The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1302: The silly son of the landlord 22

Chapter 1302 The landlord’s stupid son 22

"You only enshrine me, are you asking who am I?" There was a smile in the voice of the speaker.

Liu Anchang turned his head in astonishment and saw a woman like the statue in the temple, smiling and standing in front of the statue.

"Goddess?" Liu Anchang yelled out, "You are so beautiful!"

"Presumptuous." The goddess scolded, but there was no anger on her face. On the contrary, there was a smile between her brows. Obviously Liu Anchang's true compliment pleased her.

Liu Anchang naturally saw that the goddess in front of him was not angry.

He politely bowed, smiled and said politely: "I offended the goddess, I was abrupt. But it's all from the bottom of my heart, and there is no adulteration."

"Who are you and how come you came here?" When the goddess heard Liu Anchang's words, her attitude became more kind. I have to say that Liu Anchang's current appearance is extremely confusing. Looking handsome and polite, and offering her food, the goddess' affection for Liu Anchang naturally rose again.

"My name is Liu Anchang, and I am from Liujiacun. I went up to the mountain to collect medicine and accidentally rolled down." Liu Anchang took out the apple again, "Goddess use more fruit?"

The goddess nodded, and took the apple reservedly.

Liu Anchang was delighted in his heart, and then said: "Today I saw the goddess appearing, it is really a blessing to be young."

"What you said before is the truth?" The goddess asked again.

"Yes, I hate the collusion between the landlord and the county magistrate and hurt me badly. The neighbors were also afraid of them and didn't dare to come and take care of me. The aunt next door couldn't stand it and threw me some herbs. I ran out of herbs. I came out to gather medicine by myself." Liu Anchang nodded with a look of anger, and said that he was pitiful and wronged.

"It's really unreasonable, what's the reason of heaven!" The goddess crushed the apple in her hand angrily, "Where are they? I must punish these despicable and shameless humans."

"In the town, the biggest house is the house of the landlord who persecuted me, which is the Liu Mansion. My sweetheart was fascinated by wealth and dignity and abandoned me and followed his stupid son. I was beaten to death a few days ago. She didn't come back to see me either." Liu Anchang got more and more excited when he talked, and the more he talked about it, the more it looked like that. It was true that he believed it.

"A woman who loves vain, ruthless and unrighteous so much, it's good to recognize her true face as soon as possible. However, if you think that you can live a good life, then you are wrong!" The goddess's face was cold, and her voice was extremely cold, "You and Go home, I will punish these people."

"Thank you Goddess, thank you Goddess." Liu Anchang saluted again and again.

After the goddess finished speaking, a breeze blew, and she disappeared in place.

Liu Anchang stood in place for a long time and never recovered. Everything just now seemed to be a dream. But the pain in the **** Shanghai clearly felt that everything that happened just now was not a dream, it was real!

The goddess really appeared!

And the goddess is going to help him punish those people now.

Outside the Liu member, Liu's family, just take a look.

Your good days are coming to an end soon.

The basket on Liu Anchang's back on the ground no longer felt tired, he only felt that his whole body was full of strength, and the injury on his buttocks seemed to be less painful. He went home happily, waiting for the good news from the goddess.

At this time, the goddess flew directly to the town, looking for the house with the largest house that Liu Anchang said.

(End of this chapter)

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