The Dark Lord From Hogwarts

75 Murder And Punishment

The next day, Lucius came to visit Harry with a large number of gifts, and Lucius was respectful when he met Harry.

"I'm really sorry about what happened before, and I have asked Dumbledore through the School Board to retract your punishment through the School Board."

Harry held Voldemort's Horcrux notebook in his hand, and as for the gifts Lucius had sent him, Harry really didn't look at them.

Throwing the Horcrux notebook into the space backpack, Harry then said to Lucius: "Since I said that this matter is so calculated, then I will not care, as long as you don't provoke me anymore, I will not take the initiative to trouble you."

The most that Harry said Lucius could only listen to, Lucius absolutely did not believe that the well water did not violate the river water and the like, Harry's brutal performance had completely scared Lucius, and now Lucius did not want to have any conflict with Harry for a moment.

Then Lucius asked Harry with some embarrassment: "About Della Co...

The repairman now wondered if Dilla had been cursed by Harry as well.

"It has nothing to do with me, but it is better to ask your past master."

Lucius's expression stiffened slightly, and an ugly expression appeared on his face, especially with a stiff smile and said to Harry: "How is it possible, the mysterious man is dead~!"

"Is it? Do you think a newborn baby of mine can kill Voldemort?"

Lucius immediately fell silent, which of course was impossible, if a newborn baby could defeat Voldemort, then where would Lucius need to submit to Voldemort?

Lucius suddenly thought of one thing if Voldemort was not dead then he handed over Voldemort to himself to keep the diary and gave it to Harry, then he...

Lucius figured it out, and Harry laughed at it.

"You can try to snatch this diary back from my hands."

A bitter smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, Lucius did not think that he could snatch the diary back from Harry's hands, and once he did, it would be equivalent to completely turning his face with Harry.

So in a dilemma, Lucius could only look at Harry bitterly in the end.

Lost in his mind, Lucius returned to Malfoy Manor, and Narcissa looked at her husband with a puzzled look in her eyes: "What's wrong, Harry· Didn't Potter forgive you?"

Lucius shook his head, looked at Narcissa and said lastly, "The mysterious man is still alive, I started with Harry· Potter got the news there. ”

Narcissa's face changed instantly, but then Narcissa suddenly calmed down.

"If the mysterious man is still alive but the mysterious man's condition is definitely not good, otherwise why wouldn't the mysterious man summon the Death Eaters to regroup!"

Hearing these words, Lucius's eyes lit up.

That's right, if there is no problem with the mysterious person, then where will the mysterious person hide now, so it is basically certain that the current situation of the mysterious person will definitely not be too good.

Lucius's mind suddenly became active, otherwise he would take advantage of this opportunity to directly kill the mysterious man, otherwise once the mysterious man really came back, then he would definitely have no good end!

What kind of gouge Lucius is the mysterious man can still not know?

That's a madman with cerebral palsy.

Kill if you don't agree!

If Voldemort had been fine before, Lucius naturally had no problem and did not dare to have any ideas, but now Voldemort is down, and he does not even dare to let the Death Eaters know of his existence, which shows what it says, it shows that any Death Eater can cause damage to Voldemort or even kill Voldemort!

Thinking of this, Lucius looked at his wife, and the two couples clearly wanted to go together.

But soon Lucius thought of another problem, he couldn't find Voldemort, if Voldemort was so easy to find, then Voldemort would have been found and killed by other people by now.

Narcissa suddenly said to Lucius, "Harry· Since Potter knows that the mysterious man is still alive, Harry· Will Potter know where the mysterious man is?"

... Ask for flowers...

With Narcissa's words, Lucius's expression suddenly became solemn when he thought of something, because Lucius thought of a possibility, his son Della Co had an accident at Hogwarts, since it was not Harry · Potter did it, while Harry · Potter also said that his master did it, so does this mean that his former master is in Hogwarts?

Thinking of this, Lucius's expression instantly stiffened, Hogwarts can be said to be the safest place in the world, but now Voldemort is at Hogwarts, this...

Luchuston felt cold in his hands and feet!

But soon Lucius thought of another thing, whether Dumbledore would know that Voldemort was at Hogwarts, and if Dumbledore knew, then why didn't Dumbledore stop Voldemort, or simply destroy Voldemort.

The more Lucius thought about it, the more panic, anxiety, and uneasiness became in Lucius' heart.

Narcissa looked at her husband's appearance and comforted and said, "Don't worry, since Voldemort hasn't come back for more than ten years, maybe he won't be able to come back in the future, even if he is still alive, Voldemort can only survive."

Lucius heard his wife's comfort and a stiff smile appeared on his face.

Now Lucius could only fall silent, completely unsure whether he should continue to think about it.

"You said it would be Harry· Potter deliberately, Harry · Potter is telling you this on purpose to frighten you

The corners of Lucius' mouth twitched slightly.

Harry· Potter said he wasn't doing anything, but...

The two of you look at me and I look at you and then show a bitter smile.

"Now we have to make a choice, or we don't have a choice at all."

Narcissa saw her husband whisper Lucius fell silent.

“ Harry· Will Potter be Voldemort's opponent?"

“ Harry· Potter is definitely no match for Voldemort right now, but Harry S. Behind Potter is Dumbledore. ”

Narcissa's words startled Lucius!

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