The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1311: The silly son of the landlord 31

Chapter 1311 The Landlord’s Silly Son 31

The goddess smiled. She has been an immortal for so many years, and she has been used to the goddess temple for so many years. How could she feel bored? But Liu Anchang's kindness, the goddess didn't want to let him down, so she nodded and agreed.

In this way, Liu Anchang took the goddess to stroll outside.

Liu Anchang explained the current customs to the goddess as he walked, and also told the goddess which shops were selling and what was delicious.

When passing by a jewelry shop, Liu Anchang stopped and said embarrassedly: "There is a bracelet in it. It is very beautiful. I secretly came here last time and wanted to buy it for you. But my money is at home. I dare not go back and get it."

The goddess was a little moved when she heard this.

"Then let's go in and take a look." The goddess said.

"But..." Liu Anchang was embarrassed.

"It's okay, money is just a small matter. It's good to have your mind." The goddess smiled.

After entering the shop, Liu Anchang asked the shopkeeper to fetch a jade bracelet with emerald green.

"This is very suitable for you, very beautiful." Liu Anchang picked up the bracelet and handed it to the goddess.

"How much?" The goddess asked the shopkeeper directly after receiving it.

"Three hundred taels." The shopkeeper quoted.

The goddess did not even return the price, she directly gave the shopkeeper three hundred taels, then put on the bracelet, and said to Liu Anchang: "It's very beautiful, you are interested, thank you."

"You like it." Liu Anchang showed a happy smile on his face.

The shopkeeper looked blank. Why did this girl say thank you to this man for the bracelet she bought for herself?

Liu Anchang glanced at another jade pendant, but this jade pendant was obviously the style worn by a man on his waist.

The goddess followed Liu Anchang's eyes and asked, "Like that?"

"No, no, no." Liu Anchang immediately retracted his eyes and shook his head again and again.

"Treasurer, how much is that jade pendant?" asked the goddess.

"Fifty taels." The shopkeeper replied.

"Come here." The goddess paid the money and said concisely.

The shopkeeper immediately went and took the jade pendant over, and realized in his heart that this man is a little white face who eats soft rice, bah!

But if he has money to make money, he doesn't care about it.

In this way, Liu Anchang took the goddess to visit several shops, and in this way changed the outfits of both himself and the goddess. Now he looks more human. The goddess didn't think there was anything wrong with this. She was very touched by Liu Anchang's feelings, anyway, she had the money to pay directly.

After that, Liu Anchang took the goddess to the best restaurant in the county for a meal. Goddess can not eat, not that she can’t eat, so after having dinner with Liu Anchang, I feel that Liu Anchang is really attentive.

After eating, the two went downstairs, and not far from the door, they saw the person who made their eyes split.

It's Liu Yujin and Xiao Tian snail.

Obviously, Liu Yujin brought small snails to dinner.

It's really a narrow road.

The goddess has a fierce look, this person is so bold! Actually ran out of the house, how about that expert? Is it nearby?

The goddess took Liu Anchang to hide, and then observed for a while, and found that the expert was indeed not there. There are only two people, Liu Yujin and Xiao Tianluo.

Liu Yujin and Xiao Tianluo were stopping to look at the stall of the dough maker on the side of the road. Seeing the old man who made the dough quickly squeezed out a doughnut, Xiao Tian Luo's face was full of surprise and joy.

"Goddess?" Liu Anchang whispered, "They seem to come out alone."

"Yes. I'm going to catch them, and the master will throw a mouse." The goddess' voice was cold, and she rushed to Liu Yujin and Xiao Tianluo quickly.

Liu Anchang sneered at the corner of his mouth, and quickly followed behind.

(End of this chapter)

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