The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 1319: The silly son of the landlord 39

Chapter 1319 The Landlord’s Silly Son 39

The goddess understood now that the snail spirit of the Liu family was not raised by that expert, but was saved by Young Master Liu. It's no wonder that the people who defended the Liu family so desperately turned out to save lives.

The goddess thanked the two fathers and sons, asked the direction of the town, and went on.

The goddess walks all the way, meets people along the way, and will ask about the Liu family.

All the good things were praised by the Liu family. Many people who have received funding from the Liu family are even more grateful.

"Hey, girl, do you know Master Liu? Then take this one and eat it." The hawker who sold biscuits in the town’s mouth, heard the goddess asking Master Liu, enthusiastically greeting, he just stuffed a biscuits into the hands of the goddess. "You're welcome, you take it. My small stall can be set up, thanks to Master Liu's funding. I have set up for two or three years, and I have saved enough money. Next year I can rent a shop. In time, business will be even better. Prosperous."

The hawker hurried to greet the other guests after speaking.

The goddess looked at the smile on the hawker's face, then looked at the biscuits in her hand, only to feel that the biscuits in her hand were extremely hot.

I almost ruined a really good person!

The goddess pinched the biscuits and walked all the way towards Liu's house. When she was approaching Liu's house, she met several children.

The children played games together, chatting very happy.

When they saw Liu Yujin coming from a distance, they all smiled and surrounded her. Liu Yujin took out a handful of melon seeds and gave them to the children. The children thanked, and then ran away. Liu Yujin walked to her door, and the little snail came out to greet her, and then one person and one demon ate melon seeds at the door and chatted.

"That idiot is dividing things for those little boys again. Doesn't he know that those little boys are waiting for him to come back?"

"Yes, very stupid. How much did those little boys cheat him to eat? He even gave them food."

"Otherwise, how do you call the landlord's stupid son, haha."

The goddess heard the two aunts who set up a stall on the side of the road laughing at Liu Yujin. Seeing the goddess looking over, the two women glared at her: "What are you looking at?"

The goddess turned her head and stopped looking at them.

After a while, a child ran over, pinched something in his hand, and ran into Liu Yujin's hand.

The goddess saw that the child gave Liu Yujin a few peanuts.

After a while, other children ran over. Some gave Liu Yujin a pomegranate, and some gave him a few red dates. It seems that they are all grown at home.

Liu Yujin smiled and waved to the children, motioning for them to come, and then Liu Yujin began to tell the children stories. On the side, the small snails used tree branches to draw characters on the ground to teach these children to learn characters. The children also studied seriously, babbling and babbling with Xiao Tianluo.

The goddess stood in the distance, watching this scene quietly, just feeling it was so beautiful and warm.

"I don't think Young Master Liu is stupid. It is you who are stupid." The goddess suddenly said to the two aunts on the side of the road.

"Hi, what do you stinky girl say?" the aunt was furious and cursed with arms akimbo.

The goddess ignored them, but turned and left.

At this point, the goddess understood everything.

She believed in Liu Anchang's rhetoric and preconceived that the Liu family was rich and unkind. Liu Anchang's beating turned out to be the result of spreading rumors and ruining people's reputation. It is ridiculous that he was bullied by officials in collusion with the Liu family. What is even more ridiculous is that she believed without asking for proof.

(End of this chapter)

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