The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 111 People are stupid and have too much money

After Lu Anzhi returned to Sanwei Bookstore, he edited and uploaded both "Baby" and "Kiss My Baby" to the music copyright website.

In fact, with Zhang Suxin's ability, there is no need for Lu Anzhi to teach her singing in person. As long as Lu Anzhi sends the lyrics and music scores created through the software to Zhang Suxin, Zhang Suxin can learn it easily.

Like "Let's Swing the Oars", Zhang Suxin only listened to it once and was able to sing along with Lu Anzhi. And "Baby" and "Kiss My Baby" are not too difficult. With Zhang Suxin's level, it is very easy to learn.

However, both Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin tacitly understood each other and did not mention this matter.

Sometimes for some things, the important thing is not the result, but the process.

After uploading the new song, Lu Anzhi glanced at Qiuqiu, and saw a brand new message from the editor: Is Mr. B here?

Lu Anzhi replied: Here you are, what's wrong?

Unexpectedly, Kuku sent a question mark and said: Why are Mr. B so polite today? It’s not like your style!

Lu Anzhi asked doubtfully: How is it not like my style? What should my style be?

Kugui replied: Is something wrong? Play! so!

Lu Anzhi:......

But thinking about it carefully, I am indeed a lot gentler today. Probably influenced by Xianxian and Zhang Suxin.

Women will affect the speed of drawing the sword. The ancients are honest and don't deceive me!

——Although I never thought about drawing a sword or anything.

Lu Anzhi typed: Okay, what's the matter with the little pants? Come on quickly. If there's nothing else, I'm going to bed.


Kuku: Mr. B, even if you want to call me father-in-law, please type it correctly, okay? It’s a little Kuzi, not a pair of pants!

Lu Anzhi: Okay, little Kuzi.


Xiao Kuzi finally gave up talking nonsense with Lu Anzhi and started talking about business: Mr. B, this is what I told you about "The Little Prince" last time. We had a meeting here, made a preliminary decision, and decided to go it safe. It was published domestically first, and then distributed abroad. This way, with the support of domestic data, foreign prices are easier to negotiate. What do you think?

Lu Anzhi thought for a while and typed a reply: That's it. I don’t have much reputation abroad, so it’s better to be on the safe side. And you are more professional than me in this regard. You have already thought of this, so there is no reason for me to object randomly.

Kuku: Okay, then I will report to the editor-in-chief tomorrow.

Lu Anzhi asked again: In this case, when will "The Little Prince" be released in China?

Kuku’s reply: Get ready, it should be October. Now the popularity of "Dragon Trilogy 3" is almost over, and it's time to release the next book. Fortunately, I had the foresight to tell the editor-in-chief in advance and send "The Little Prince" and those short fairy tales to the Publishing House for review in advance. When it comes to children, the review of fairy tales is much stricter and takes longer. If it is submitted for trial now, it will definitely be late in October.

Lu Anzhidao: That’s all thanks to you, thank you.

Kuku: Master B, there is something really wrong with you today. You are too gentle, which makes me uncomfortable.

Lu Anzhi sent an ellipsis and typed: Why do you have a masochistic tendency? Can you still not survive if I be gentle?

Kuku also sent an ellipsis, probably because he thought this topic was too embarrassing, so he skipped it and continued to talk about business: Mr. B, our initial plan is to collect other short fairy tales into a short story collection and publish it together with "The Little Prince" . Both books are yours, and they are of the same type. They will most likely have side effects. What do you think?

Lu Anzhi: You are professionals, so just do what you want.

Kuku: Well, that’s it, there’s another thing that you have to decide on.

Lu Anzhi: What's going on?

Kuku: Master B, are you in love?

Lu Anzhi:?

Kuku: You are too gentle today.

Lu Anzhi: If you keep doing this, I'm going to put you in play.


Kuku: Forget it, let’s get down to business. It's about Mr. B's copyright to the game "Dragon". In the past two days, a local game company in Haidu has been calling here, asking for your contact information and wanting to purchase the copyright. The price quoted is quite high.

Lu Anzhi asked: How much?

Kuku: 10 million.

Lu Anzhi was slightly surprised: Damn, are you so rich? !

Kuku: The man found the publishing house. Later, it was the same as before, because Mr. B, your copyright is in your own hands, so the company left him to me to handle. I just had a casual chat with him first.

Kuku: Then when the person started to quote five million, I casually said, Mr. B, you have made more than ten million from the share of "Dragon Trilogy" alone, and then the person raised the offer to ten million...

"Tsk tsk..."

Lu Anzhi smacked his lips and typed on the keyboard to send a message to Kuku: This is a typical example of people who are stupid and have too much money!

Kuku: It’s not bad. They are very nice and the price is very good. You can’t say that about them.

Lu Anzhi: That makes sense.

Kuku: Mr. B, do you think this price is acceptable? Or I can give him your contact information and you can talk about it yourself?

Lu Anzhi thought for a while, then typed on the keyboard and said: No need, didn't you have a good conversation? You can have a good talk with me. When the time comes, you can draw up a contract and show it to me. If there is no problem, I can just sign it. I trust you.

Kuku: Good! no problem! Guaranteed to complete the task!

This line of writing is full of energy, giving people a feeling of being pumped.

So Lu Anzhi typed out a line of text: Work hard, and I will give you a big red envelope when the time comes!

Kuku: Then I’ll try my best to squeeze out as much money as possible!

Lu Anzhi: You should be careful, don’t squeeze all the money from others to buy the copyright, leaving them with no money to make games and run away.

Kuku: I don’t feel like that brother is short of money.

Lu Anzhi:......

After ending the conversation with Ku Ku, Lu Anzhi closed the chat box and looked at the "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" document on the computer screen, but did not open it in the end.

Thinking that Guangguang's father, Li Huiming, was still working on an intelligent input method, Lu Anzhi didn't want to move.

The new and unreleased input method gave him an excuse to be lazy, making him just want to wait and wait.

But thinking about it, there is really no rush anyway. "The Little Prince", "Fairy Tale Short Stories" and "First Intimate Contact" have not been released yet. Why is he in a hurry to write a new novel?

Since you have so much time, why not spend some time free?

Lu Anzhi thought so, so he turned off the computer, turned on the TV and went to be lazy.

But the TV was on, but his attention was not on the show. He took his mobile phone and chatted with Zhang Suxin about Qiuqiu.

Now that I have a new mobile phone and can chat about Qiuqiu on the mobile phone, Zhang Suxin sends messages more frequently.

Lu Anzhi sat slumped on the sofa and looked at his phone. He saw a new Qiuqiu message from Zhang Suxin: Xiaoqin is here again.

Lu Anzhi felt a little strange, Qiu Qiuli asked: Why is she coming here so late at night?

Zhang Suxin: She said she was a little upset and came to talk to me.

Lu Anzhi asked: What did she do?

Zhang Suxin: Her family asked her to meet the person from the last blind date again.

Lu Anzhi:......

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