The days of hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 49 The End of Halloween

Hermione cried in a low voice. In such an environment, even crying was suppressed.

Harry's scar stung slightly and his pupils dilated slightly.

Her ears felt as if they were sinking into the sea. Hermione's cries and the footsteps of the troll became very far away, like listening to the sound of waves under the water. The world became quiet and everyone else's movements slowed down.

He looked at Ron huddled against the wall, and remembered the scene when he saw their family at the train station. They were a noisy family, and they all had red hair. It was so interesting.

He watched the troll slowly lift the wooden stick, the texture of the muscles on the forearm, the gaps in the troll's nails, the black dirt on the wooden stick, every detail seemed to be imprinted in his mind.

What a huge monster.

Am I as big as his thumb?

There should be.

The scene of the troll slowly approaching reminded Harry of the time when he was chased by Dudley's group in the Muggle school.

I run every time, every time, but actually I don’t really want to escape.

Harry felt that the muscles in his body were no longer so tense and relaxed.

Bow slightly, bend your knees, and sprint.

He couldn't think of any magic that could solve the current situation. He could only use what he had always wanted to try when he was being chased by others - rush into those people's faces!

Harry didn't know what to do when he rushed in front of the troll, but his body had already given him the answer.

Like a Bowtruckle climbing a giant tree, Harry seemed to be moving on a gray-green hill. He climbed up the troll's waist nimbly, dodging the troll's hands and the waving stick. Riding on the giant monster's head.

He saw a panic look in the giant monster's scarlet eyes.

Harry opened his shoulders, bent his arms, made a fist, and did what Harry had always wanted to do to many people, punch it hard on the nose.

"Roar!!" the giant monster howled. This punch obviously did no harm, but the troll felt as if something had been broken on his body, causing great panic.

The troll was so enraged by the little thing on its head that it wanted to crush the little thing and hammer it to pieces. One hand grabbed Harry's leg and held it up in front of him, while the other hand was about to hit Harry.

"Do something!" Harry yelled, his voice a little dull because he was hanging upside down and his head was filled with blood.

Shadows floated in Loren's eyes, and blue light lit up from the pupils and spread to the entire eyeballs.

In his field of vision, the troll's skin glowed slightly brown, and on its nose, where Harry punched it, there was a black mottled mark.

That's its weakness!

"Huh~" Loren controlled himself and stopped his shaky breathing, "Do something."

In my mind, the incantation that had been unclear after being corrected by [Open Door] became clear. He squeezed the power from every part of his body and poured it all into the wand.

Loren heard his own voice:

"[Thunderbolt Piercing]"

The tip of the wand emits a blazing red light, shooting straight at the black mark on the troll's nose.


The red light penetrated through the nose and shot out from the back of the head, making a strong explosion sound.

A black hole the size of a fist was blown open in the troll's brain. The monster swayed twice and fell backwards stiffly.

Harry fell to the ground and screamed in pain, seemingly fine.

A satisfied smile appeared on Loren's lips. After firing the spell, he couldn't move a finger now. I had a splitting headache, as if I hadn't slept for three days and three nights. My eyes felt like they had been dripped with wind oil essence, and it was so cold that I couldn't hold on anymore and fell down.

Lying on the ground, he vaguely saw Dumbledore and others coming in, Hermione crying and throwing herself into the arms of Professor McGonagall, and Percy walking towards the curled-up Ron...

The world fell into darkness.

Ron's voice: "Run!"

Harry's voice: "Do something!"

Finally it was Hermione's voice: "Loren, Loren!"

The voice sounded like it was in my ears, but also like I was in a dream. Loren felt limp all over and didn't want to wake up.

When I opened my eyes, I saw bright lights and my eyes felt a little stinging.

There are three beds in the school doctor's room, with white sheets and cabinets, and they are sparkling clean.

Loren was lying in the middle, Ron was asleep at the end, and Harry was near the door.

Harry was counting the lattice on the window, "788, 789, 781..."

Loren sat up straight and said, "Did you find that you counted wrongly?" His voice was hoarse.

Harry exclaimed in surprise: "Thank God, I'm not alone at last."

Loren picked up the kettle on the bedside table and poured water to drink. He felt that his throat was filled with gravel.

Harry happily told Loren what he knew. He woke up early the next morning and Loren slept all day and night. Ron had several broken ribs and damage to his internal organs, but Madam Pomfrey said it would be fine in a week.

"But Ron hasn't woken up yet." Harry's voice was a little low.

Harry stayed in bed all day with nothing to do. He felt that he was completely recovered, but Madam Pomfrey would not allow him to leave the hospital or get out of bed to move around.

Harry kept mumbling:

"Hermione will come over after class. Madam Pomfrey said that talking to you will wake you up earlier. Hermione has called your name thousands of times."

"Professor Dumbledore will come over tonight and he needs to ask you about the situation again."

"That curse of yours is so cool, it can actually penetrate the monster's head!"

At this point, Harry asked: "Why didn't you use it earlier?"

Loren could tell there was no accusation in the words, just pure confusion.

Loren looked at Harry and said, "Because of you, my spell can work."

"Me?" Harry recalled the scene at that time, "I was in a strange state and rushed forward without thinking about anything."

"It's really strange, how could I rush up?"

Only then did Harry notice the strangeness at that time, "And Ron, he seemed a little strange at the time."

Before the two could discuss the outcome, Madam Pomfrey opened the door and came in.

"Lie down! Don't talk!" she shouted at Harry.

Harry didn't dare to resist, so he shut his mouth and lay down.

Madam Pomfrey gave Loren a mint-flavored potion.

After drinking it, Loren felt that her head was cold and comfortable, and her body felt warm and comfortable.

"You've almost drained your own magic power!" Pomfrey looked at Loren seriously, "This is a very serious matter for the little wizard!"

Although her tone was stern, Madam Pomfrey's eyes held gentle concern.

Without giving Loren time to answer, she continued: "If you weren't at Hogwarts, this might cause your magic to go out of control and you would no longer be able to perform magic."

"Have a good rest and don't make any noise!" Madam Pomfrey said and went out.

Watching the doctor close the door, Harry sat up, "I think we've-"

"Quiet!" Madam Pomfrey shouted from outside.

Harry curled his lips and counted slowly towards the window, "1, 2, 3..."

In the evening, Hermione came with Dumbledore.

The little witch changed into a clean and tidy Gryffindor robe, long white socks and small leather shoes. Her cute appearance did not reveal the majesty of waving a wand to block the troll.

Hermione walked in and saw Loren sitting up, grinning, showing her two white front teeth, and her eyes were filled with joy.

"Loren!" Hermione shouted happily, and then took out her notebook from her bag, "I have written down the notes for these classes in my notebook. You can refer to my notes and learn from them. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

"Thank you!" Loren was quite speechless, put away the notebook, and looked at Dumbledore behind Hermione.

Dumbledore always had a gentle smile on his face. He did not interrupt his friend's meeting. Loren only spoke when he looked at him, "You can always see things that others can't. I want to see your perspective."

The white-bearded principal took out a bag of candy from the sleeve of his white robe, "No one would refuse a friend who brings candy to visit the sick."

"Yeah!" Harry cheered, and Loren began to share his experience of that night from his perspective.

...At that time, Harry was about to be hammered, Loren's innate vision was activated, and he saw that the troll's body was covered with a brown barrier, except for the black mark left by Harry on its nose. Loren followed that mark and activated the spell. …

"In addition, I vaguely saw red lights on both Harry and Ron." This is what Loren saw before he fell unconscious.

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