The Dark Ages

Chapter 863: Starry Wandering Clan: Underworld

Outside the solar system, two dim stars kept flying, fast, and were rushing towards the solar system.

The dim star body is seeing a kind of dim energy rays, and it is faint to see the dense and dense countless creatures wandering inside the star body.

"Master, what race is that?"

On the edge of the solar system, above the Neptune star, Qin Tiange and Jiji stood above the nebula aperture, looking out of the solar system.

The two dim stars saw the densely packed creatures above, but did not know the origin.

Qin Tiange blinked his eyes and was surprised: "This is a dark tribe. I didn't expect this race to pass outside the solar system."

"The Underworld?" Jiji was curious.

The Underworld, an infamous race, is excluded from the Starry Hundreds and belongs to the Starry Wandering Group.

Looking at the two dark stars, Qin Tiange chuckled: "The dark people are rejected by the hundreds because they have no place to live. They are all nomadic stars. When they encounter the weakness of each race, they swallow them up.

"If you encounter a strong one, you will just run away. They specifically select some lower civilizations to start with."

Qin Tiange explained little by little that the underworld, among the universe, is one of the most famous nomadic stray nomadic groups.

They have no place to live. They do not have any ethnic territories. They treat the starry sky as a ranch, wherever they go.

When encountering a small civilized race, it is bound to be annexed by the **** slaughter of these starry wandering ethnic groups and plunder all useful resources.

They are like mice in the starry sky, which hate and hate all races, and hate this kind of creatures most.

Because they have no foundation, they can't beat and run, and sometimes they will suddenly come back to **** and run again.

"It seems that there is another battle in the solar system, can you fight?" Jiji said to himself, looking at Qin Tiange, waiting for his order.

As soon as an order is issued, the transformation of the entire planet's nine planets into a battle star will immediately form a horrific lore.

Qin Tiange's eyes flickered, and he looked at the two dim stars, each of which was ten times larger than the sun.

Seeing this, Qin Tiange had an idea and laughed: "No hurry, let them enter the solar system, and then surround them to prevent them from escaping."

"Hidden clan, but even time and space can escape, and I have the ability to escape the suppression of the time and space strong, I'm curious." Qin Tiange was curious about this.

It is rumored that the Underworld has the ability to evade space-time suppression and even escape the tracking of the powerful.

This is very curious, what is the ability to make these starry wandering communities have such a great ability?

If it can be applied to the forces of the earth, it may improve the overall strength and ability of the people.

"Good!" Jiji immediately understood.

Outside the solar system, a terrible magnetic field permeated the impact of two huge dark stars.

Not long after, the two dark stars both rushed into the interior of the solar system, causing huge disturbances in the magnetic field in the entire solar system.

Suddenly, the two dim stars released a mysterious and strange power that disturbed the stable magnetic field of the entire solar system.

Qin Tiange hidden in the nebula was surprised, watching the mysterious waves released by the two dark stars, disturbing the magnetic field and locking the entire solar system.

This is a bit surprising, no wonder the Underworld is hated and disgusted by the Hundreds, not for no reason.

"Interesting, you can use the rules of space-time dimension to lock up the galaxy. Is this going to annex the energy of the entire solar system?" Qin Tiange said to himself, seeing the doorway.

These two dark stars have powerful abilities, and the hidden dark tribes inside are good, no wonder they can avoid space-time tracking and suppression.

However, in front of Qin Tiange, the two dark stars are still a bit low, and it is impossible to avoid him.

"Space-time fault, imprisoned!"

Suddenly, he drank and spread across the dark starry sky, and saw that the entire solar system was suddenly surrounded by inexplicable space-time faults.

The entire solar system was blocked at once and the surrounding starry sky disappeared, leaving only dense space-time faults.

"Oops, sometimes the air powerhouse sits in town and hurry up."

There was a loud shout from the Dark Star. A dark powerhouse awakened, and immediately realized that sometimes the space-level powerhouse sat here.

They never even thought about it. The small galaxy on the edge of a small space is sometimes incredible.

Even more frightening is that the entire galaxy is surrounded by countless space-time faults, and even loses the possibility of escape.

"Not good, the dark interface loses its sense and cannot be separated"

"We are trapped"

The two dark stars vibrated, releasing powerful dim energy, looking extremely alert and nervous.

The dark tribe inside is terrified, because the ability to avoid space-time levels could not be used.

The dark interface cannot be contacted and is blocked directly. If you cannot reach it, you cannot escape.


A roar came, and I saw that in the solar system, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury all moved together and broke through the void.

Surrounded by five huge battle stars, the five planets form an empty array, trapping two dark stars in a star array.

The five-element battle star is a bit small compared to the two dark stars, but it should not be underestimated, because it emits a terrifying light.

That was the energy ray of the Starkiller's main cannon. The terrible energy that could destroy the galaxy scared the Underworld in the two dark stars.

"Why so many battle stars?"

"No, that's the light of the Starkiller, the energy weapon of the Zhixing tribe, isn't it? How come there are the products of Zhixing?"

The Underworld panicked. Above the two dark stars, the dense grey runes flickered to form a powerful energy guardian.

The Underworld strong was nervous, as if kicked into an iron plate, and even broke into a place that should not be entered.


At this moment, a ray of light suddenly rose above the two dark stars, converging into a huge figure, which was the interstellar projection.

A hazy creature emerged, standing above the starry sky, and performing a strange ritual to the surroundings.

"Dear strong man, we have no intention of offending, but we accidentally broke in. We don't know the rules here. We are not malicious."

The Hidden Clan, softened immediately when the situation was unsatisfactory, there was no backbone at all.

When you encounter a weak one, you swallow it directly. When you encounter a strong one, you will be soft and beg for mercy.

"Dark, I'm curious. Do you really use the strange energy of the dark interface deliberately?"

A bland voice came, and a huge projection emerged, standing above the starry sky.

This projection is a hundred times larger than the sun. Standing on the starry sky, countless humans and creatures in the entire solar system can clearly see.

That was Qin Tiange, casting a projection directly, looking down at the projections of the two dark stars in front of him and the dark powerhouse.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

The dark people's projection was embarrassing, and a kind of terror threat was felt from Qin Tiange's projection, which was a death threat.

This threat has not been encountered for a long time. In the past, it remembered that it had encountered such an encounter as it is today.

It was a restricted area facing the sky, and in the distance was shocked by a terrible wave.

Although it was a lot weaker this time, it was just as horrible. I couldn't help panic and secretly regretted that I shouldn't rush in rashly.

"Say, do you people have the ability to connect to the dark interface?" Qin Tiange didn't have any patience.

It is rumored that the Underworld has the ability to connect to the dark interface and obtain a strange power that can evade and avoid space-time levels.

This matter is rumored and untrustworthy, but Qin Tiange is still very curious. If the other party does not say it, then it will directly swallow the true memory.

"Yes ~ ~ Yes, respectable strong, we do not rely on a capability, but a thing."

The explanation of the projected fear of the dark people did not dare to conceal it in the slightest. Qin Tiange felt too scary for him.

This is just a starry sky. Isn't it here to die?

After listening to this explanation, Qin Tiange's pupils shrank, and he said word by word, "Give up that thing, I can let you go."

"This" the power of the dark tribe hesitated, but suddenly a terrible breath condensed on Qin Tiange's projection, and he was immediately frightened.

"Projection condenses strength? Oh my god, this is, this is only possible for great gods of six or more dimensions in space and time." He was horrified and immediately knelt down.

"Excuse me, I will give it up immediately."

The Underworld strongman immediately dispersed the projection, and the real body came out holding a mysterious thing.

"Well?" Qin Tiange couldn't help but utter a suspicion when he saw the thing.

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