The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 311 The God of Hell

The little old man Boke who came out of the vortex was angry and startled.

The vortex on the wall is a passage he constructed with Rey's magic.

The passage is to hell, but the establishment of this passage is not perfect, and more magic is needed.

At this time, he was like a tunnel worker, except that the tunnel connected the world and hell.

The strength of Rey's magic injection is directly related to how fast he can get through the tunnel.

When Rey injected magic power a second ago, he only felt a thousand miles in the tunnel, but within a few seconds of such a surprise, the tunnel collapsed. And he, too, escaped from the passage in embarrassment.

He almost died in this space passage, and the fear of almost dying might make him have nightmares for a long time.

Bock, who originally came out to find the culprit, saw Rey, the child who he wanted to be his disciple thousands of years ago.

Dark magic is so pure, it is the ideal messenger of hell.

That's what Bock thought at the time, and Rey, who he felt that he had such magic power, could only be a disciple of the god of death in hell, and he was only worthy of teaching him magic.

For thousands of years, he has never forgotten.

Every time he thinks of not being able to keep Rey by his side, Bock feels very sorry. Now that I see it again, how can I miss it. But before he could say the last word, Rey's magic came over.

A small magic is not a big deal. Even if it is hard to pick up Rey's magic, Bock has no problem at all.

Because Ray's magic power is a purer dark power than the nether hell.

However, when he saw the volleyball-sized ball of light flying over, Bock was in a panic, and the feeling of death by touch made him panic and hit the ball of light with the wand in his hand.

If you don't dodge, you will die. Because this is the pure magic of light. If he is knocked down by this ball of light, the part of his body that was knocked down will disappear.

A strong sense of crisis hit his heart, and Bock scurried away in embarrassment.


A wizard with a high realm, even if it is a small magic, can play different flowers in his hands.

The ball of light was deflected by the dry stick, and the little old man Bock looked at Rey in the eyes of the embarrassed dodging. The corner of his mouth twitched, and his wand quickly pointed towards the ball of light again.


An explosion sounded. The ball of light shattered, and the entire buried underground hall emitted a dazzling light, as if a flash bomb had been thrown in this closed dark space.


Bock's heart-piercing screams came out, and at the same time, the black robe on his body rolled up, wrapping his body that was crawling on the ground and shrank into a ball.

At the same time, a graceful woman figure floated from the black robe.

The figure is very clear, and the woman is also very beautiful, but the moment she turned her head, Rey was scared half a step back.

Half of her face is the ultimate beauty; the other half is like a mummy and half terrifying. Her smile was originally beautiful, but under such a face, people couldn't help trembling in the bottom of their hearts, making people sweat and take a deep breath.

I don't know if it was the reason for the phantom, Rey only felt that the whole world was shaking, and the magic shop that had been tilted completely collapsed at this time.

Since the house began to collapse, the magical barrier here will naturally be lifted.

Rey left here with a blurred figure. But when he left, the phantom that appeared on the black robe was smiling at him.

The infiltrating smile made Rey shudder unconsciously. When he recovered, he had returned to the Fasti Manor in the Hechidili Islands.

Half is a peerless beauty, and the other half is shriveled like a mummified corpse.

From top to bottom, the eyebrows are also divided into two,

Such an image is terrifying. Once you see it, you will never forget it.

Rey met more than once, and it should be the second time to see this person correctly.

The first time I saw it in the special environment in Ghost Valley, walking into hell from the entrance of the cave.

It was the god of death in hell, and when he saw the god of death, Rey was also shocked. In the panic, he managed to escape by drinking Salazar Slytherin's Invincible Lucky Water.

If it wasn't for that bottle of lucky water, I might not be who I am today.

I remember that the person I saw was doing something. She sent the Elder Wand, the Invisibility Cloak, and the Resurrection Stone, which are the three hellish things that make up the artifact of death, to the world.

After escaping from hell, Rey felt as if he had forgotten something, but no matter how hard he tried to think about it, he couldn't remember it at all.

But now, after seeing the half-human, half-mortem God of Death for the second time, Rey thought about it all.

The artifact of death is a thing from hell, sent to the world by the god of death. What I forgot at the beginning was this one.

From the uncharted land to hell, I saw the incarnation of the god of death targeting the three brothers.

This is a sight that can only be seen across space and time.

For space and time, the magic of time is occasionally designed, but the magic of large and different spaces is too different.

Rey was very sure that it wasn't because of his ability that he could see these things at the beginning. It must be the magic designed by a certain human or the power of the dragon and elves in the secret battlefield to allow him to see that scene.

This is reminding myself, reminding hell's unyielding heart to the world. Reminds the death relic left in the world by hell; reminds Rey, and hopes to use him to convey to the world that such a shocking war will definitely come in an unknown future.


After escaping from the tiger's mouth again, Rey let out a breath of foul breath and rubbed his temples.

My head hurts a lot. There are too many things going on recently, and it's so unfortunate that I'm a little exhausted. But all is well, the unfortunate thing is completely resolved, but Winky is still missing.

After going through so much, Rey fell asleep unconsciously on the sofa.

After driving away the bad luck, it was the first time that Rey slept so soundly that he fell into a dream.

To say that he fell into a dream may not be accurate enough; the correct answer is that he came to his own spiritual world.

Entering the spiritual world is the unique ability of high-level wizards.

Of course, in addition, more powerful wizards can also enter the spiritual world of others. For example, Dumbledore entered the spirit world of Harry Potter, a place like King's Cross.

That place isn't just the spirit world of Harry Potter, it's the link between death and resurrection.

Where Harry Potter reaches after being struck by Voldemort is the place where life and death are connected to his spiritual world.

There is also a kind of spiritual world, and it is the place where wizards who have not yet formed their own spiritual world go after their first ability to arrive.

The place where life and death stop will show different environments depending on the wizard.

Every high-level wizard will have this experience. Only after passing this level will his spiritual power grow again, and the upper limit of magic power will be greatly increased.

Rey didn't go through that because he didn't need it.

The rebirth gave his soul the opportunity to grow again. The soul of the second growth is inherently much stronger than others, and it is not comparable to the wizards who have been to the place where life and death are stationed.

Some wizards cannot form their own spiritual world in their entire lives. And the wizards who can form their own spiritual world and make the spiritual world change and grow rapidly are very few and very rare.

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