The Dark Lord From Hogwarts

21 The Legacy Of La Wen Ke Lao

Leaving Dumbledore's office Harry arrived in the classroom of Defense Against the Dark Arts, which was taught by Quirinas Quirrell, but unlike the students who had expectations, Harry knew how stretched the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was, and Quirinas Quirrell's classroom was filled with the smell of garlic, supposedly to drive away a vampire he had met in Romania, fearing that the vampire would turn around and catch him.

Even in order to hide a thing, Quirrell also made up a lie, telling people that the big scarf on his head was a gift from the prince of the Black Island, and the prince was to thank him for helping him get rid of the entanglement of returning the soul of zombies,

But Harry does know that Quirinas Quirrell did this because in order to cover up the rotten stench on his body, Voldemort's parasitism on Quirinas Quirrell's body will inevitably squeeze Quirinas Quirrell's life force, and Quirinas Quirrell is probably not far from death because of Voldemort.

After Quirrell's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Harry left the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and saw Quirrell Harry remembered something, Harry remembered that there was also a Voldemort Horcrux in the Hogwarts Room of Requirement, and Voldemort's Horcrux was a rather dangerous thing for others.

However, for Harry, Voldemort's Horcruxes are an important bargaining chip, and Voldemort's soul fragments can be traded with the Gate of Truth.

Harry doesn't have much in his hands that can be traded with the Gate of Truth, so now Voldemort's soul fragment sent to the door can be turned into food for Harry's growth.

Looking for an opportunity that no one had, Harry went straight to the Demand-Responsive House.

With the original plot as the background, Harry quickly found the crown of La Wen Kelau, a jewel-encrusted, glittering crown with La Wen Kelau's famous motto - "Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind".

After getting this crown, he felt a very evil thought eroding him, but fortunately, Harry was already used to this kind of thing.

Harry directly pressed his hand to the ground, and instantly an alchemical magic array appeared, followed by a gate slowly rising in the alchemy magic array.

The gate had the image of the Kabbalah Tree of Life on top of the gate, and then Harry pushed open the door and walked into the Gate of Truth.

Looking at the celestial feast that appeared in front of him, Harry directly stripped Voldemort's soul from the crown, because of the Gate of Truth Harry easily stripped Voldemort's soul from the crown without causing any damage to the crown.

Without any hesitation, he directly put Voldemort's soul above the sky.

As one end of the sky sank, something began to appear at the other end.

Talent points (five points): You can add points to your talent, so that you can more easily grasp the knowledge related to talent and talent.

Pure Mana (Medium): Moderately boosts your mana

Horcrux crafting method: How to make a Horcrux, splitting your soul allows you to achieve immortality.

Harry took a look and decisively chose the talent point, the Horcrux thing is useless to Harry at all, as for pure magic power for Harry, although it is of great use, but the magic will grow sooner or later, but the talent point will not grow by itself.

As Harry makes his choice, the other two chips on top of the sky fade away.

Then Harry withdrew from the Door of Truth.

"Open the panel!"

After opening the panel, Harry loaded all the talent points on Potions.

Host: Harry· Potter

Race: Human (silently)

Age: Eleven

Physique: 10

Intelligence: 20

Mana: 350 (100 for normal adult wizards)

Spells: Avada Life Curse LV8, Life Spell LV3, Iron Armor Curse LV1, Dispossession Curse LV1, Black Magic LV2.

Pet: Phoenix (Phoenix)


Dark Arts Talent: 9

Transfiguration talent: 0

Charms talent: 0

Potions talent: 5

Alchemy talent: 0


Special: The protection of the undead bird, the protagonist's aura.

Items: Basic knowledge of potions, pulling Wen Kelau's crown.

In an instant, as the talent points ended, Harry felt as if his brain had become more sensitive, and some of the difficulties he had encountered in potions were suddenly thought of as a solution.

"Sure enough, my choice is not wrong, compared to the medium mana simple increase in mana, increasing talent points is more important to me, mana increases only my current strength, but talent points increase my potential, compared to my current strength, the future is more important to me."

Then Harry looked at the crown of Wen Kelau in his hand!

"So, let me experience the effect of pulling Wen Kelau's crown!"

Legend has it that Rowenara Wen Kelau enchanted the crown of Wen Kelau to increase the wearer's wisdom, and Harry was curious to know how this image increased wisdom.

As the crown was put on the top of Harry's head, the next moment Harry felt a cool breath instantly into his brain, making his brain instantly more flexible.

Harry then began to try to look through the Higher Transfiguration, the original Harry Book of Higher Transfiguration was still a little obscure, but now with the blessing of the crown of Wen Kelau, Harry can almost easily understand the knowledge of the higher transfiguration numbers.

Feeling that Harry read the book of Advanced Transfiguration and then removed the crown of Wen Kelau, Harry immediately felt a kind of exhaustion, mental exhaustion, which should be the sequelae of using the crown of pulling Wen Kelau, but compared to the benefits of pulling Wen Kelau's crown, this sequelae are completely inconsequential to Harry.

Rubbing his temples to sober himself up a little, Harry then left the room of demand, but unexpectedly was stopped by Harry as he passed through a corridor.

“ Harry· Potter! ”

The person who stopped him was the green tie of Slytherin House and the Slytherin House coat of arms on the robe.

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