

Yuan Mo couldn't believe it either, she, the majestic Quasi Emperor, had never seen through her grandson.

Luo Qingyao was much calmer. She had already guessed and prepared for this situation, so she didn't lose her composure like others.

Li Changsheng was very satisfied with the effect, nodded his head lightly, and took another step!

"Once the golden wind and the jade dew meet, they will win but there are countless people in the world."

"Tenderness is like water, good times are like dreams, bear with the magpie bridge and return home."

The first sentence in front is very good, but the next two sentences are even more wonderful, and they are a successor to the previous sentence!

Artistic Conception is beautiful, and countless Confucian scholars have been deeply immersed in it, unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

"Once the golden wind and jade dew meet...they win but there are countless people..." Luo Qingyao chewed on these words, the way she cultivated was the way of the most affectionate.

She likes this sentence very much.

The corners of Li Changsheng's mouth curled up, and he smiled confidently while shaking his spirit feather fan.

"If the two feelings last for a long time, how can they be in the same day and night!"

The voice is clear and sweet, but also shocking.

Seeing off the stage, all the Confucian scholars including Sun Tian, ​​Yuan Mo and Luo Qingyao were shocked by him and were very satisfied.

‘Little boy, this last line is the most popular line in this poem! At this moment, the protagonist...is me! '

At this moment, the vision in Fengxiaoyuan suddenly became grand!

Li Changsheng stands proudly in the center of the vision, with countless fairy flowers and holy spirits appearing around him, including colorful magpies and snow-white elk. He is like a banished fairy left in the world. a feeling of.

In Yuan Mo's eyes, countless lights flashed, as well as Sun Tian's shocking gaze.

Even if she is as cold as Luo Qingyao, she is looking absent-minded at this moment.

"Brother Li..." She murmured subconsciously.

After a while, he came back to his senses, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes looking at Li Changsheng.

This feeling... can't be wrong!

It's the same feeling as countless Ten Thousand Years ago!

This Li Changsheng is definitely related to that bastard! ! !

Luo Qingyao's heart was full of excitement, not because she had a deep affection for the person in her mouth, but because she was reincarnated and rebuilt from countless Ten Thousand Years ago alone, everything that used to be turned into a mulberry field. Relatives, friends and even enemies have long been turned into a handful of dust and disappeared in the long river of history. The memories of the past all prove that she is a remnant of the old era!

It would be a lie to say that you are not alone!

What's more, it's her who cultivates the way of ultimate love!

People who have not experienced it will not understand how strong the feeling of nostalgia is in their hearts.

Although the second goods in her mouth only existed for a short time in the era of her Life, it left a deep impression on her.

Once upon a time, she, the empress of the world of mortals!

Even in front of that person, I don't even feel confident.

Luo Qingyao's eyes seemed to span the endless river of time. Looking directly at Li Changsheng on the stage, an illusory figure gradually merged with him.

"Is it you... Li Suifeng..."


ps: Advance the plot! ! !

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