The Dark Lord From Hogwarts

01 Harry Potter Of The Dursleys

4 Privet Road, Little Whedge, Surrey, where the Dursleys live, along with their nephew Harry M. Potter, and Harry Potter's room is a storage room under the Dursleys' stairs.

"Breakfast is ready, Mr. Dursley."

Harry· Potter spoke calmly to a fat middle-aged man in front of him, whose full name was Vernon Dursley, Harry Smith. Potter's uncle.

Written by Harry· Vernon Dursley, who Potter called Mr. Dursley, looked at Harry with disgust. Potter, Vernon Dursley didn't have the slightest affection for his nephew.

With a look of disgust and disgust, he glanced at Harry· Potter, followed by the fat, middle-aged man turned to look at his son.

"Dudley is your birthday today and take a look at your birthday present!"

However, after just looking at it, Dudley immediately roared: "Thirty-six? Last year I had thirty-seven gifts! ”

In the face of his son's roar, Vernon Dursley still said with a smile on his face: "But some gifts are bigger than last year!" ”

"I don't care how big I am!"

Penny Dursley on the side immediately said to her son: "Well, okay, let's buy you two more gifts when we go out?" My baby! ”

"That's what you said!"

"Of course, and today we are going to take you to the reptile hall, how can you be happy?"

Hearing this, Dudley Dursley immediately shouted: "So what are you waiting for, hurry up, I'm going to the reptile hall!" ”

"Wait a minute, we still need to have breakfast, and then go to my baby after breakfast."

Penny Dursley immediately said to her son.

"Well, so hurry up, I can't wait to go to the reptile hall!"

Then Dudley looked at Harry · A trace of fear flashed in Potter's eyes, but then Dudley snorted coldly and said: "Just thank me, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't want to go to the reptile hall at all." ”

Hearing this, Harry · Potter just replied calmly: "I don't want to go if I can, I prefer to read at home than to go to the reptile house." ”

Dudley Dursley glared at Harry· Potter!

Subsequent Harry· Potter turned to Penny Dursley on the side and asked, "May I ask Mrs. Dursley, can I stay and watch the house?" ”

Harry· Potter has no family relationship with his uncle and aunt in his words!

"No, who knows if you will make a mess of this home by leaving you at home!"


This one in front of Harry· Potter is not the Harry · Potter, he's a traverser.

A fusion of Harry· The traverser of Potter's soul and Voldemort's soul fragment!

Of course, he didn't know if he was still himself like this, fusing Harry· Potter's soul and Voldemort's soul fragment felt more like three souls fused to form a new soul!

However, in general, the soul of the traverser is still the main body, and therefore Harry · Potter still thinks he's the one who crossed the way, not Harry. Potter or Voldemort.

For Harry· Potter's world is naturally no stranger.

Todali Dursley's Fu, Harry S. Potter finally came to the reptile house for the first time.

However, for the animals in this reptile house, Harry · Potter has no interest in the slightest!

But as a pact with the Dursleys, Harry · Potter had to agree to leave with them.

"Okay, as you wish, but the time agreed between us is almost up!"

"Can you come up with a million pounds? No! ”

Vernon Dursley confronts Harry· Potter said!

"Please don't worry about this, my parents still left me an inheritance, and a million pounds can still be taken out."

"Of course, I won't be able to inherit this inheritance until I come into contact with the wizarding world, and as for Mr. Dursley, you can start your own company with this million pounds, of course, you can do something else."

"Wait until you inherit your so-called inheritance before saying these things."

Looking at Harry· Potter, said Vernon Dursley after a cold snort.

Harry· Potter didn't say much more.

"So hurry up, after eating, set off to the reptile hall."

After coming to the reptile house, Harry · Potter had no interest in any other animal, so he stopped in front of a python's window.

And this good time Dudley also came over.

Dudley Dursley saw the python in the window and immediately came to slap his hand on the window with interest.

"Make it move!"

Harry· Potter glanced at the brown python and then said lightly to Dudley Dursley: "The python is asleep!" ”

"It's annoying!"

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