The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1223: The Pearl Girl and the Princess 17

Chapter 1223: The Pearl Girl and the Princess 17

The magistrate is greedy for money, the magistrate’s son is lustful, and the magistrate’s wife deceives others regardless of right or wrong. Such a family is not something ordinary people can afford. Li Anqing cherishes his current life very much and loves his family even more, so he dare not take risks even at all.

Li Qinghe was a little puzzled seeing Li Anqing telling her this matter so solemnly. They stay on their own feet, can the county magistrate find their fault?

"Baby, you don’t understand the sinisterness of the human heart and the greed of human nature. You don’t understand the gap between officials and people. Although the magistrates are not big, they are different from our people. The people are low and humble, and officials can It’s easy to find an excuse to clean up us. Of course, there are many good officials, but obviously this magistrate is not a good official.” Li Anqing saw it more thoroughly, “Although the current emperor is a Ming emperor, there are many honest officials under him. He will definitely be liquidated. But, baby, have you ever thought about it, the premise of being liquidated and dealt with is that he has done something wrong. But even if he gets punished then, the harm does not exist for the person he hurts. Yet?"

Li Qinghe was stunned, listening to her father's words, she seemed to give initiation. Yes, people who did something wrong will be punished, but what about the mistakes that have already been committed? Can it be restored? Can it be treated as never happened? unable!

Li Qinghe nodded vigorously after understanding her father's painstaking efforts. She would listen to her father's words and stay at home without going out until Ahai came back.

Li Anqing was relieved when his daughter finally understood.


But Li Anqing still underestimated the ugliness and greed of human nature.

They were so simple that they thought they could avoid the disaster, but never expected that the disaster would take the initiative to find them.

The prefect’s son is idle, catching birds and cock-fighting, visiting the brothel and entering the casino, feeling bored all day. Seeing the beautiful girls on the street, he didn't dare to make excessive moles in broad daylight, because both father and mother warned him that this place is no better than where they used to stay. This county has a lot of oil and water, and it took a lot of effort before my father was transferred here. In the past three years, Dad has to be ready to make money. You can't lose such a good opportunity just because of some small things. You can't do anything in front of you, you can do it in private.

Little thing? Is his business trivial? He was tired of looking at the several common rooms in the house, and he hadn't been fresh anymore.

He is in his twenties and he is not married yet. His mother doesn't like ordinary civilian women, and feels unworthy of him. The ladies of the nobles, people look down upon him.

It was another day of wandering around in the county town. After drinking a little wine in the evening, the county magistrate’s son hiccuped and brought the young man home with a flushed face. After returning home, the magistrate who was fat like a hill greeted her.

"Son, why are you drinking again? Is there any discomfort? You blush like this." The magistrate touched her son's forehead worriedly. After saying this, the magistrate yelled at the young man again, "You don't know. Do you persuade the young master to order? See how the young master drinks!"

The little boy shrank his head and dared not speak.

"What are you yelling at, my ears hurt. I want to go to sleep, to sleep." The county magistrate's son muttered and was about to go back to the house.

"Wait first, son, I found you a good marriage." The magistrate stopped her son and said excitedly, "This marriage can kill two birds with one stone."

"What can kill two birds with one stone?" The county magistrate's son stopped and turned his head to look at his mother. He knew his mother's disposition very well, and he should be able to get into his mother's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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