The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1252: The emperor became a dog 9

Chapter 1252 The emperor becomes a dog 9

"Niang Niang, the princess is okay, she is happy blood. Concubine Shu ordered someone to kick it." Lianhua hurriedly explained.

"Go... please go to the royal doctor." When the queen heard Lianhua's words, she frowned, feeling powerless and a little sad. I blame myself for being useless to make my daughter suffer such a grievance.

Lianhua hurried to ask a doctor.

The eldest princess held her happiness and refused to let go, crying to the queen, "Mother, what did Happiness do wrong? Why did Concubine Shu be so happy?"

"No, I'm happy that I didn't do anything wrong." The queen touched the princess's head and said softly.

"Then, did I do something wrong? I was tired and happy?" The princess cried and asked again.

Do not! You did nothing wrong, no! The emperor vaguely heard the conversation between the eldest princess and the queen, and for the first time felt sour and distressed in his heart. It was my fault, I made you wronged.

"No, I'm happy that I didn't do anything wrong. It was the mother's queen who was wrong." The queen said softly, "It was the mother's fault. The queen didn't protect you."

"No, no, it's not the queen's fault." The princess shook her head, tears streaming even more violently.

"Come on, let's put our happiness down first, put it on a soft cushion, and wait for the imperial doctor to see Kaixin for treatment. Happy will not die." The queen comforted, "The **** don't cry, you cry, and happiness will also be uncomfortable. ."

"Then I won't cry, stop crying, and get better soon after being happy." The princess wiped her tears, but there was happy blood on her hands and blood on her face. The queen who looked at her felt even more bitter.

The princess gently put the puppy on the soft cushion, and then looked at the dying puppy without blinking, and tried to hold back tears.

The imperial doctor came soon. Although the queen was not favored, she was still the queen after all, and there was still the care of the queen mother, and the people in the palace did not dare to neglect them.

After the imperial doctor came over, he diagnosed and treated for a while, and shook his head.

"The bone is broken, the spleen is bleeding, and the empress is helpless," the doctor told the truth.

"Try your best, prescribe medicine, and bandage it." The queen sighed.

The eldest princess looked at the queen and sobbed: "Mother, will you die if you are happy? Can the imperial doctor not save it?"

"No." The queen comforted the princess, "If you are happy and work hard, you should be able to survive."

"Happy, you have to work hard, you can't die." The eldest princess listened to the queen's words, turned her head and said happily with her eyes closed.

I... I try...

The emperor thought about this last sentence, then closed his eyes and fainted completely.

The princess kept guarding the puppy, watching the imperial doctor bandage the puppy, and watching Lotus give the puppy medicine, she didn't know how many times she cried. Finally, I fell asleep with tears on it late at night.

The next day he did not go to the Queen's Palace to ask for peace. The queen mother sent someone to ask, and then she knew that this happened. The Queen Mother immediately made a decree to let Concubine Shu take a good rest in her palace. For the sake of the dragon heir in her stomach, she should not go out to avoid being rushed. That's how it is said, but everyone can tell that this is because the Queen Mother bullied the princess because of Concubine Shu, she was venting her anger for the princess.

Concubine Shu angrily fell a batch of porcelain in her palace. He cursed in his heart, the old queen mother, wait and see.

After venting her anger, Concubine Shu slowly calmed down, and then she remembered another very important thing. How about the emperor, the emperor has been sick for a few days now, why is it still not good? Don't send someone to say it? This is a bit abnormal.

(End of this chapter)

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