The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1279: The emperor became a dog 36

Chapter 1279 The emperor becomes a dog 36

"Who is making noise outside?" Consort Shu frowned.

The door was kicked open with a slam, and a group of fully armed Imperial Forest Army appeared in front of them.

And the emperor, standing at the door with his face sinking like water, swept a few people inside with his cold eyes.

"The emperor, the emperor..." The academician Cao's expression also changed.

"Take it down!" The emperor said coldly.

"The emperor, what's the matter? Did the concubine's father make a mistake?" Concubine Shu came up softly and asked aggrievedly.

"I heard everything you discussed, not only I heard it, but all the Yulin Army heard it!" The emperor said with a sneer. The emperor he was not in vain. There are some things that should be scammed, and the scams are very similar!

Imperial Forest Army:? ? ?

What is the emperor talking about? do not know. But what the emperor says is nothing!

"Yes, we heard it all." The leader of the Imperial Forest Army said with a deep expression.

Academician Cao collapsed on the ground, his face pale.

General Cao also sat down with a look of despair.

How could this be?

How could the emperor hear it? This is impossible! They closed the door tightly, and there were people watching outside. Liu Yin who was approaching outside must be a warning. Even if she risked beheading her head, she would give a warning, but there was nothing unusual. Where did the emperor hear them? Unless you have been hiding in this room, but that is impossible.

Concubine Shu was even more panicked. She kept shook her head: "No, the emperor, no, you listen to the concubine's explanation." She stepped forward to get closer to the emperor, but was stopped by the imperial army.

"The remnants of the previous dynasty, stealing the dragon and turning the phoenix, you are really good. I have been waiting for when you will show your tail. Take it! Concubine Shu entered the cold palace, and waited for the dragon to be born before making a decision." , Accept it as soon as you see it, and then pretend to be afraid of revealing the stupid things you used to be, so he ordered the Imperial Forest Army to take people immediately. Regardless of how much shock his words caused to the Imperial Forest Army.

Father Xue was also dumbfounded.

Has the emperor been imagining with Concubine Shu? Did the emperor know the true identity of Concubine Shu?

"The emperor, the concubine was wronged, and the concubine's heart to the emperor can be learned from the sun and the moon..." Concubine Shu Gui howled.

Minister Xue gave a wink, and immediately a court lady stepped forward and blocked Concubine Shu's mouth. Always howling, the noisy emperor can't be upset.

The scholars of Cao University were taken down by the Yulin Army with a desperate look. Father Xue asked the palace people to push Concubine Shu into the cold palace, but Concubine Shu tried her best to break free. The palace people were afraid that her belly would not dare to block her. Let her jump in front of the emperor and hugged the emperor's calf.

"The emperor..." After the concubine Shu pulled off the handkerchief in her mouth, she cried with rain. "The concubines are sincere to the emperor. They have never thought of murdering the emperor. Their father and their wolf ambitions, and the concubines have been trying to destroy them. The concubine. The concubines are full of the emperor, even if the people are betraying their relatives, they just want to stay with the emperor." The concubine Shu burst into tears with sincerity.

"You almost killed me, and are you still saying that you are sincere about me?" The emperor said with a sneer.

"No concubine! My father threatened to make the concubine disadvantage the emperor, but the concubine never did anything to harm the emperor." Concubine Shu shook her head frantically. What she said is barely a fact, she has not had time to drug the emperor.

"Do you remember that you almost kicked a dog to death?" The emperor suddenly bent down and leaned in the ears of Concubine Shu, slowly speaking with a voice that only two people could hear, "That's me."

After saying this, the emperor got up, did not look at Concubine Shu again, and left.

Concubine Shu was stunned. What do you mean by the emperor's words?

(End of this chapter)

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