The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1237: The beading girl and the precious princess 31

Chapter 1237 The Pearl Girl and the Princess 31

When Tianmiao returned to the princess mansion, Tang Zhishi greeted him first.

"Emperor sister, emperor sister, how is it?" Tang Zhishi asked eagerly.

"Get married another day." Tian Miao said with a smile.

"I knew that the emperor's sister would be fine." Tang Zhishi said happily.

"The condition is that I want to be the emperor." Tianmiao added.

Tang Zhishi was stunned, he hesitated and said, "Then, Sister Huang, do you want to be? If you don't, but do what you don't like for my sake, I..."

"You guys have some conscience." Tian Miao smiled, "It's okay, not annoying. It should be fun to be an emperor."

Tang Zhishi confirmed again: "Sister Huang, are you telling the truth?"

"Really." Tian Miao nodded.

"Then, then I can rest assured. Otherwise, Qinghe and I will not be at ease." Tang Zhishi also laughed, and then skinned, "Wow, then the emperor will become the emperor and the emperor in the future, I am Don’t you just have to walk sideways in the capital? The emperor must remember to reward me more. I have to support my family."

"Working more in the future will make more money." Tianmiao patted Tang Zhishi on the shoulder, "Go, tell Qinghe the good news. Then you can discuss marriage."

"Thank you Sister Huang, Sister Huang!" Tang Zhishi thanked him again and again, and then rushed to find Qinghe.


When he went to court the next day, the emperor directly asked the chief **** to read the imperial decree, and the princess was made the imperial decree.

The ministers who supported him immediately shouted the emperor's wise, long live long live long live.

The opposing faction hadn't recovered yet, and when it came back to oppose, the emperor had already shouted to retreat, and then got up and ran.

The ministers were left above the hall, with big eyes and small eyes.

In this way, the first emperor and maiden appeared in this country.

That's not even counted. Three days later, the emperor sent someone to read the imperial decree and gave the throne to the emperor.

Now the faction that supports the princess is dumbfounded.

Although she supported the princess to become a queen, she never thought that she would become a queen so soon.

"The emperor, don't do it." The minister headed by the opposition knelt down first and shouted bitterly, "The emperor is still in his prime, so how can he sit down?"

"Ahem...Who are you from? My eyes are dizzy and I can't see clearly. Alas, people are getting old, they are useless." The emperor made a fake cough and squinted his eyes while looking at the man who was kneeling on the ground. Minister.

Minister: "..." The emperor, if the minister remembers correctly, the emperor is forty-eight this year, and the minister is sixty-five this year. Saying this in front of someone so much older than you, wouldn't your conscience hurt?

"Okay, don't say anything. I believe in the emperor, and you try to believe her. I am now in the position of Zen. If the emperor does not do well afterwards, I will re-enforce the throne, right?" The emperor said in the last sentence. The ministers were speechless.

After the emperor said these words, he retreated and went back to the harem refreshed. I thought happily in my heart, my happy and easy life is just beginning now!

The marriage between Li Qinghe and Tang Zhishi originally still had a lot of criticism, but now everyone is not paying attention to this matter, it is all about the emperor and maiden's going to become the empress.

But there is another person jumping. This person is Tang Zhishi's aunt, the sister of Tang Zhishi's mother, and the emperor's concubine. She firmly opposed the marriage of Tang Zhishi and Li Qinghe.

(End of this chapter)

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