The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1261: The emperor became a dog 18

Chapter 1261 The emperor becomes a dog 18

"What? Someone almost kicked the puppy that the Queen Mother gave you, who is so bold?!" the emperor asked angrily.

"That's..." The princess was about to say, but was interrupted by the queen.

"Maruko, please ask your father to go in and sit down. It's very tiring to stand all the time." A far-fetched smile appeared on the queen's face.

"No, Maruko talk to me first, what's the matter?" The emperor waved his hand to stop the queen and wanted to talk, and asked the princess.

The princess hesitated, without speaking.

"Don't worry about other things, tell the truth with your father, and your father will be your master." The emperor said majesticly.

"It's Liuyin next to Concubine Shu." The princess still said.

The emperor was silent.

The queen suddenly couldn't help but said, "Maruko, come down."

The obedient princess was about to come down, but the emperor hugged her tightly.

"I haven't spoken yet, so do you think that I will not make the shots?" The emperor looked at the queen.

The corner of the queen's mouth was hooked, with a smile but a smile: "The concubine dare not."

The emperor choked.

Then the emperor turned his head and said to Gonggong Xue: "According to my will, Concubine Shu is disrespectful to the Queen Mother. She copied the moral scripture a hundred times and was fined three months in salary and three months in ban. Liuyin punished him with 20 bans."

Father Xue replied respectfully and went to the concubine Shu's palace to declare the decree.

Then the emperor saw the queen's face once again.

"That's the puppy that the Queen Mother gave to Maruko. It's different." The emperor explained with a guilty conscience.

The queen did not speak any more, and did not know if she believed it or not.

The emperor carried the princess into the house, chatting with the princess all the time, and asked the princess what she is studying now, what she likes, and what she wants most. The princess happily chatted with the emperor for a long time, and talked about the princess yawning and sleepy. Only then did Lianhua take the princess to sleep.

When the eldest princess went to bed, the emperor and queen sat alone in the room, there was a strange silence in the room.

The emperor hesitated for a while, and finally spoke slowly: "You, how are you?"

The queen looked at the emperor in surprise, and said coldly and warmly: "Okay, the emperor should know the best." After saying this, the queen regretted again. She knew that she was in a bad situation with Maruko. The emperor came today. She should seize the opportunity to please the emperor, but when she heard the emperor's question, she couldn't hold back. She knew the emperor's temperament more clearly, and she was ready to leave the emperor furiously. Then I was entangled in my heart and wanted not to hurry up and apologize.

"It's not good for me, I have suffered you all these years." As a result, the emperor whispered such a sentence.

The queen felt that the emperor was sick and took the wrong medicine. He used to yell at her or scold her. When Concubine Shu was still a concubine, he often rushed to the palace to berate her for the poisonous woman and treat Concubine Shu harshly. Later, Concubine Shu was promoted to Concubine Shu and never even came. I didn't pay attention to the two mothers and daughters, but did you have a hard time today?

Isn't this the wrong medicine?

"I have something to do. I will leave first. I will come to see the princess tomorrow. You taught the princess very well, and I am very pleased." The emperor was very guilty of the empress's expression on your mind, and he didn't want to stay any longer. Go down, stand up and say something like this, then walk away quickly. Quite a bit of a runaway look.

The queen got up and bowed to the emperor, but looked at the emperor's back but was full of doubts.

The emperor didn't sit on the dragon's blade, and walked on the way back to his palace in a muffled voice. Thinking about how to compensate the queen and princess. I probably had some rules in my mind, and then I went back and lay down to sleep.

Then the next day, he couldn't implement his own compensation action, because he became a dog again.

(End of this chapter)

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