The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1272: The emperor became a dog 29

Chapter 1272 The emperor has become a dog 29

The princess was very happy in class this day.

The emperor was bored and yawned all the time, and then fell asleep at his feet. The princess woke him up during lunch. In the study room for class, it is not allowed to go back at noon, so the queen sent lunch. Of course there are also happy foods.

After class in the afternoon, the eldest princess went back to the palace and chatted with the queen. When the queen saw the princess so happy, she also smiled.

"Your father, the chosen husband is very good. Next time your father comes, you must remember to thank you." The queen hugged the princess and said softly.

"Yeah, I will." The princess nodded and looked at the queen's feet, wagging her tail happily, "Happy today, I am also very well-behaved, not noisy, and always accompany me to class."

"That will reward Happy a bone." The queen said.

"Is there any meat on it?" the princess asked.

"Yes." The queen couldn't help but chuckle.

The emperor tilted his head, fleshy bones...

Alas, when can I return to normal?

The next morning, the emperor woke up and returned to his body.

Then he summoned the secret guard.

"Go check the academicians of Cao and General Cao to see who they are in contact with on weekdays and what they say. Every day, every word and deed must be reported. As many people can be inserted into Cao Mansion, as many people can be inserted in." The Emperor So ordered.

The head of the dark guard responded without change, but he was very surprised. The emperor’s love for the Cao family is well-known. Now, if we go to investigate this way, is this suspicious of the Cao family? Is Cao Jia secretly disagreeable? This is impossible. How many years old children on the streets of Beijing know how much Concubine Shu is loved by the emperor. In the Manchu dynasty, the emperor had to abolish the emperor's civil and military affairs, and had to make the concubine Shu as the queen, and also said that the concubine Shu was established as the prince when she gave birth to the prince.

After the bachelor's degree, Cao is the grandfather of the prince. Farther away, he is the grandfather of the future emperor. From now on, it will be monstrous riches and honors, and it's all like this, so what's wrong with it?

Although shocked in his heart, the dark guard still took his orders and left.

The emperor thought for a while and asked Father Xue to send a bunch of things to the Queen's Palace, and then gave some things to the nobleman Cao. Let Cao Guiren attract the attention of Concubine Shu.

The emperor stood up and decided to visit Concubine Shu first, but made up his mind that he would not eat anything in Concubine Shu's palace. He was really afraid that Concubine Shu would poison him.

When Concubine Shu saw the emperor coming up, she missed three points in her eyes and three points for grievances.

"The emperor, the concubine missed you so much." Concubine Shu did not salute, but jumped directly into the emperor's arms. In the past, this was the way Concubine Shu and the emperor got along. The emperor used to think that Concubine Shu was really temperamental, and only with her could the love between husband and wife be felt. But now I feel that Concubine Shu's means are really high, and he had completely believed it before.

The emperor resisted the urge to push Concubine Shu away, helped her go inside, and sat down.

"You are pregnant, don't be so reckless next time, in case I don't catch it." The emperor forced himself to say patiently.

"No, the concubine believes that the emperor will be able to catch it. The emperor is busy these days, isn't it? The concubine copy the scriptures to the emperor and the queen mother every day to pray for blessings. Then the concubine obediently waits for the emperor to see the concubine." There is no complaint about why the emperor hasn't come to see her for so long, just expressing her longing.

(End of this chapter)

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