The Dark Ages

Chapter 872: Cruel, swallow time and space

In the chaotic flow of three-dimensional space and time, a mighty force surging, Mao Long broke the endless space and time, broke the barriers and blasted out.


I was shocked to see that a person waved his fist to break through the barriers of time and space, and stepped out of the space and time of exile step by step.

The three-dimensional space-time frame blocked and suppressed, and wanted to exile him to endless space-time, but it was a pity that Qin Tiange punched him.

Let your time and space change, and I've blown it out with one punch. This is Qin Tiange's physical arrogance and horror now.


Suddenly, a three-dimensional, three-dimensional space vibrated, and a bang, was blasted by Qin Tiange's punch from the inside.

Others have stepped out of the turbulence of three-dimensional space-time and came to the group of time-space-level powerful men.

"How come?"

A group of space-time powerhouses were horrified. It was incredible that Qin Tiange stepped out intact.

Can three-dimensional exile stop him? So, how powerful is the other party, isn't it beyond them?

"No, this person must have realized the power of more than three dimensions, go quickly."

The remaining space-time powerhouses were frightened, thinking that Qin Tiange had realized the power of three dimensions.

In fact, it was they who scared themselves. Qin Tiange swallowed the gate of time and space, drawing the power of time and space in the endless black holes in his body.

In essence, Qin Tiange is still a one-dimensional powerhouse in time and space, but he can use more than two-dimensional power.

Because he swallowed the gate of time and space, it is equivalent to the black hole in the body connecting endless space and time, which can attract one-dimensional and two-dimensional power into the body and continue to train.

At present, it is only the two-dimensional force into the body quenching stage, there is no surpassing the three-dimensional force.

As for why you are not afraid of being trapped by a three-dimensional cube, or even exiled, kidding, can you exile a spatiotemporal door?

Qin Tiange is a living space-time gate, and any force that exiles space-time is invalid.

"Want to leave, late!"

Qin Tiange Lengheng stepped through the dense one-dimensional line of time and space, and collapsed one side after another two-dimensional mirror.

"Damn, why aren't you afraid of the power of three-dimensional space-time?" A time-space powerhouse growled suddenly as Qin Tiange caught up.

He continued to make one-dimensional lines, countless singularities converged, and turned into a terrible space-time strangulation force.

It is a pity that these forces hit Qin Tiange's body, but they made a crisp clang.


In response to Qin Tiange's fierce blow, his fist hit the face door, leaving a deep punch on the spot, and his bones were broken.

A violent blow almost made the time and space strong person reimbursed. If he was not strong enough, he might be killed in one punch.

"Ah" came with a scream, the other space-time powerhouses looked at it, and suddenly the heart shrank suddenly.

Seeing Qin Tiange stepping on the time and space strong Tian Ling, the power erupted, and for a moment, the time and space creature was directly reimbursed.

The headless corpse was shattered and smelted by Qin Tiange and devoured, it was really fierce and scary.

"You, dare you devour time and space creatures?"

"Aren't you afraid of attracting judges?"

The group of time and space-level powerhouses was stunned. Qin Tiange swallowed two time-space-level powerhouses in a row. It was nothing before, but now they look dared. Doesn't it mean that the other party is not afraid of the judge?

Qin Tiange turned around and swept through these terrifying space-time creatures, disdaining: "Judge? Let him come, as long as he is not the master, whoever comes will fall equally."

"So arrogant!"

The remaining six space-time powerhouses were shocked. Qin Tiange was arrogant and confident, and even said that the judges would all fall.

In addition, Qin Tiange said that the masters of these six space-time powerhouses were frightened and a little hairy.

Has Qin Tiange met the Lord of the Realms? Otherwise, how could he have such conceit?

"Fight with him!"

"Send a message and let the judges resolve him."

Soon, the agreement of the six space-time powerhouses must be desperate, otherwise they may really be killed.

Even they can't compete, they must attract the judge, otherwise no one can really fight this monster.

"Building time and space, battlefield channels!"

Suddenly a loud rumor came, Qin Tiange slammed two meters, watching the six space-time powerhouses explode in unison, and burst into space and time.

There is an endless world connected there, desolate, full of chaotic airflow, which is completely chaotic time and space.

"Time and space battlefield?" Qin Tiange muttered word by word, seeing the mystery of the vast space and time.

It is the space-time battlefield. The six space-time powerhouses originally came down to believe that they wanted to obliterate Qin Tiange, and they never swallowed two.

Now I have to open the passage of time and space battlefield, this is to lead Qin Tiange into the battle of time and space battle.

"You are strong, and you have the ability to enter the battlefield of time and space."

The two-dimensional space-time strongman sneered, stepped into the space-time tunnel and entered the space-time battlefield directly.

The remaining five space-time powerhouses set foot in the space-time battlefield, in fact, they did not want to do so.

But Qin Tiange put too much pressure on them, killing the wrists of two space-time powerhouses in horror.

Forced by this threat, the six space-time powerhouses cost a lot of money and directly linked the space-time battlefield into a channel.

As long as you enter the space-time battlefield, it is temporarily safe, because you cannot enter it.

The inexplicable law of time and space restricts the time and space-level strong to come out, step into it, and must live there forever.

Unless you can break through the restrictions of time and space and break this taboo, you can't do it, and you can only leave the space and time of battle if you break through the higher level.

"I thought it was safe to escape to the battlefield of time and space?" Qin Tiange snorted, showing an ironic smile.

I saw that his body suddenly shook, and there was a strange wave around the space and time inexplicably.


With a crisp sound, the six space-time powerhouses were bewildering, looking for sound, and even saw that the channel they had built directly collapsed.

The space-time tunnel collapsed, and the side connecting the space-time battlefield disappeared, leaving the six space-time powerhouses cold.

"No, no, no!"

Sometimes the space creature screamed in horror. Seeing that it was about to step into the space-time battlefield, it just collapsed and disappeared.

"It's over!"

The six space-time creatures, all with cold hands and feet, felt the horrific killing intention from Qin Tiange.

Qi Qi turned around and she really saw Qin Tiange already standing in front of them, his eyes showing the cold chill.

"Now go on the road!"

As soon as Qin Tiange's words had fallen, people had disappeared, and a muffled sound came, and five space-time powerful men looked for their voices.

"Uh," the outermost time and space-level strong man, constantly spitting blood in his throat, a stream of blood containing the meaning of time and space is constantly pouring out.

He was frightened, a hole was punched through his neck, a hole was exposed on his chest, both sides were transparent, and his heart was gone.


Another scream came, and the four space-time powerhouses saw in horror that a companion not far away was inexplicably covered by the whole body; the waist was cut into two quarters.

Qin Tiange's figure emerged, his eyes stared sternly at the remaining four space-time powerhouses, scaring them all to take a step back.

"You" someone opened his mouth and wanted to scold. As a result, he couldn't say the next sentence.

His head soared in time and space, clicked and crushed into powder by the storm of time and space, and completely fell.

It is not clear whether another was killed or how they were killed. Even their consciousness can be clearly reflected. However, they may feel that they cannot make effective actions.

"Time, time is deprived of time and space."

Finally, the two-dimensional space-time powerhouse screamed in horror, and found the secret, inside the space-time around everyone.

Being deprived of time is tantamount to having no time and being still and nothing, so these space-time powerful people suddenly feel dull and unable to move.

"I now understand that you are not dead unjustly." Qin Tiange's indifferent tone came, step by step towards the remaining three space-time powerhouses in front of him.

The three strong are all space-time, a powerful creature that understands two-dimensional power.

He can easily manipulate the two-dimensional space-time power to trap opponents, and even pinch countless creatures and even civilizations.

It is a pity that in front of Qin Tiange, this power has no effect at all. Qin Tiange, who has been subjected to two-dimensional force training all the time, how can he fear these forces?



The two one-dimensional space-time strongmen had no time to scream, and their heads were smashed by Qin Tiange.

In the end, the two-dimensional space-time powerhouse ~ ~ was terrified, almost guilty, and almost scared to death.

He couldn't move, his consciousness could turn, but his body was still and suppressed, and in the space and time around him, the power belonging to time was deprived.

Qin Tiange directly deprived of time, here is tantamount to a world where absolute time is still.

"This seat is dead and won't make you feel better."

Suddenly, the two-dimensional space-time strongman growled, his eyes were insane, and his body suddenly burst into a terrible source of power.

It was the source of time and space, which was directly ignited by him, and the power of the source of time and space was drawn out, and Qin Tiange was to be drawn into the water together.

"Dead, die with this seat, ha ha ha ha"

The two-dimensional strong laughed frantically before his death, watching his body burn, and the power of the time and space that erupted was vast and obliterated.

"It's impossible!" However, his face was stiff, the laughter came to an abrupt end, his eyes were raised, showing an incredible luster.

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