Unlike Wang Ping's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Lu Anzhi heard "A Thousand Years Later" on TV.

After all, Wang Ping's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have to take care of their grandson who still has to do homework and can't turn on the TV. Lu Anzhi doesn't have this worry.

Now there are only two channels for broadcasting Zhou Bo's new songs, one is TV and the other is the album. As for the Internet, for the sake of album sales, the new songs in Zhou Bo's album will be delayed.

Lu Anzhi discovered that this is a common practice in this world.

Although in this world, the state's supervision of Internet copyright is much stricter than in previous generations, everyone seems to have not realized the power of the Internet era and still plays with traditional media.

As for the Internet, it is just an auxiliary.

This is true in the novel publishing world, and it is also true in the music world.

Naturally, what is played on TV will not be the tape and CD version, but the DVD version containing the MV.

The MV shot by Zhou Bo is quite thoughtful. Accompanied by the song "Because a Thousand Years Later", Zhou Bo looks heartbroken in the TV screen. Standing in the desolate doomsday scene produced in post-production, he feels a little disconnected. .

But in this day and age, it's already considered good. Animation special effects also require the development of the times.

"Don't wait until a thousand years later, everyone has forgotten me. In the red dusk of the desert, who can solve the loneliness that has been entangled for thousands of years..."

Zhou Bo on TV changed from the desolate background of the apocalypse to the gray modern city, and he was still so heartbroken. As a first-line character who can both watch and sing, this guy's acting skills are indeed good.

While Lu Anzhi was enjoying Zhou Bo's performance, he received a call from Zhang Suxin.

"Anything happen tomorrow?"

He picked up the phone and heard Zhang Suxin asking on the phone, so he smiled and said, "What can I do?"

Zhang Suxin said: "Then come to my house. Xiaoqin will also come over tomorrow, saying it's to celebrate the success of your new song and your successful whitewash."

Lu Anzhi said: "Zhou Bo is the one who is in trouble, what does it have to do with me? There is also a whitewash... I am not a black man in the first place, why should I be whitewashed?"

Zhang Suxin said: "Someone on the Xiaoqin Talker website compiled a ranking of all the songs in Zhou Bo's new album. Your two songs were ranked first and second.

"Then some thoughtful people noticed your reputation as the King of Ring Tones, and said that you were just playing the ring tones songs you sang."

Lu Anzhi smiled and said: "I'm afraid some people will say that I just mocked the audience and retaliated against the audience, right?"

Zhang Suxin also laughed: "That's for sure. The post we saw before was so popular... But don't take those people's words seriously. There are many famous people, and some people can always find reasons to troll people randomly.

"These people can't find any other direction. They can only use this point to say that there is something wrong with your character. This only shows how powerful you are."

Lu Anzhi said: "Don't worry, when did you see me taking the words of irrelevant people to heart?"

"That's true."

Zhang Suxin on the other end of the phone was sincerely impressed. I thought that only the person who wrote "The Little Prince" could have such a calm attitude.

She thought for a moment that Lu Anzhi would be humiliated if he didn't enter the entertainment industry with such a mentality. At the same time, she thought that it would be really insulting for someone who could write "The Little Prince" to enter the entertainment industry.

Then she felt inexplicably proud for a moment, touching Xianxian's little head and wondering what kind of father Xianxian had!

"Okay, no more nonsense. When you come here tomorrow, buy some meat and mince it directly at the butcher shop. Xiaoqin and I have agreed to have a dumpling meal at home to celebrate you tomorrow. I have already discussed it with Aunt Gu I told her not to come over tomorrow."

Zhang Suxin said.

Lu Anzhi said: "What is there to celebrate?"

Zhang Suxin said: "Do you want to eat those dumplings?"

Lu Anzhi said: "I think. Your skills are so good, the dumplings you make must be delicious."

He has had several meals at Zhang Suxin's house, sometimes cooked by Aunt Gu, sometimes cooked by Zhang Suxin. Zhang Suxin's food is even more delicious than Aunt Gu's.

Zhang Suxin said: "Let's see if you can tell tomorrow which dumplings were made by me and which dumplings were made by Xiaoqin."

Lu Anzhi: "..."

Xianxian: "There are also Xianxian bags!"

Lu Anzhi: "..."

Zhang Suxin: "..."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Anzhi turned on the computer and went shopping, and sure enough he saw two hot posts hanging high.

One is an old face from the past, and the number of posts saying that he is taking revenge and mocking his audience has remained high. Now with the release of Zhou Bo's new album, the popularity has even increased a lot.

Lu Anzhi clicked on the post and browsed it casually. He didn't know where the building was built in the post. The latest floor was divided into two distinct groups. One group said that Lu Anzhi was awesome, and the other group said that Lu Anzhi was not a human being. It was so noisy. Quite lively.

But the focus of the popularity of the new song is still on the singer. Although this post related to Lu Anzhi is popular, it is only on a small scale.

Another voting post, that’s what’s popular.

Lu Anzhi clicked on the ranking post and saw that among the ten songs in Zhou Bo's new album, the first place "Flower Sea" has more than 11,000 votes, and the second place "A Thousand Years Later" also has more than 9,000 votes. .

The third place "Millennium" is the title track of Zhou Bo's new album, and the songwriter is also an old acquaintance - Wen Zhangping.

The number of votes for this thousand-year song is only over 6,000. From second to third place, it can be described as a cliff-like drop.

Judging from this popularity, it is already certain that Zhou Bo will become the new little king.

After briefly looking at Hua Ke, Lu Anzhi turned off the computer. Having become accustomed to short videos and quick reading of information on Weibo in his previous life, he dislikes watching chat guests.

Firstly, there are too many traces of the Laihuake forum, and secondly, the format of Laihuake has caused many people to regard the platform as an essay website, so that many posts are filled with mood essays and very little useful information.

The next day, October 9th, was a weekend. Wang Ping's son Yan Shunan and daughter-in-law Liu Xiuting took their grandson out to play. Wang Ping had nothing to do, so she went to Sanwei Bookstore early, saying that she could be in the store that day.

"Sister Wang, have you listened to the new album?"

Lu Anzhi and Wang Ping chatted for a while.

Wang Ping nodded and said, "I didn't listen to it very much. My ears hurt from listening too much. But I listened to the song "A Thousand Years Later" written by the person with the same name as you. It's quite nice."

While talking, Wang Ping recalled the conversation with her daughter-in-law Liu Xiuting last night, and her expression suddenly became strange.

After listening to "A Thousand Years Later", Wang Ping remembered that Lu Anzhi had the same name as the person who wrote "A Thousand Years Later" and "Sea of ​​Flowers", so she chatted with Liu Xiuting about it.

Unexpectedly, my daughter-in-law Liu Xiuting was suddenly stunned and said: "Mom... have you ever thought that your boss Lu Anzhi is this Lu Anzhi?"

I’m leaving, and I’ll post another chapter when I’m back. soon.

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