Regarding Hermione's suggestion to tell Dumbledore about this, Cassan Della said directly to Hermione: "Then how do you answer Dumbledore when you ask?" ”

Hermione was silent and there was no way to answer, which meant that they were basically at risk of exposure, what could be done?

But if we don't care about this one thing, then what if Harry· Wouldn't it be bad if Potter was seduced by Voldemort's soul?

"Let's wait and see for the time being, if Harry · If something really goes wrong with Potter, we'll tell Dumbledore about it. ”

"At the end of the day, we're too weak to stop Harry. Potter, if we have the strength of Dumbledore's appearance, then where do we need to worry about Harry· Potter's problem. ”

"In that case, let's work hard to become stronger, foreseeing dreams is not only to tell us what will happen in the future, but also to give us the opportunity to become stronger, if we can use it, then at least it will be better than the current Harry· Potter is even stronger! ”

Although that dream only showed them the future, it also gave them the opportunity to become stronger.

Harry· Among the potion recipes Potter has researched are many potions that can increase their strength, if they take Harry · If the potion formula developed by Potter is thoroughly eaten, or even reproduced, then their strength will improve by leaps and bounds.

"Hermione has the best potions talent among the three of us, so I hope you can eat those potion recipes as soon as possible and make them.

Hermione suddenly felt a lot of pressure but nodded: "I will do my best!" ”

"If you have any needs, tell me directly, I will use the power of the family to achieve it."

Then Kashandella looked at Zhang Qiu again: "As for Zhang Qiu, it is estimated that only you and Harry · Potter has a topic, so please keep staring at Harry· Potter's state, once Harry · Something had gone wrong with Potter's state for so long and he immediately told Dumbledore about it. ”

"Okay, I'll do my best!"

Hermione hesitated for a moment and said, "Why don't we tell Dumbledore about this directly, if Dumbledore knows, then he will definitely stop Harry· Potter becomes the Demon King. ”

"The current Dumbledore should be the strongest wizard, even if it is a mysterious man, it is not Dumbledore's opponent."

The three people suddenly quieted down, they had never thought of telling others about the foreknowledge dream before, but now with this question Cassan Della, Zhang Qiu and Hermione three people carefully thought about this question, why not tell this matter to others!

If Dumbledore were told this matter, Dumbledore would definitely find a way to stop Harry· Potter, but the three of them had never thought of such a solution.

"After all, it's just a dream, and we can't say for sure that Harry· Potter will definitely be that demon king, right, so if we tell this to other people, we will definitely give it to Harry· Potter is causing trouble, we just don't want to give Harry· Potter causes trouble for others, right? ”

"That's right, it's just like this we just don't want to cause trouble for others!"

Cassan Della nodded decisively and affirmed that there was absolutely no other reason why they didn't tell anyone else about it only because they didn't want to cause trouble for them.

Although the three people each have some weakness, they don't want to think about why they don't want to reveal this dream to others.


Harry is like a sponge, constantly absorbing that knowledge, almost every day in the library, Harry has to read a dozen or twenty books, memorize all the contents of these books in his mind, and then go to the room to bring Wen Kelau's crown and then integrate all the contents of the books he reads.

Of course, Harry did not relax in terms of potions, only slept four hours a day, and the rest of the time was spent studying, thanks to the Dursleys, if it were not for the life of the Dursleys, Harry would not have learned the method of falling asleep quickly and deep sleep, if not falling asleep quickly and deep sleep, he could still maintain enough energy.

Walking out of the Room of Requirement, Harry was about to return to the Gryffindor dormitory, but he did not expect to meet two figures around the corner, Fred and George, the Weasley twins.

"George you guess what I saw, Savior, our famous Savior Harry S. Potter is actually also traveling at night, maybe we should tell Ron about this and let Ron learn to travel at night. ”

Harry didn't expect to meet George Weasley and Fred Weasley twin brothers here, his brows furrowed slightly, and Harry looked at the Weasley twins and raised their wands.

"Forget everything!"

Harry directly used a spell to delete the memories of the two twins, but the twins also reacted quickly and the two of them were already dodging when Harry took out the magic battle.

"Hey, don't be, we promise not to reveal your affairs, so stop quickly, otherwise it will be bad if Filch is attracted later."

Now that Harry has actually used it, the Weasley twins suddenly screamed!

This spell is not something that a first-year wizard can learn, even if the Weasley twins are now two in the second year, they can't use this spell, and they don't dare to be hit by Harry's spell, who knows how Harry's one forgets to use, in case one misses and turns them into two idiots, wouldn't it be very bad?

But Harry ignored them.

The wand in his hand was raised again.


Suddenly the red light shot out, and Fred and George quickly took out their wands and began to resist.

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