The Dark Lord From Hogwarts

09 Looking For Hermione Who Came To Make Friends?


With a gloomy face, Snape came to the headmaster's office!

Seeing Snape walk in with a gloomy face, Dumbledore showed a smile on his face: "How?" ”

Snape's gloomy eyes looked at Dumbledore in front of him.

"Albus Dumbledore!"

Gritting his teeth came out of Snape's mouth, Dumbledore looked at Snape stunned for a moment and then asked with some uncertainty, "What happened?" ”

"That's how you take care of Lily's child? Harry· Potter is now a silent one, and you don't even know about it! ”

Dumbledore stood up in shock: "This is impossible, the magic that Lily exerted on Harry's body is enough to safely protect Harry's healthy growth until he is seventeen years old!" ”

"But the fact is that Harry· Potter awakened to silence at the age of eight and became a silent person, Harry · Smith, who was abused by the Dursleys family since he was a child. Potter became a silent person at the age of eight, and I've done my own investigation and am 100% sure that Harry · Potter became a silent one. ”

Dumbledore's expression changed suddenly.

"Your damn decision completely made Harry· Potter became a silent! ”

Dumbledore fell silent, and then Dumbledore looked at Snape and said, "I'll figure it out!" ”

"Solution? What can you do, no silent person can live at all... ”

"We still have a way, we still have the Philosopher's Stone!"


After waking up on Day 2, Harry didn't get up immediately but looked at the ceiling of the room with his eyes open.

There's no need to get up early at Dursley's house and make breakfast for the Dursleys.

After lying in bed for about half an hour, Harry got out of bed.

"Clean up!"

After picking up the wand on the table and using a cleaning charm on himself, then taking the flat mirror and getting dressed, he went downstairs to ask for a breakfast, and then Harry ate breakfast silently.

Just looking at a daily prophet on the table Harry · A flash of surprise flashed in Potter's eyes.

Because today's Daily Prophet headline is actually Gringotts has been robbed.

It seems that the time is early!

Harry remembered that in the original plot, there should have been this news headline in the Daily Prophet after he entered school, but he didn't expect that he had already seen Voldemort's robbery of Gringotts now.

"I really can't believe all the plot!"

After breakfast, Harry went back to the room again to practice spells and did not go out again, now Harry has read all the books from first to seventh grade, and the next time needs to familiarize himself with these spells as soon as possible before school starts.

However, it was disturbed by a knock on the door.

When he opened the door, Harry saw a girl with brown hair.


Looking at the brown-haired girl in front of him, Harry felt that it seemed a little familiar, but he didn't think much about it!

"My name is Hermione, Hermione Granger!"

Looking at the outstretched hand of the girl in front of him, Harry did not reach out to hold the other person's hand.


Just repeated the question!

Seeing Harry's cold appearance, Hermione Granger said to Harry: "I just came to meet the savior of the wizarding world and get to know each other by the way." ”

Harry remembers Harry· The description of Hermione Granger in Potter's novel, the description in the novel is definitely not like the Hermione Granger he sees in front of his eyes now, and the Hermione Granger in the plot of the novel is not beautiful, but the girl in front of him is pink and jade enough to make people earn blood for three years, which makes Harry guess that this is likely to be the movie version of Hermione.

But it doesn't matter to Harry whether it's a movie version or a fiction version, and Harry doesn't plan to waste time on such boring things.

"If it's okay then don't bother me."

Harry was about to close the door, but the Hermione in front of him directly stopped Harry, and Hermione was turned away and said to Harry with some annoyance: "I didn't report you before, you repay me like this?" ”


"That's right, you released that python when you were in the reptile hall, right, I didn't report you, and you don't even want to know it now."

Harry didn't expect that Hermione was actually in the reptilian hall at that time, but hearing Hermione's words, Harry still just said flatly: "Then thank you for not reporting me at that time, I still have things now, please don't bother me if it's okay." ”

Seeing Harry's appearance, Hermione couldn't help but be angry: "Am I that annoying to you?" ”

Harry frowned slightly, Harry himself is more indifferent to other people's nature, and now Hermione looks unreasonable again, Harry's brows suddenly wrinkled, looking at Hermione in front of him.

"What do you want to do!"

"I just want to make friends with you, why do you want such indifference."

"I don't need friends."

Neither the soul that traveled through nor the soul of Voldemort needed friends.

So Harry had no interest at all in Hermione saying that she wanted to make a friend, and she didn't want to be friends with Hermione.


Hermione asked, and Harry said to Hermione impatiently, "I said I don't need friends, so please don't bother me anymore." ”

After saying that, Harry · Potter simply pulled Hermione's hand open and closed the door again.

Seeing this scene, Hermione was a little unwilling.

Then Hermione knocked on the door again, and Harry in the room couldn't help but frown when he heard the knock, and he didn't want to pay attention to it, but in the end, Harry, who was annoyed by the noise, opened the door directly.

Seeing Hermione standing outside the door, Harry said a little irritably, "What do you want to do?" ”

"I want to be friends with you."

Harry· Potter looked at Hermione in front of him and said coldly, "I said I don't need friends." ”

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