The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1267: The emperor became a dog 24

Chapter 1267 The emperor becomes a dog 24

"No! Concubine Shu dominates the emperor! This woman is really too much!" Cao Guiren suddenly threw out his fist and thumped the table, and said bitterly, "She is narrow-minded, selfish, and cruel, so the emperor was caught by the emperor. I'm in the dark."

"Little lord speak carefully." Zi Juan's face turned pale in fright, and she reminded eagerly.

"What are you afraid of, you and I are the only ones here, can anyone else listen to it?" Cao Guiren didn't care.


The emperor raised his eyebrows. It turned out that this is the case. Concubine Shu kept saying that Noble Cao was pitiful and asked herself to take care of her. In the end, she negotiated with Guiren Cao’s father to come into the palace to help her, but later he spoiled Shu alone. Concubine, this nobleman Cao is useless to Concubine Shu.

Cao Guiren complained again, and said some bad things about Concubine Shu, and then went to wash and go to bed unhappy.

The emperor floated out again, feeling a little sleepy this time, so he floated back to the queen's palace, returned to his happy body, and went to sleep.

Early the next morning, the emperor woke up and saw the familiar bed curtain.

He was stunned for a moment before reacting, he was transformed back into a human, and returned to his body.

He got up suddenly, and went to the desk without calling anyone to wait and wash.

"The emperor?" Father Xue saw that the emperor who had been in a coma for a day woke up again, and shouted in surprise.

The emperor didn't speak, but he sharpened the ink quickly and wrote.

Then turned his head and said to Gonggong Xue: "Go, let's make a dog tag with these words engraved on it and put it on the princess' puppy."

Father Xue stepped forward. After receiving the paper, he was silly after reading the words clearly. Is the emperor stupid?

The above words are: Ru I come in person.

No, the emperor, that is a dog, even if you like the princess now, it is not like that. How can a dog compare with the emperor.

The emperor looked at Father Xue with a look of embarrassment, then looked at the words on the paper, and then recovered what he had written with excitement. As soon as he returned to his body, he wanted to quickly get a dog tag to save the dog's life. The greater the deterrence, the better! As a result, he wrote such a few words. Although these words are facts, no one but him knows that they are facts.

The emperor silently grabbed the paper in Father Xue's hand and crumpled it into a ball, and then wrote a new gift gold medal, and asked Father Xue to order someone to create a small and light gold medal for the princess' puppy to hang.

The emperor knew it, but he might turn into a dog again. The most important thing is to save the dog's life first. Being made into a dog meat shabu-shabu, it was really terrible. Thinking of this, the emperor couldn't help shaking.

After finishing this most important thing, the emperor thought for a while, and planned to take Father Xue to the private library to find the baby. He planned to see the princess bring more things to the princess for a while.

"Emperor, are you not going to court today?" Father Xue couldn't help but reminded him.

"Oh, just say that my dragon body is ill, let King De...oh, wait, I make a decree that King De will give the regent to the regent, and let him take care of government affairs on behalf of me recently." The emperor's tone was casual.

Father Xue's jaw was about to be dislocated.

The emperor knows how much the emperor doesn't want to see the king of Germany or the **** who sweeps the floor. The emperor always felt that the king of Germany had a heart of disobedience. Now, the emperor gives so much power to King Deok? Still use this casual tone of having eaten?

(End of this chapter)

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