The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1300: The silly son of the landlord 20

Chapter 1300 The silly son of the landlord 20

"Well, I will do whatever Yujin asked me to do." Tian Zhiqing nodded obediently.

"Good." Liu Yujin smiled, and couldn't help touching Xiao Tian snail's head again.


In the afternoon, a group of catchers came from the Yamen, stormed into Liu Anchang's house aggressively, and arrested Liu Anchang. Not to mention that Liu Anchang was frightened, even the neighbors around him were also frightened. They had seen such a formation there.

"Official man, can you ask what's wrong?" A neighbor who was brave, stepped forward and asked a catcher.

"Liu Anchang made rumors and made an accident, ruining the reputation of the girl. The girl sued him, and the county grandfather ordered us to arrest people. We are going to show the crowd and hit the board." Shu Kuai looked at him with disdain and pale. Liu Anchang, who was born, simply stated the reason for the matter.

"That's it." The neighbor suddenly felt, and after thanking the catcher, he ran to share with the onlookers. He just said, Liu Anchang is this kind of stuff, people watch girls will like him? It's just whimsical. Good catch!

Soon, Liu Anchang spread rumors and made trouble, and the incident of ruining the reputation and being arrested spread throughout the town. Many people came to watch. For the first time in so many years, the town is so lively. The adults and children all came to see, pointing and pointing while watching.

All kinds of contempt and mockery reached Liu Anchang's ears. Liu Anchang was ashamed, angry and angry, and more afraid. Liu Anchang is just a little clever, but he has never seen a villager in the world. In this simple town, no one cares about him, and Liu Yujin used to be generous to him, making him think that he can be unscrupulous.

Thinking that Liu Yuanwaihui had to marry Ms. Ciao to him in order to preserve his reputation, then he would really have done two things with one stone. Unexpectedly, the other party directly sued the officials and arrested him. For the first time in the face of so many aggressive arrests, he almost knelt down with weak legs. He regretted it and shouldn't spread that kind of rumors in the first place.

You should look for opportunities to cook mature rice from the beginning! At that time, Liu Yuanwai, in order to preserve the reputation of Miss Ciao, would marry Miss Ciao to him, and it was impossible to report to the official. Liu Anchang secretly regretted.

He still thinks that Liu Yujin is a good old man and a big fool. I thought I was arrested by Liu Yuanwai. Up to now, he still hasn't regretted what he has done. What he regrets is that he has taken the wrong approach.

When the board hit his ass, he realized one thing, that is, Liu Yuanwai is not something he can afford.

Twenty big boards hit his **** bloody, making him faint directly. He was taken home by the arrested people, because it was too bad to be thrown at the yamen.

When Liu Anchang woke up, he found himself lying on his own bed. The pain in his **** made him unable to help but get up. Damn Liu member outside! Wait and see! Liu Anchang thought bitterly.

Liu Anchang was injured and no one came to see him, even Liu Shuanzi, who had similar smells before, did not see him. Finally, Aunt Liu, who lives next door, came over and delivered the medicine. Because he yelled too loudly all day, the noisy Aunt Liu was upset.

"This herb is applied to the wound and it is useful. If you don't have it, you can pick it by yourself. There are a lot of them on the back mountain. It's not far away." Aunt Liu hurried away after saying this.

(End of this chapter)

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