The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1225: The Pearl Girl and the Princess 19

Chapter 1225: The Pearl-Player and the Princess 19

"Then dad can get me a small official in the future." The magistrate's son also had his eyes bright, and he was immersed in a beautiful fantasy with his mother.

"Sure, it's not a problem. I'll have someone come and go early tomorrow." The county magistrate said happily, "It's just fishermen who are full of fishy smells. We think they are their blessings. We will advance tomorrow and get married in a few days. Are they still not grateful to Dade?"

"Okay, mother, you are as soon as possible." The magistrate's son was immersed in a beautiful fantasy and couldn't extricate himself. He just wanted to become an official sooner.

"Understood, go to bed, wait for the good news from my mother tomorrow." The magistrate said with a smile.


The next night.

The magistrate’s son came home after a day of fooling around. He hiccuped and asked the magistrate’s wife who was sitting in the hall.

"Mother, are things done? When will the dumb come in?"

The magistrate's face turned black and turned to look at her son: "No, that family actually doesn't know how to promote it and dare to refuse us."

"What? Refused?" The county magistrate's son stared incredulously, "Dare to refuse us? Do they know our identity? Did you tell them who my uncle is?"

"I said, I still refused!" The magistrate gritted her teeth angrily.

"No? They say who my uncle is and they still refuse? Is it sick? Is there a brain problem?" The county magistrate's son shouted, his tone full of disbelief. His uncle is a prefect! If a lowly fisherman can courage to them, it is simply a smoke from the ancestral tomb. They can't ask for such a good thing, but they refuse?

"I also think they are sick." The magistrate slammed the tea cup in her hand onto the table.

"Mother, what should I do? Just forget it?" asked the county magistrate's son.

"Forget it?" The magistrate raised her voice and screamed, "With me, is there a saying that you can forget it? This dumb person must marry if he marries, or he must marry if he doesn't marry!"

"But they all refused." The magistrate's son was puzzled.

"Rice rice and cook mature rice, they will only beg you to marry her! Originally they wanted their dumb daughter to be the main house for a few years, I think now, being a concubine is to praise them!" Said cruelly.

"This method is good! Raw rice cooks mature rice, they will only ask us in turn. Let's wait for the dumb belly to get bigger, hahaha, how can you pinch the flat girl who is not round yet? "The county magistrate's son laughed.

At this moment, the magistrate walked in and yawned and said, "What do you mothers say so happy?"

"Master, you're back. What else can it be? Regarding the Li family, they still don't agree to marry the dumb to our son. So we figured out a way to uncook rice and cook mature rice!" A cup of tea, motioned him to sit down and have a tea chat.

"This, isn't it? I just came here. If something happens, your brother will definitely not let me go." The county magistrate hesitated and said. He is still very afraid of his eldest uncle, who is very fierce, saying that greed can be greedy, but it must be saved, and it can't kill people, let alone cause public anger. Once popular anger aroused, the basic official route ended.

"What's wrong, isn't it just a fisher girl? If you marry, you will marry, and you will not kill you. Isn't it good to marry to our house to enjoy the good?" The magistrate said dismissively and contemptuously.

(End of this chapter)

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