The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1282: The silly son of the landlord 2

Chapter 1282 The landlord’s stupid son 2

Later Liu Yuanwai did not object to his son's funding of those relatives. At first he thought that his son was stupid, but later discovered that not all relatives and sons who came to ask for help were sponsored. He seems to have his own standards. Then in the second year, some relatives who were helped by their sons would come to deliver something, such as melons and fruits grown at home, or things sold in the shop after borrowing money to open a shop.

Hmph, if my son is stupid, my son is not stupid! My son is smart! Of course Liu Yuanwai knew what he said about his son, he said he was the stupid son of the landlord. It turns out that the son is not stupid. But forget it, too lazy to argue with those real fools.

On this day, Liu Yujin finished class, bought a bunch of candied haws from a street stall, and went home while eating. On the way, he met the child next door looking at the candied haws in his hand. He also took a piece of hawthorn for the child. The child cheered, took the candied haws and shouted thank you Master Liu, and then ran away.

He walked slowly toward the house, and he heard people whispering on the side of the road.

"It's very stupid. The kid was waiting for him a long time ago, just waiting to eat his candied haws." An aunt on the side of the road and the person next to him murmured.

"Shhh, keep your voice down."

Liu Yujin didn't hear it, and went home after eating the leftover candied haws in two bites.

After returning home, the butler greeted him and said, "Master, the master asked you to go back to the lobby as soon as possible. There are guests."

"Oh, who is it?" Liu Yujin ran to the basin to wash her hands before heading to the hall.

"You know when you go, it seems to be a distant relative of the lady." The housekeeper gestured with excitement, "Master, this is the first time I have seen such a beautiful woman in so many years."

"Really?" Liu Yujin replied casually, and then walked to the hall, only to see a godlike person sitting in the hall, her parents were talking to her, and then she laughed from ear to ear. Dad is smiling all day long, but that is a lot of fake smile. Today is really laughing. As for the mother, she is often stricter, and she keeps her face all day long. My mother used to smile without showing her teeth, but today she shows eight teeth!

Surprisingly, who is this girl?

"Yu Jin, you are back, come and meet your aunt and grandma." Madam Liu waved to Liu Yujin.

Liu Yujin thought she had heard it wrong.

"What are you doing while standing stupid? Why don't you come over and meet your aunt and grandma!" Liu Yuan was stunned when he looked at his son and couldn't help but yelled.

Now Liu Yujin is sure that she heard it right.


This woman who looks younger than him, he actually wants to be called aunt and grandma?

What do you want to call your own mother?

Must call her aunt?

Is she grandmother's sister?

But I never heard that my grandmother had a younger sister.

"Auntie and grandma?" Liu Yujin walked over with a dazed expression, and shouted tentatively.

"Good." Tian Miao smiled kindly, and then took out a red envelope, "Come here, my aunt and grandma came in a hurry this time and didn't buy a gift for you. You can buy it yourself."

Liu Yujin's eyes widened.

My aunt and grandma are younger than me anyway! Then he showed a kind smile, and then took out a red envelope to the younger generation. How do you think it made Liu Yujin dizzy.

"What's this? Take it if your aunt gave it to you." Madam Liu reprimanded Liu Yujin, then turned her head and smiled at Tian Miao, "Auntie, don't be angry, this child is sometimes dumb."

"No, this child is very good." Tian Miao smiled kindly again.

Liu Yujin accepted the red envelope as if she was dreaming.

(End of this chapter)

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