The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1293: The silly son of the landlord 13

Chapter 1293 The landlord’s stupid son 13

At this moment, Mrs. Liu walked in.

"Auntie, sit down and have a cup of tea." Tian Zhiqing saw Madam Liu come in, and quickly poured a cup of tea for her. "This tea was taught by an adult, and my aunt will try it."

"Really? Aunt taught you?" Madam Liu sat down, took Tian Zhiqing's tea, took a sip, and smiled, "Yes, the water temperature can be lower next time."

"Okay." Tian Zhiqing nodded humbly, "Aunt, shall we still get up early to practice swords tomorrow?"

"Practicing! After practicing the sword, bathing and eating, we went shopping in the street. The clothes and jewelry that I used to fancy, finally can be bought back for people to wear." Madam Liu said happily. She wanted a daughter before, but when she had no choice but to give birth to Liu Yujin, she hurt her body and could no longer have children. Every time I saw those bright clothes and jewelry, I thought about how nice I would be to have a daughter.

And now Tian Zhiqing's appearance made up for Madam Liu's regret.

At first, Madam Liu was only curious about Tian Zhiqing, the little fairy, and had no other feelings. But after her aunt said that Tian Zhiqing had a relationship with their family, Liu's husband began to look at Tian Zhiqing differently. As a result, after this time of getting along, she really fell in love with this pure-minded, well-behaved girl.

"Thank you auntie." Tian Zhiqing thanked him, "Although my aunt will buy me new clothes and jewelry, you can only eat five yuan for braised pork tonight." Tian Zhiqing said seriously.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Then Tian Zhiqing wrote down these words and kept monitoring.

"Hahaha!" Liu member gloated with a smile.

"Uncle can only eat three yuan." Tian Zhiqing said seriously.

Member Liu couldn't laugh outside, and pointed at himself aggrievedly: "Why should I eat less?"

"The adults said that for your health, you must strictly control your diet in the future." Tian Zhiqing said sternly.

"Then you can only eat a few yuan." Liu Yuanwai said extremely unbalanced.

"Okay, I only eat two yuan." Tian Zhiqing agreed.

Member Liu was embarrassed: "Ah, I, I'll just talk about it, you like to eat, you can eat more and it's okay."

"Then, let's only eat two yuan." Madam Liu said with a look of dismay.

Liu Yujin was holding back a laugh. Finally someone can cure them. Dad's figure has always been round and round, and it seems to be one size every year. My mother is gradually gaining weight under Dad's eating habits. Liu Yujin has always been worried about their bodies, and every time she persuades them to fail. He had read some medical books, and people grew too fat and would be accompanied by many diseases in the future. In severe cases, it may cause asphyxiation in sleep.

Aunt and grandma mentioned this before, but parents and mothers are like two children who have not grown up. They are acting like a baby with aunt and grandma, and there is no way for aunt and grandma.

And Dad in front of him is another style of painting, always plausible: "I can't afford to eat, why should I eat less? If I get sick in the future, I will find a doctor."

"That's right, for people like us, is there still a bite of meat?" Madam Liu also said with a grunt.

Now they are finally well. Let them eat less greasy food willingly, and their bodies will always improve gradually.

(End of this chapter)

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