The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1286: The silly son of the landlord 6

Chapter 1286 The Landlord’s Silly Son 6

Liu Yujin didn't know what her father was worried about. He enthusiastically put the clean and fresh leaves into the water tank, and then stared at the water tank attentively, expecting the snails to come out to eat, but the snails remained motionless.

"Father, is the snail too scared?" Liu Yujin asked disappointedly.

"Yeah, I was just caught and changed the environment. I must be scared. Leave it alone if you throw it away. There must be few leaves tomorrow." Liu Yuanwai said affirmatively.

"Well then. By the way, this water tank is placed in my yard. No one is allowed to move my snails, let alone feed me. I will feed myself when I come back." Liu Yujin told the housekeeper.

"Yes, master." The butler nodded.

"Prepare some fruit for me tomorrow. You can't just feed it with leaves." Liu Yujin ordered again.

The butler responded again.

At this moment, Mrs. Liu walked over with a sweat with her sword.

"What are you guys doing together here?" Madam Liu's face was flushed, her forehead was sweaty, wearing a strong suit and carrying a cold iron sword, she felt quite heroic.

"Wow, ma'am, you look really good in this way." Liu Yuan's eyes lit up and he admired sincerely.

"Mother, you're such a lively heroine! You are so heroic and heroic, a hero of the female middle school." Liu Yujin also admired.

Mrs. Liu laughed when he heard the words of the two fathers and sons, and then cast a blank look at Liu member: "I heard what the son said, let you read more and don't read, listen to what you say, what the son says, this is the gap. !"

Liu Yuanwai laughed: "It's all the same, it's all the same! Madam, where's Yujin and his aunt and grandma? Did Yujin and his aunt and grandma order anything to eat tonight?"

"No, but I think my aunt likes to eat meat. You tell the kitchen to make more meat. All kinds, braised, cold, stewed and grilled." Madam Liu said.

"Mother? Isn't my aunt and grandmother an expert? Why do experts still like to eat meat so much?" Liu Yujin questioned her soul.

"Your aunt and grandma are not nuns, so what are you talking about." Madam Liu gave her son a blank look, "I won't tell you anymore, I'll take a shower and change clothes first."

After Mrs. Liu finished speaking, she took her sword and walked to her yard. Member Liu quickly followed up, still muttering: "Madam, I'll rub your back for you."

"Old and dishonest! My son is still there." Madam Liu reprimanded.

"He can't hear it, he has walked so far." Liu Yuanwai smiled.

"I heard it!" Liu Yujin yelled at the back of her parents.

Mrs. Liu stopped and stepped on Member Liu’s foot. Member Liu grinned with pain and hopped on one foot with her foot. She turned around and glared at Liu Yujin: "Baby rabbit, wait for me."

Liu Yujin laughed, then turned back to her yard.

After the housekeeper asked someone to carry the water tank into Liu Yujin’s yard, Liu Yujin wanted to give the snail shells, but when she thought that the snails had just changed the environment, she would be afraid. .

The next day Liu Yujin went to teach at a private school. There are not many people in the town who are willing to send their children to private schools. Because the cost of reading is too high. In addition to the repairs for the husband, there is also the consumption of pen, ink and paper, and the expensive prices of books are also unaffordable for many families.

Although Liu Yujin was called back to the landlord’s stupid son by many people, Shu Xiu wanted to accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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