The Dark Lord From Hogwarts

03 Admission Notice To Hogwarts

As for Harry· Potter was undoubtedly thrown into Stonewall Middle School, a local comprehensive secondary school, and heard that on the first day of school, Stonewall Middle School would perform an humiliating ritual on the new students, pressing their heads into the toilet.

Even Harry· Potter's aunt directly dyed Dudley's old clothes gray as Harry· Potter's school uniform.

Smell that bad smell Harry· Potter Harry· Potter said to his mother's sister, "Actually, you don't need to prepare it for me because I won't be going to Stonewall, and I think the Hogwarts letter is already on its way." ”

Hearing the word Hogwarts, Petunia Dursley's face changed directly.

While speaking, Harry· Potter walked toward the door, and several letters were delivered through the doorway.

Soon Harry · Potter found a letter to himself.

Storage room under the stairs at 4 Privet Road, Little Whekin District, Surrey Harry · Mr. Potter receives!

The envelope was made of heavy parchment and the address was written in emerald green ink and without a stamp.

And behind it is just a wax seal and a shield, four capital H letters around which there is a lion, an eagle, a jar and a snake!

"My letter of admission!"

However, the next moment Harry · The letter in Potter's hand was directly snatched.

Looking at Vernon Dursley, who snatched his invitation to admission, Harry S. Potter isn't going to grab it back.

"Even if you snatch my offer to admission, it's useless, because I have to go, and don't you want that million pounds?"

Vernon Desley, who was about to tear up the invitation to this road study, suddenly froze.

"Then please return my invitation letter to me!"

Vernon Dursley gritted his teeth and then put Harry · Potter's invitation was also given to Harry· Potter。

A faint glance at Vernon Dursley, Harry Potter opened the envelope and looked at it.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(President of the International Confederation of Wizards, Grand Magician of Sir Merlin, Chief Magician of the Wizengamot)

Dear Mr. Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Please find attached a list of required books and equipment.

The semester is scheduled to start on September 1. We will be waiting for your owl to hear back from you by July 31st.


Minerva McGonagall on board.

Then came the second page.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


First-year students are required to:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. A plain pointed hat worn during the day (black)

3. A pair of protective gloves (made of dragon skin or similar materials)

4. A winter cloak (black, silver buckle)

Please note: All student attire must be marked with a name tag


All students are required to prepare the following books:

Standard Mantras, Elementary, by Miranda Goshak

History of Magic, by Bathilda Bagshot

The Theory of Magic, by Adbey Wolflin

A Guide to Transfiguration for Beginners, by Emory Sweich

A Thousand Magical Herbs and Mushrooms, by Filida Spoel

Magic Potions and Potions, by Arseny Gigg

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, by Newt Scarman

The Dark Arts: A Guide to Self-Defense, by Quentin Trimbu

〔Other equipment〕

A magic wand

One crucible (pewter, standard size 2)

A set of glass or crystal vials

A telescope

A brass balance

Students are allowed to bring an owl or a cat or a toad

In particular, parents are reminded that first-year students are not allowed to bring their own flying brooms

After reading the letter, Harry · Potter picked up pen and paper and quickly wrote a reply.

Subsequently Harry · Potter opened the door and waved to an owl standing not far away, and the owl immediately flew over, Harry · Potter handed the letter to the owl.

After picking up the letter, the owl flew away immediately.

The next day, a middle-aged man wearing a black robe with an expressionless face and greasy hair appeared at Dursley's house!

"Severus Snape, Hogwarts Potions Professor, you can call me Professor Snape."

"Okay Professor Snape, so what do we do now?"

"Hold on to my hand, we need to go buy you the supplies you need to get into school."

"Wait a minute!"

Suddenly Petunia Dursley looked at Snape in front of her as if she remembered something, and then said to Snape: "You are Lily's friend!" ”

Snape's body trembled slightly, and he said to Petunia Dursley with an expressionless face, "Is there something wrong?" ”

"It's nothing, I just didn't expect you to be alive, I thought you were dead like my monster sister."

Snape's body trembled The next moment Snape suddenly raised his wand and aimed it at Petunia Dursley!

"Your sister is not a monster!"

"He's a monster, and all of you are monsters!"

Penny Dursley roared!

The Snape couldn't bear to shout a spell at Petunia Dursley.

Only the next moment a hand grabbed Snape's hand that wanted to release the spell.

"Professor Snape, I think it's time for us to go buy those school supplies."

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