The Dark Ages

Chapter 823: Black Sea, the old nest of murderers

Several weird and strange creatures came.

The head of a creature is three meters high, four arms are thick, and the two arms growing on the chest have sharp claws and glitter.

A tail grows behind it, the scale armor is shining, shining, and the body is exuding a ferocious breath.

"Head, why does Lord Ural let us come and see?"

"Yeah, these people can't run again. What's so nice about it?"

Five creatures, two of them are obviously a little unhappy, because the commander of the Star Fortress, Ulla, let them take a look at the young girls who were captured.

"Shut up!" The creature headed snorted, yelled: "Master Ura must come when we ask, who dares to be careful and I will throw him out."

Several of them had chills under their hands, all of them bowed their heads and did not dare to speak, and began to look at the girls of all ethnic groups held here honestly.

They looked at them one by one without any problems, and finally came to the deepest part of the cage, holding the soulless and soulless girl alone.

A few people looked at the girl with great attention, and they were relieved without a problem. The creature headed was mumbling.

"Really, waste my expression."

The creature was actually very dissatisfied, and muttered, "This young girl is the one designated by the leader to arrest, and she doesn't know what to do, she's a silly girl."

Then, he shook his head, turned and left with a group of men.

When they left, the space here fluctuated, and then Qin Tiange and others quietly emerged.

He looked at the departing creatures, thoughtfully, as if he had been faintly guessing.

"Brother Qin, they have been premeditated for a long time. What on earth does Qian Qian want to catch my sister?" Nalan Feiyu looked dignified and looked at the sister who was being held.

He was in a heavy mood, and those people seemed to value his sister and seemed to have some purpose.

This made him dare not act lightly and wanted to wait to figure it out, but worried that he would not be able to rescue his sister at that time.

"Perhaps, your sister has the ability to be valued by them." Qin Tiange whispered, looking at the dumb girl.

Nalan whisper, the little princess of the royal family, born with no soul or spirit, is an empty shell.

It is a miracle that she can grow up to this day, and most of them have her brother Feiyu taking care and protection.

"What about the guards protecting my sister?" Nalan Feiyu frowned suddenly, feeling wrong.

It stands to reason that among the guards protecting her, there is a master of the star level, and it is impossible to die completely.

"Well, the Star Fortress penetrated the space mezzanine and arrived at its destination."

When Qin Tiange's expression moved, he immediately sensed that the interstellar fortress broke through the space mezzanine and came to a dim star field.

He knew that the interstellar fortress came to the Black Sea, and it is rumored that it is one of the largest fierce areas in the fairy galaxy.

In the Black Sea, there are big fierce names, and many interstellar fierce fighters are hiding in such fierce land, making it difficult for major royal families to annihilate.

"We're in the Black Sea, Brother Feiyu, are you saving your sister now, or should we leave and look at it?" Qin Tiange looked at Nalan Feiyu and asked him.

Nalan Feiyu tangled in her heart, struggling for a while, and finally made a decision to make a decision.

"Wait a minute first, I have to figure out why Qianmo specified to arrest my sister, otherwise I'm uneasy." Nalan Feiyu made a decision directly.

Qin Tiange bowed his head, but didn't say much, a black particle poured out, wrapped around a few people and disappeared into the interstellar fortress.

At the moment of disappearance, Li Luo quietly played a glazed light, quietly submerged into the body of the soulless girl Nalan Jingyu.


At this moment, in the interstellar fortress, a domineering creature was surprised, the figure flickered, came here, and stared at the detained girl.

He was shrouded in fog, unable to see clearly, and it was faintly visible that it was a humanoid creature.

"Strange, why do you feel a wave of fluctuation, is it my delusion?" This man was very strong, and put into a horrible black hole.

He was the highest commander of the Star Citadel, Ulla, who was arrogant and had just sensed a faint wave. He immediately came. Unfortunately, he found nothing.

After looking around for a while, Ula shook her head, turned around and left here, she didn't know that someone had just come

At this moment, the interstellar fortress landed and walked among the interstellar debris, and the huge pieces of the planet floated, and the huge dense pattern was engraved on it, mysterious.

These events were artificially condensed into a large interstellar array. Based on the star fragments, they formed a dense and dense defense array to resist foreign enemies.

The interstellar fortress passes through the thick dust sky and enters into a vast star field, where stars shine, and a few hot stars are distributed in this star field, illuminating the darkness of the entire star field. .

"This is the Black Sea."

Behind the interstellar fortress, several small figures followed far into the star field.

Here is the legendary Black Sea, which is notorious and is the largest fierce domain in the Fairy Nebula.

In this fierce domain, there is a huge number of gangsters, which is simply a gangster's nest.

It is rumored that there are a large number of ferocious wanderers in the star field, all kinds of powerful creatures, fierce and towering, and it is exactly a gathering place of fierce creatures.


A stark roar came from the distant starry sky, and several people looked up, a vicious shadow looming in the darkness.

It stands above the starry sky, covering two stars, huge and unmatched, fierce and powerful, and the unconscious soul trembling.

"Thousands of evil spirits, that's the old nest of thousands of evil spirits." Nalan Feiyu looked extremely serious, looking at the horrible shadow.

The fierce shadow covering the two huge stars, the thousands of demons that are formally fiercely known, are rumored to have ancient fierce monsters flowing in their bodies.

It lay across the starry sky, exuding horrible black smoke, billowing like tide, flooding all directions and covering two huge stars.

There is its old nest, the headquarters of the Thousand Demon Slayers, and the other planets are the other old Slayers.

The horrors were revealed one by one, making Qin Tiange cautious, because he sensed a terrible Qi machine.

"There are more horrible things hidden here, so be careful." Qin Tiange warned.

Nalan Feiyu was shocked, nodded and said: "Brother Qin rest assured, I know, now, what should we do?"

"Following the interstellar fortress, we enter the old nest of the thousand demons."

Speaking of this, Qin Tiange's body changed for a while, and the mist was surging, and then a handsome young man with twin wings and horns in his head appeared.

Kirin Horn, Phoenix Wing, can see Nalan Feiyu startled, almost thought that he was wrong, and even thought that this was the body of Qin Tiange.

"Go!" Qin Tiange smiled slightly, flashed everyone, and disappeared into the sky. After the disappearance of the thousand demon shadows, he entered the huge planet.

This planet is shrouded in dark nebula and the mist is rolling, but the interior is full of vitality.


The interstellar fortress moored inside the planet, above the atmosphere, hidden in the rolling mist.

Soon, a neat and powerful team came out of the Star Fortress, carrying prisoners one by one, and entered the inside of the planet ~ ~ Brush!

On the planet, outside of a huge magic city, several figures quietly landed and came to the old nest of thousands of fiendish fiends.

"Brother Feiyu, let's separate. Be careful yourself." Qin Tiange came here and proposed to separate directly.

"Okay!" Nalan Feiyu nodded, releasing all the people hidden in the stars in his body.

"You and I explore separately, what this thousand demon wants to do, rest assured, your sister's position and security are under control." Qin Tiange reminded and comforted him.

After speaking, he took Liluo, Jingshan, and Ruby to leave quickly, and walked to the majestic magic city ahead.

As for Nalan Feather, he took two star master guards and eighteen black hole-level guards into the magic city in the other direction.

Thousands of magic old nests, what is hidden, why Qin Tiange entered here personally, in fact, before he felt a strange breath.

With a faint guess, he came to see for himself.

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