The Dark Lord From Hogwarts

31 Accidental Or Deliberate?

After getting the Fire Curse from Quirrell's hand, Harry left directly.

Harry is really interested in the Fire Curse, Harry has a fragment of Voldemort's soul that does not have all of Voldemort's complete memories, only a part of it contains some dark magic and some memories, but there is no memory of the Fire Curse, so Harry does not use the Fire Curse.

However, although he got this powerful fire curse from Quirrell's hands, Harry is not worried about what the other party will do, and Harry's nine-point black magic talent can naturally be seen if he has any hands and feet.

Snape's Shadowless Curse Harry didn't have a counter-curse but developed the Shadowless Curse through his own talent for the Dark Arts, so even if Quirrell or Voldemort could do anything on the Fire Curse, Harry didn't care.

After Harry left, Quirrell's office heard a conversation between Quirrell and Voldemort.

"Why did the master teach Harry· Potter Fire Curse, Harry · Isn't Potter an enemy? ”

"Idiot, idiot, trash, shut me up who you think I am, why do you think I let you investigate Harry· Potter's experience? ”

Voldemort's scolding directly made Quirrell look confused about what was going on, why did Voldemort open his mouth to scold, provoke you to provoke you, you is still parasitic on my body, if it weren't for me, you would only survive.

Although he thought so in his heart, Quirrell would definitely not dare to say this, if Quirrell guaranteed that Voldemort would definitely kill himself.

Therefore, Quirrell could only respectfully ask: "Yes, yes, yes, I still can't figure it out, please tell me the master." ”

“ Harry· The treatment Potter encountered as a child made Harry · Potter became what he is today, if given to Harry· Potter Opportunity Harry · Potter could even be the next me, got it you idiot? Dumbledore wanted to train Harry Potter became the heir, hehe, but as a result, Dumbledore has cultivated another Dark Lord! ”

"So I'm going to push for it, and I'm going to make Harry ... Potter becomes a dark wizard through and through, and I would rather watch Dumbledore face Harry · What will Potter do when he does. ”

Listening to Voldemort's plan, Quirrell asked cautiously, "But what if Harry· Potter if the strength becomes strong then master you... ”

"You idiot, don't you think I'll be as good as Harry· Potter? ”

"No, no, of course not, master, how could you not compare to Harry· Potter。 ”

"Jean Harry· Potter get the map of the Forbidden Forest as soon as possible, I must get the unicorn blood in a short time, otherwise your body will soon be ashes, if you don't want to die, find the unicorn's blood for yourself as soon as possible. ”

After leaving such a sentence, Voldemort ignored Quirrell.


There is everything in the house.

Harry looked at the burning dummy with a trace of regret in his eyes.

The Fierce Fire Curse is indeed powerful, nothing is non-combustible, but the problem is that the Fierce Fire Curse cannot be controlled, at least with Harry's current strength, it is completely uncontrollable.

"However, I didn't expect that there was no problem with the Fire Curse given to me, it seems that Voldemort or Quirrell didn't want to use the Fire Curse to plot against me, so what is their real purpose."

Harry didn't think that the other party had given himself a fire curse today just for a map of the Forbidden Forest, and Harry preferred to believe that the other party must have some conspiracy or attempt.

But Harry still didn't think about what the other party's purpose was.

Could it be true just for a map of the Forbidden Forest?

"All curses are over!"

Ten thousand spells were used against the still burning black fire to finally extinguish the burning black fire, and then Harry walked out of the room of demand.

But before he got far, Harry ran into Zhang Qiu, who was pulling Wen Kelau.

“ Harry· Potter, how come I didn't see you in the library today. ”

Hearing Zhang Qiu's inquiry, Harry just turned his head to look at Zhang Qiu and then left.

Harry is not an idiot, how can he not see that Zhang Qiu is deliberately looking for himself, but how does the other party know that he is here in the Room of Demand?

Was it a coincidence, or was it premeditated?

Harry doesn't mind using the greatest malice to speculate about this world, and life experience from childhood to adulthood tells Harry that this world is not beautiful!

So Harry is very wary of the three girls Hermione Granger, Cassan Della Wray and Zhang Qiu trying to get close to him.

There is no love for no reason in this world, and the other party must want something from himself when he approaches him deliberately, so Harry knows that he is absolutely wary of these people who want to get close to him.

Looking at Harry, who did not pay any attention to his direct departure, Zhang Qiu's face showed a helpless smile.

However, then Zhang Qiu's face showed a resolute look: "I will definitely not let you become a demon king like that, a tyrant like that!" ”

Harry, who left, was secretly contemplating in his heart, and he should probably consider learning to dementor.

If you have a dementor, then you can figure out why Zhang Qiu and the three girls want to get close to him.

Back in the dormitory, there was no one in the dormitory at one time.


As Harry called a flame appeared from the void, the last undead bird with colorful feathers appeared in front of Harry.

"Take me to Diagon Alley!"

Harry grabbed one of Phoenix's feet and the accompanying flames Harry and Phoenix disappeared into the dormitory, and then Harry and Phoenix appeared in Diagon Alley.

After taking out a cloak that had been prepared from the bag of the Traceless Stretching Charm and putting it on, Harry went straight into the overturned alley.

The moment you step into the overturned alley, the sunlight disappears, as if it is the opposite of Diagon Alley, and there is no sunlight here, just darkness!

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