The days of hanging out at Hogwarts

Chapter 54 Howling Letter

The next morning, Loren had just started eating his porridge when he heard a commotion above his head.

Hundreds of owls streamed in, circling the auditorium, dropping letters and packages into the conversing crowd.

A gray owl landed in front of Ron. This was the postman who delivered the letter yesterday.

The owl quickly put down the red envelope in its mouth, flapped its wings in panic, and fluttered away.

"Oh, no." Ron looked at the red envelope and shook his head, trying to lean back, not wanting to accept the red envelope.

"Howler Letter!"

Neville screamed as soon as he saw the red envelope. He looked very nervous, his face was solemn and he quickly put down the bread in his hand, moved his butt and hid far away.

Loren, Hermione, Harry, and the people next to them all looked at Ron curiously.

The envelope was lying on the table, shaking and getting redder and redder, like a balloon being inflated and beginning to inflate.

Neville was so nervous that he couldn't even stutter, "Open it quickly, you don't want to know the consequences of ignoring it."

Ron leaned his head back and tried to keep his head away from the letter. He stretched out his hand tremblingly and opened the red envelope.

"Ron Weasley! How dare you, how dare you deal with me like this?"

Ron's mother's voice boomed across the long Gryffindor table, and the roar was like a loudspeaker at the entrance of a supermarket plugged into one's ears, with the volume turned up to the maximum.

Ron quickly shrank down on his chair, leaving only a red forehead on the table.

The students near him backed away and quickly made an open space. Everyone in the auditorium was silenced by the deafening sound and turned to see who had received the roaring letter.

"...Troll! You are more naughty than your two brothers. You probably haven't thought at all that your father and I know how you feel when you deal with the troll..."

The sound rattled the plates and spoons on the table, and the echoes from the surrounding stone walls were deafening.

"...You have to go home on the weekend and see how I deal with you then."

The roaring stopped, but Loren felt his ears were still ringing. The red envelope of the roaring letter in the air burned, curled up and turned into ashes.

Students in the auditorium experienced brief tinnitus and deafness.

Seamus sat back down and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Is this a roaring letter? Cool!"

Dean only saw Seamus open his mouth, but there was no sound. He shouted at the top of his lungs: "What did you say? Why didn't you make any sound?"

"Why can't you just open your mouth and make no sound?"

"I can't hear anything!"


Similar conversations happened among the little wizards. They regarded this as a novel experience and found it very interesting.

The two brothers George and Fred looked at each other, opened their mouths, "Ah~" and "Oh~" and made various strange sounds, laughing happily.

The voices gradually started to sound again, and Loren continued to drink porridge.

"It just so happens that you can buy your own wand this weekend." Harry wasn't too worried about how Ron would be dealt with. They had even dealt with trolls, and Ron's mother couldn't be scarier than the trolls.

"That's really convenient." Ron said angrily, his face still a little pale.

Seamus came closer, his voice still loud, "Ron! You must call me next time you get a shouting letter!"

Friday, there was only one potions class in the morning, and after that, the first year students' weekend began.

In the Gryffindor common room.

Loren and Hermione were sitting side by side next to a window, each of them busy with what they were doing. Hermione was reading a book, and Loren was revising a paper about the medicinal properties and effects of aconite.

"The sun came out from the west today, but that old bat didn't deduct points from Gryffindor?" Ron spread out on the chair with a milk candy in his mouth, "He must have been stimulated by something."

Ron was talking to himself, and soon his own magical imagination began to unfold in his mind, "Today's Snape must be someone else in disguise. Through the Polyjuice Potion, the real Snape has been killed."

The more Ron talked, the more excited he became, and he was beaming, "We will never be tortured by the old bat again!"

No one paid any attention to Ron. He had a rich imagination and was always coming up with crazy things.

Speaking of Snape, Harry thought of the figure he saw walking up the stairs wearing a green cloak on Halloween night.

"Maybe there are other reasons."

Harry fiddled with the movable joints on the chess piece, "When I was in the corridor on Halloween, I seemed to see Professor Snape going upstairs."

Hermione raised her head buried in the book, "Dumbledore was leading the professors to capture the trolls. Didn't he go to the basement with him?"

Ron sat up, pretending to be serious, and then said in a profound tone: "I think there must be an ulterior conspiracy in this."

Harry thought of the room on the left side of the corridor on the fourth floor, where the mysterious items that Hagrid took out from the Gringotts vault were stored. Dumbledore had sent Luwei, the three-headed dog, to guard them.

Troll, Snape. Harry had a vague suspicion in his mind.

"What do you think, Loren?"

Harry looked at Loren. Although Harry and Ron didn't know anything about werewolves, they all knew that Loren would go to Snape's office every Friday. "Have you noticed anything wrong with Snape?"

Loren knew that Snape should go upstairs to check the situation of the Sorcerer's Stone and guard against Quirrell. However, Loren didn't plan to tell anyone. After what happened to the troll, he didn't want to get involved in the plot. No one knew what the consequences of his butterfly would be.

He is still a first-year wizard, so he is just trying to develop.

"Why not ask Snape yourself tonight?"

Loren didn't even raise his head, "Have you forgotten that Dumbledore asked us to be detained at Professor Snape's place?"

"Merlin, this is going to keep me in a panic all afternoon." Ron felt like the sugar in his mouth was no longer sweet. "I really hope Madam Pomfrey will leave me in the infirmary to get through the night." .”

Ron was the most seriously injured, and when he was discharged from the hospital, Madam Pomfrey asked him to go back for a check-up over the weekend.

The thoughts in Harry's mind were also shattered by the news, "I feel like I won't live long!"

Harry wailed, "If Snape fills me with poison and asks you to prepare the antidote, you must notify Professor McGonagall immediately."

"I will miss you forever, Harry." Ron looked at Harry lovingly.

Hermione looked at the two people playing tricks and rolled her eyes in disgust, "This is a school. Even for Dumbledore's sake, I can't give you poison!"

Loren put down the parchment in his hand and planned to change the topic, "What are your plans for this afternoon?"

Ron answered first: "I'm going to see Madam Pomfrey for a review." This was what was agreed upon before leaving the hospital.

Harry hesitated for a moment, "I plan to go see Hagrid. He heard that I was injured and has been worried about me."

"I'm going to check my homework for this week." Hermione wasn't too worried about confinement. There were no points deducted and no expulsion. This was nothing more than a punishment.

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