The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 2702 Hollywood Rhapsody (Sixty)

On the third day, Thursday night, Nick came to the Catholic church in the old city. Compared to the extremely grand and gorgeous Protestant churches built later, most Catholic churches in Berlin are small and dim, but they are enough. ancient.

Nick's skin color was the best concealment. He knocked out the priest with some effort and came to the back of the confessional, the only thing in the church.

The confessional usually consists of two parts. In the front is a small room, usually for one person to stand. There will be a wall directly opposite the door. Some walls have windows, some do not. On the opposite side of the wall stands the priest and the believers. This is how you confess to the priest.

Of course, sometimes there is no one behind, and the person standing there may not be a priest, so many believers will make an appointment with a familiar priest so that the secrets in their hearts can be poured out.

Dr. Schiller is destined not to wait for the priest today, Nick thought as he stood behind the wall. Unfortunately, the walls of the confessional in this church have no windows. He cannot use his advantage as an agent to observe the facial expressions on the other side.

Soon the door was opened, and the footsteps were getting closer and closer. Nick felt that he could almost hear the other person's breathing frequency, but it was hard to imagine that a person with such light footsteps killed three Gestapo the day before yesterday and hung them all. To the cross.

But when the person on the opposite side finally stood still in front of the wall, Nick felt that a beast was trapped in the cage on the opposite side of the wall.

"I want to repent, Lord..."

Nick coughed twice, and the voice on the other side disappeared as expected. Nick said, "I'm sorry, I'm not a good person for you to confess to."

"Oh?" The other party made an emotionless sound of surprise.

"I know what you did the day before yesterday. I saw...your works. I have something to talk to you about, about Artur. Are you free now?"

"What's wrong, Father?"

Nick heard the person on the opposite side ask. The voice sounded ethereal, like the shadow of a tree reflected in the water, as if even the slightest wave could be blown away, and as if nothing could be changed when it was blown away.

"He's fine. I sent him back to the lounge to rest." Nick said, "I swear my actions will not cause any harm to him. I am not here to hurt any of you."

The other person was silent and did not reply. Nick could only say: "Three years ago we destroyed a laboratory in order to prevent the Axis powers from possessing atomic bombs. However, during subsequent investigations, we discovered that a mysterious organization called Hydra was very powerful. Probably stole the research from that lab in advance and completed it somewhere."

"There is an important number in a certain unfinished core component. Only by getting this number can we know what technology they have mastered. Whether this technology can be perfected and create a weapon capable of destroying the world. Artur is The only one who knows this number."

"He died in a murder. We don't know who did it. We found out that you were the only person he saw before his death. You are a high suspicion, so we focused on you, but we didn't To think you got into trouble with the Gestapo, or maybe more."

"I don't know how you did it, but you killed three of their people in the church. It was an unacceptable insult to them, and they will go crazy in the last few months. If you don't want to leave Berlin, you're going to need our help."

Nick heard the other person's breathing rate change, but it was not rapid due to nervousness. He seemed to be satisfied, like a satiated beast taking a nap.

"How will you help me?"

"At least we can help you escape the Gestapo."

"How can I repay you?"

"I know that Artur may not have told you the number. In fact, he doesn't know that number is so important. No one has told him, but I need you to describe in detail the details of your relationship with him, including how much he treats you. Say something, it’s not hard for you, isn’t it?”

"You are a good agent." Nick heard the other person say, and for some reason, his heart suddenly tightened.

"But you've got the wrong person."

The moment the words fell.

boom! Bang bang! !

Nick turned around suddenly and saw groups of Gestapo rushing in from the rear window of this small space, smashing the doors one after another. He suddenly realized something and said: "Is this your trap?! "

He heard the other party chuckle, which was completely different from his previous serious attitude, and he seemed to be in the mood to chat with him.

"You are a good agent." The other party repeated again, "You are good at disguising all unfair transactions as equal exchanges and negotiating with confidence, making all your opponents think that sitting at the card table would be a good choice. , but you’re always the one who knocks the table over first—mean, rude, and evil.”

Nick had no time to listen to him now. He had to find a way to get out of here. His foot injury was not fully healed yet, so he would definitely not be able to escape, and now the passage outside was full of Gestapo.

So now there is only one option left, break the wall, go out through the door behind Schiller, and maybe there is a possibility of escape. Damn it, he must have expected this scenario.

"A lot of people use force as a last resort, but I'm just the opposite." Nick heard the other person say: "If you can't even survive the violence, then even if it's on the table, it's just food."

Nick punched the wall twice. He knew that the wall should be able to be opened, but the switch was not on his side. He had to hammer the wall next to him and said, "Listen, I never wanted to take any violent measures against you..."

"Do you think I have an obligation to repay you in kind?"

Nick was choked and couldn't say a word. He listened to the knocking sound getting closer and closer, so he had to lower his voice and said, "Well, it's true that we need your help, especially now I need your help, let me go."

"How are you going to repay me?"

Nick's eyeballs trembled rapidly, which showed that he was thinking at a high speed. He knew that the so-called help him escape the pursuit of the Gestapo and other nonsense would not fool him. The other party played these idiots in the palm of their hands, and even let them point to hit wherever they wanted. Pursuit was a ridiculous word to him.

"What do you want?" Nick had to ask.

"I need enough medicines, especially blood coagulation drugs, and I need a medical instruction manual for pregnant women."

"Is someone about to give birth?" Nick asked instinctively, but he knew he shouldn't ask so many questions, so he had to say: "I only have some anti-inflammatory and sedative drugs, and disinfectant and sterilization potions, but I can't get blood coagulation drugs, that thing is too strictly controlled."

"I think I can find the instruction manual, and maybe I can also find doctors and nurses who can deliver babies for pregnant women, but most of them are far away from here now."

"I just need a instruction manual."

"No problem." Nick agreed immediately, and said anxiously: "Let me go quickly, they are coming soon!!"

He knew that he could not be arrested in his current state, because in the last few crazy months, they could do anything, and he didn't want to die on the eve of dawn.

With a click, something loosened, Nick pushed the wall and found that it could rotate. He pushed the wall and rushed over, but there was nothing on the other side. Listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer, Nick had to restore the wall and sneak out.

When Nick limped back to the house, he saw Jones holding a wanted poster. This thing was almost like waste paper in the past few months. Even if you looked at something you shouldn't look at, you might be wanted. Nick was no longer surprised.

But Jones seemed to be looking very seriously. Nick looked at the wanted poster in the middle of changing the dressing. The strange thing was that there was no photo on the wanted poster, and the head part was completely black, which meant that they were looking for a mysterious person, which meant that they found a bad thing that no one knew who did it.

Looking down, there was indeed a photo of a church, which was the church where three bodies appeared. The description below read-"A terrible church killer betrayed his great country and committed a horrific murder. He will be brought to justice."

There were some German antithesis in the wording that Nick couldn't quite understand, but the slogans written by the Gestapo were like this. They looked aggressive and inflammatory, but if you think about it carefully, you will find it very ridiculous.

If they could really bring the murderer to justice, they wouldn't have issued this warrant. Everyone knows that they have the Preventive Arrest Act. If it was in its heyday, they could even put everyone in the church area into a concentration camp, just because they might be the murderer or saw the murderer but didn't report it.

But now they can only issue this ridiculous warrant. Nick thought that this actually provided Schiller with a great opportunity. He only needed to report himself anonymously, and the Gestapo would rush in when he appeared in a church, just like today.

Because the more powerless they are, the more they have to prove that they are still as strong as usual. Under this pressure, no one has time to think about whether someone wants to use them, just rush in proudly.

Tigers try to hide their bodies as much as possible before hunting, but dogs must bark a few times.

Nick lamented their IQ in his heart, but also lamented his future. This guy is really hard to deal with. Why is it him?

But Nick didn't intend to give up. He still had a clue in his hand. Schiller asked him for a guidebook for pregnant women giving birth, which meant that he might know a pregnant woman who was about to give birth.

Although Schiller is a surgeon, childbirth is a highly professional matter. Judging the status of the fetus and pregnant women is not within the professional scope of a cardiac surgeon, but after all, he is a doctor. If he has a guidebook, the situation will be much better.

Considering the residential house Schiller went to before, it is very likely that Mrs. Eisenhart is about to give birth. Although it is unknown what relationship Schiller has with the Eisenhart family, this may be his weakness.

The fireplace is warm and cozy. A red-haired woman with gentle eyebrows is leaning on a recliner with a big belly, knitting a sweater by the firelight of the fireplace, while two men are sitting opposite the coffee table, moving the chess pieces in their hands.

Schiller is the black player, and the other person's eyebrows and eyes look particularly cold under the flickering reflection of the fireplace fire. It is Magneto in his youth.

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