The days of being a spiritual mentor in Meiman

Chapter 549 The Deep and Fiery Solar System (Part 2)

This plan sounds ridiculous, but in fact, the possibility of success is very high, because the earth does have treasures, namely infinite stones.

Moreover, in the original comic, even if it is not a trick or a sneak attack, the earth has never stopped. People from all walks of life take turns to appear on the stage. You sing and I take the stage. In most cases, the earth is nothing but a battlefield. Got it.

In fact, there are so many capable people on the earth and it is a home battle. Logically speaking, this should not be the case. However, because every invasion is sudden, most people are not prepared and can only deal with it temporarily. The superheroes are naturally The South China Sea and the North China are not united, and occasionally engage in civil war. They do not have the objective conditions to unite to deal with foreign enemies.

Even under the influence of Schiller, most superheroes and even mutants have been united, but it is not easy to find such an opportunity where everyone is present. Now that the atmosphere has been laid out, it is not easy to chop a few fleets It doesn't make sense.

A prepared defensive counterattack is completely different from an unprepared encounter. What's more, most superheroes have received considerable improvements.

Stark has been promoted to the Iron Demon, who can protect himself. The symbiote is left on the earth and can lead people to fight in the cosmic environment. Nick Mao has more funds, SHIELD's technical strength has been greatly improved, and Kama Taj has abundant energy. There is no need to pay the price, and fighting becomes more convenient.

On the Earth, ordinary people watched the fireworks all night, and their emotions gradually escalated from panic to theater. The leaders of various countries were united under the pressure of the Earth being invaded. At this time, they were all staying in a conference room, ready to pool their efforts and make suggestions.

Outside the solar system, the Kree frigates that were brought back are full of energy. With a kick of the accelerator, they can go straight to the rescue site on Earth.

It can be said that the right time, place and people are in place, and the next pressure will come to Luo Ji.

When Luo Ji took over this job from Stark, she never expected that the situation would turn out like this. Although she had lived with these superheroes for a while, she saw more of their approachable side. He did not expect that , the combination of superheroes can achieve such amazing effects.

But he also knew that the pressure was now on him. If she didn't use her deception skills, the people on Earth would have to look down on Asgard.

Luo Ji also had career pursuits. Originally, in Asgard, a place full of reckless men, she could not perform to a high level. At most, she could only tease Thor. After coming to Earth, she underwent a full set of business training. , her professional level has improved again, but it is meaningless to lie to ordinary humans after all.

Luo Ji's career ideals are even more ambitious. She believes that in order to deceive with skill and style, one must keep up with the direction of the times, identify the industry's key points, target customer pain points, keep up with the trend of emerging scams, and focus on traditional scams. To re-empower…

In short, in the original work, Luo Ji's deception can be said to be very fruitful, and after she has carried out many self-improvements, the probability of success is even higher.

In this matter, Luo Ji's basic deception process was that she first listed the technical features of various interstellar civilizations that she learned about, and humans sorted all the technical features into categories, and then prioritized them.

Luo Ji knocked on the door in order of priority. If you can deceive them, you can deceive them. If you can't deceive them, you can deceive them into a spaceship. If you really can't deceive them, just go to the next one and cast a wide net to catch more fish.

The universe is huge and there are many civilizations. With Luo Ji’s level of deception and his appeal, many middle or lower-middle civilizations are willing to make some investments and send one or two fleets to the nine major countries.

Most of these civilizations are in the period of space exploration and colonization. There are already many spaceships, and it is also a historical period when they are ambitious and want to reach the sky in one step. They are not stingy about investing one or two fleets.

Occasionally, there are some advanced civilizations that are in the ruling period. They are basically civilizations that have heard about the infinite stones, and they want to take a gamble to see if they can pick them up.

Of course, these fleets do not go together, they all go to the earth in order of priority.

Then, go one, sink one, go one, sink one.

Earth's superheroes and mutants were waiting for work. Polaris was squatting in the temporary base. When he saw the portal opening and the spaceship coming out, he reached out and cut off the portal.

Then the symbiote took the mutants to check the situation, collect information, upload it to Stark's data center, identify whether it is the technology side or the magic side, and then hand it over to the corresponding person to deal with it.

Although you can choose a more open and close fighting method, in order to preserve the integrity of the technology on the spacecraft, humans will resort to gang-hopping warfare, directly throwing the superheroes into the spacecraft, and then capturing the crew members alive, and then taking the spacecraft Pull away.

The crew members who were captured alive were handed over to people from Asgard for extradition. This was not because of the kindness of humans, but mainly because Asgard also wanted to improve its reputation.

What? You ask Luo Ji, isn’t this pure liar from Asgard? How to gain reputation?

Then didn't she defect? We can't control it either!

Asgard is also a victim. Unfortunately, the family has a scum like Loki who cheats and sneak attacks.

Originally, we could choose to ignore it, but out of our sense of responsibility to the interstellar society, we still wiped her butt as much as possible and rescued the fleet members who accidentally overturned in the dire solar system. This is Asgard's cosmic responsibility as an advanced civilization. !

Of course, this plan worked relatively well at the beginning, trapping many fleets of middle and lower-middle civilizations, and obtaining the most research materials at the lowest cost. However, this method soon became obsolete. .

Races that can develop to interstellar civilization are not stupid. They can even be said to be much smarter than humans. They are willing to invest. In fact, it is nothing more than investment. Everyone is happy if the investment succeeds. If the investment fails, they can afford the price.

However, after the first wave of investments fails, they will take a wait-and-see attitude towards the next investment. At the same time, other currency-holding customers who have not yet invested will also re-evaluate the risks of this investment. When the risks increase, most civilizations will not Willing to invest again.

Moreover, many people realized that this could not be a scam by Asgard, right?

After Odin abdicated, Asgard was silent for a long time and did not go out to fight. It turned out that it was not that these reckless men were tired, but that their brains finally opened up and they learned to wait for work to make traps, right?

In fact, Asgard's reputation in the universe has always been criticized. This is not because Odin fights everywhere, but mainly because many civilizations are jealous of their natural conditions, and at the same time despise their kind of ramming with big ships. Just a gang-hopping reckless style of fighting.

Many civilizations will feel that if they have the conditions of Asgard, they will definitely develop better than Asgard. They feel that they are more strategic than Asgard, and their brains are much easier to use than those fools.

Everyone has already formed a fixed mindset about Asgard's reckless fighting style, so they didn't realize at first that this might be a trap of Asgard, but as more and more people suffered losses, most of them Civilizations have also begun to reflect.

The logic is also smooth. In the past, Asgard led by Odin was indeed on the rampage, but I heard that Asgard has recently changed to a new king. Thor's reputation is far less than that of Odin, the father of the gods. Most civilizations I don’t even know what kind of style Thor is.

Maybe the new king started his career by engaging in conspiracy and strategy? Otherwise, how could he defeat Odin and become the king of Asgard?

The more the planners of these civilizations thought about it, the more logical they became. On the surface, the eldest princess Luo Ji defected and used the image of a victim of political struggle to solicit help from everywhere in the interstellar society.

After getting help, they went to the nine kingdoms. Behind the World Tree in Asgard, the new king Thor threw a cup as a sign. Suddenly three thousand swords and axes came into battle. What came was an earthworm, and he cut it up vertically. .

As for why they specifically picked out those small and medium-sized civilizations to deceive, it was just to test whether the plan was feasible. Didn't you see that Luo Ji is now working harder and harder on higher civilizations?

The Infinity Stones are just bait. If you want to grab them, you have to grab them when Asgard is not paying attention. They are there waiting for work and are well prepared. There are countless traps on the road. Whoever goes now is a fool.

This conjecture is indeed very persuasive. Because it is based on many facts, it quickly spread among the interstellar society.

Civilizations with relatively good relationships would communicate with each other and directly block Luo Ji from their address books, and the portal permissions would not be open to her.

Communication and transmission between many civilizations can be connected to each other. When more people are blocked, more people will ask what is going on, and then they will get the same answer and do the same. Make the same choice.

As a result, Luo Ji was first blocked in several relatively prosperous star areas, and even star ports could not be entered. Then, this area became larger and larger, and almost the entire interstellar society spread the word that fire prevention, theft prevention, and Luo Ji .

But Luo Ji is not given for nothing. You, a group of moderately developed civilizations, have blocked me, so I will go find someone with a higher level. Higher civilizations should be reasonable. How could you misunderstand Asgard so much?

In the universe, there are only a few empires that can be called advanced civilizations. Among them, the Kree frigate Earth already exists. It will take a hundred and eighty years to research it. The Skrull Empire is busy fighting with the Kree Empire. The remaining one was busy trying to break up the fight and had no time to pay attention to Luo Ji.

In this way, there are not many people to choose from, but by chance, Luo Ji knows a country that is more mysterious than the several major universe empires.

In a dim dimension, a sun that is about to go out hangs in the center of the universe. From every planet, the sky is very dim.

A small shuttle spaceship landed on the sand, raising fine smoke and dust around it. Luo Ji, who was wearing a gorgeous dress, followed the guide and crossed the long bridge to the tallest building in the city.

In the center of the hall behind the corridor, there is a huge throne. At this time, a purple-skinned giant is sitting on the throne, taking a nap with his eyes closed.

The waiter came in and announced: "Your Majesty, we have a visitor."



Following the approaching footsteps, the black-haired girl stood still in the hall.

"Your Majesty Thanos, I am Loki, the eldest princess of Asgard. After being expelled by the new king, I have been planning to counterattack the Asgard..."

"Stop talking, kick her out!" A deep voice sounded in the hall.

"Wait a minute! Your Majesty Thanos! I am serious! I come with sincerity, I... Your Majesty Thanos! Your Majesty Thanos! Listen to me, the Infinity Stones... the Earth... a great opportunity..."

Looking at Luo Ji being carried out by the guards, Thanos, who was sitting on the throne, snorted coldly and said:

"You think I don't know how to surf the Internet? You're a liar."

If I don’t write, some people say that I have exhausted my talents...Moonlight Schiller will knock on your door tomorrow

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